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help please! I hosed this box some months ago, tried the multitool image but nothing

strangely the first time I tried that latest debian image from the 1st post I got a H96 Max+ splash screen and I got a bit excited but nothing afterwards and even when I burnt the SD card again I got nothing :(

anyone know where pins 7 and 8 on the BGA chip are? Or is there any point trying to do the UART serial thing?





6 hours ago, mkultra said:

help please! I hosed this box some months ago, tried the multitool image but nothing

strangely the first time I tried that latest debian image from the 1st post I got a H96 Max+ splash screen and I got a bit excited but nothing afterwards and even when I burnt the SD card again I got nothing :(

anyone know where pins 7 and 8 on the BGA chip are? Or is there any point trying to do the UART serial thing?







making a bit of progress lol

It goes into 'mask mode' without shorting anything.....just toothpick and diy bodged male to male USB cable in the USB2 port

Bus 005 Device 008: ID 2207:320c Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Company RK3328 in Mask ROM mode
BUT when I try and flash I get an error that I can't solve at the mo :(

sudo ./flash_tool.sh -c rk3328 -p system -i image/image.zip
The device does not support this operation!

17 minutes ago, mkultra said:

making a bit of progress lol

It goes into 'mask mode' without shorting anything.....just toothpick and diy bodged male to male USB cable in the USB2 port

Bus 005 Device 008: ID 2207:320c Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Company RK3328 in Mask ROM mode
BUT when I try and flash I get an error that I can't solve at the mo :(

sudo ./flash_tool.sh -c rk3328 -p system -i image/image.zip
The device does not support this operation!

That is not maskrom mode, lsusb is telling you a wrong information.

You are in rockusb mode, which is provided by u-boot and allows limited operation.


To enter maskrom mode from rockusb mode, you need to get rkdeveloptool from rockchip github repository and run rkdeveloptool rd 3



It seems to me that the information you are getting is wrong, as @jockalready said to you. you have two possibilities:

1) if effectively you already are in MASROM it means that you HAVEN'T ANY MINILODER  into your board. Maybe some previous attempt erased miniloader
2) you reporting bad infos and the only method to understand in which mode you are is using rkdeveloptool and not the tool you are using ( flash tool)

Flash tool " speaks " to the board using some PRE-DEFINED partitions contained in a text file called rkparameter... infact the parameter " -p system " would tell to the tool to program ONLY the partition called " system".
That approach is wrong since we use gpt partitioning now so leave alone that tool and compile rkdeveloptool


Руслан Зинеев
Привет , I used google translator to understand your post.
The uart speed is contained into the image : you can put the image on a sd and under folder  /boot you will find a config item.
but can you explain in english please exactly which is your problem ?
 EDIT: try to set your uart directly to 115200

you will lose initial infos but then you can follow ll the boot process





If you go to my post of 5 November you will find all the necessary instructions. You need upload a loader before doing anything


If you are tired or lazy to read the whole 3ad... Well...... that might be a obstacle...... ;-)


ok I just discovered the 'like icon' - I wasn't seeing it on my bright monitor so apologies for the 'late likes' :wacko:

will revisit the interesting rkdeveloptool tomorrow but still getting some errors

$sudo ./rkdeveloptool db MiniLoaderAll.bin
Creating Comm Object failed!

12 minutes ago, fabiobassa said:


you must give the right path
e.g. rkdeveloptool db /home/mickeymouse/miniloaderall.bin acodrlying where you have your miniloader


cheers but no difference, same error

edit: the only slight change I had to do was this cos the program wouldn't compile at first:

Edit the main.cpp line 1491 from
static inline uint32_t convertChipType(const char* chip) {
char buffer[5];
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
static inline uint32_t convertChipType(const char* chip) {
char buffer[558];
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
No more error.




This is weird . Never had problems with rkdeveloptool. 

Of course you unzipped the zip! would you try as root and not as sudo ( it should be the same... but..let's try every option.....)


That error is because it doesn't find the bin path or rkdeveloptool is not executable. 

Did you compile it by yourself ?





it appears that someone has made a method to install libreelec for 3318/3328 on an sd card simply write the img file from libreