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OPi 4 LTS - no HDMI output


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I'm having issues with my Orange Pi 4 LTS.

I cannot get any HDMI output at the moment. Neither with the Debian flashed on the eMMC, or with Armbian running of the SD card.


In both cases I can SSH into the Orange and run commands normally.


The HDMI worked just a day before, but in the meantime I was flashing different systems and it stopped working.

I tried different monitors and cables.


Any ideas what can I do?

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Have the same problem on Orange Pi 4 LTS. Last working version was Armbian_22.08.1_Orangepi4-lts_jammy_current_5.15.63. After system update monitor was black but system was still up and connectable trough SSH. Installing Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi4-lts_jammy_current_5.15.93 shows the same result.

Any suggestion will appreciated.

I can reinstall Armbian_22.08.1 for analysis.

Thanks in advance.


Please forget what I've said about Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi4-lts. Meanwhile I've got 23.02.2_Orangepi4-lts running flawlessly. My last testing environment had a broken HDMI-cable. Thus it has no urgency anymore for me.

Sorry & thanks.

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I resume this thread to see if anyone is still interested in this issue: I can provide a minimal testing image to see if some patches may reduce or eliminate the HDMI problem.

Please answer here if there is still interest in this topic

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Wow perfect timing. I just got an Orange Pi 4 LTS today and experienced the same HDMI issues reported by OP when trying to use the Armbian_23.5.1_Orangepi4-lts_bookworm_current_6.1.30_xfce_desktop image.


Your experimental image works perfectly.

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01.08.2023 в 15:31, jock сказал:

I prepared an experimental minimal build for Orange Pi 4 LTS with some extra patches that may fix the HDMI issues:




Please describe briefly the problem that you managed to solve in order to make HDMI work


P.S. @jock Or just let me take a look at the changes in the git repository.

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1 hour ago, going said:

Please describe briefly the problem that you managed to solve in order to make HDMI work

Eh, I had to apply the famous libreelec patches (most of them are work from @Kwiboo, btw) that change and fix the various HDMI timings and the subsystem in general.

I cut out those patches which seems to be non applicable to the case, but still there are plenty of them (I actually count 48 of them) that, in a way or another, touch the rockchip HDMI subsystem; some of them are difficult to remove because there depend from each other, but I will try to refine to get a small group of patches.


Those changes seem to solve problems both with rk3399 and with rk3318/rk3328 and also provide new features, but I don't want to encounter the wall of the last time I did the refactor of the rockchip64 patches into series.


BTW this is the commit on my private branch were the work is in progress (based upon 6.3, but I will rebase upon 6.4 soon)


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28 минут назад, jock сказал:

BTW this is the commit on my private branch were the work is in progress (based upon 6.3, but I will rebase upon 6.4 soon)

Thanks, I saw it.


30 минут назад, jock сказал:

I cut out those patches which seems to be non applicable to the case, but still there are plenty of them (I actually count 48 of them) that, in a way or another, touch the rockchip HDMI subsystem; some of them are difficult to remove because there depend from each other, but I will try to refine to get a small group of patches.


Those changes seem to solve problems both with rk3399 and with rk3318/rk3328 and also provide new features, but I don't want to encounter the wall of the last time I did the refactor of the rockchip64 patches into series.

48 fixes or 148 is a small difference.
The main thing in switching to the series is the ease of maintenance, there are a large number of small patches (several thousand) of the code.

I think people are used to something different. They are used to experiencing the torment of processing several dozen patches, and we say

that there will be 1000 patches and it will be easier to maintain, they just don't believe it.

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Hello; for anyone is still having issues with HDMI output, I have arranged a minimal set of patches that could go into mainline armbian.

The .deb packages for an experimental 6.6.25 kernel and dtbs are here. Just install them with dpkg -i

I can't test if they are effective by myself because I have no setup where HDMI fails, nonetheless they seem not to harm my current setup.


If you can afford to try that experimental kernel, please report your experience, thanks!


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Hello; for anyone is still having issues with HDMI output, I have arranged a minimal set of patches that could go into mainline armbian.

Thanks!! The patch works perfectly! I have the similar but not exactly issue (no options above 1080p) on RockPro64 here: 

After applying the patch, immediately the system picks 2K automatically after robot.

By the way, am I supposed to do so since I just realized the patch is made for OPi 4 LTS.

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I have the same issue using a  Orange Pi 4 (no LTS) : since I have done the update the HDMI doesn't work, but I can reach my OPI 4 using the SSH.


Is it a way to fix the issue / activate the HDMI port by any command ? I believe the patch shared is only for the LTS version.


Before I updated I had the version : Armbian 23.8.1 Bookworm with Linux 6.1.50-current-rockchip64

After    I updated I had the version : Armbian 24.5.1 Bookworm with Linux 6.6.32-current-rockchip64

And the armbianmonitor -u result https://paste.armbian.com/werugeguso





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Hello, the patch is shared for all rockchip 64 bit devices, since the problem was shared with several rk3399 boards.


You should first start with the output of these commands to see if the system gets the monitor EDID parameters:

sudo i2cdetect -l

sudo get-edid | parse-edid

 then perhaps see if you have success in changing HDMI cable, or try with a different monitor.



The patch was merge here and changed some timings. When timings are changed, some configurations gets benefits but some others may regress.

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Thank you for your quick feedback.


I got :


sudo i2cdetect -l
i2c-0   i2c             rk3x-i2c                                I2C adapter
i2c-1   i2c             rk3x-i2c                                I2C adapter
i2c-3   i2c             rk3x-i2c                                I2C adapter
i2c-4   i2c             rk3x-i2c                                I2C adapter
i2c-7   i2c             rk3x-i2c                                I2C adapter


sudo get-edid | parse-edid
This is read-edid version 3.0.2. Prepare for some fun.
Attempting to use i2c interface
No EDID on bus 0
No EDID on bus 1
Looks like no busses have an EDID. Sorry!
I'm sorry nothing was successful. Maybe try some other arguments
if you played with them, or send an email to Matthew Kern <pyrophobicman@gmail.com>.
Partial Read... Try again

I have changed the cable, but it is the same. I will check on the patch if I can deploy it.


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@jock Thank you very much for the patch file (deb) and it works very well.


However, when I try to build images with the patches you provided on linux 6.6, it seems not work. I am sure the patches which is "general-hdmi-clock-fixes.patch" is applied, but seems still no output on TVs or monitors other than 1080P. Do you have any idea or could you please share how you compile to get those debs?

Many thanks again!

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@wilsonh hello! There are no particular compilation steps, once you put the patch in the right place (patch/kernel/archive/rockchip64-6.6), the armbian build system should automatically apply it.

Anyway, the patch is already in the main branch of armbian for quite a lot of time; perhaps the patch does not solve the issue with your monitor - for example, I have been unable to run my AOC 3440x1440 monitor on any SBC I have here around, Opi4 included 😕 

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@jock Thank you for your quick reply! Yes I do see the patch script has been applied by the build script. Maybe my TV just has no luck :(. 


Just one more question, The interesting thing is that my TV works with the patch debs you provided before --> https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/hdmi/. My TV immediately picks up 2K resolution once I have done dpkg -i.  Are they compiled using the same patch scripts you provided which is in the main branch now? I would like to know how they are built and would like to merge it into my compilation.


Thank you again for your time and have a good day!

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@jock I tried again and confirm that this patch --> https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/e2ba90368f1af995ba89b151c0913082b9ba0ab9 which comes from your repo works well. However the one you provided later which merged into the armbian main 6.6, 6.8 and 6.10 --> https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6547/files seems no luck.

Edited by wilsonh
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@wilsonh hmmm, that commit I think it was an attempt to bring the libreelec patches into rockchip64 family. Those attempts generated a lot of discussions, where many were happy and some concerned. Concerns won the battle, and the branch was never merge into mainline, despite it was tested a lot by libreelec folks and gave an all-around improvement in the video/display front.


The patch in the main armbian branch instead is a knitwork I did around the libreelec patches to figure out what could fix the HDMI issues on rockchip64 in the latest kernels without including the whole libreelec patchset. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I have no issues with any monitor/TV I have here around, so I could not test directly the outcome of the knitwork. I got some positive feedback from the community, so the smaller patch went in main armbian, but some useful things that fixed issues may have been left out in the process.


Anyway I read that, with kernel 6.12, a number of patches that are in the kernel mailing lists (that also are in the libreelec patchset) will be finally mainlined. Hopefully, that would be a step forware the right direction (or wreck everything...)

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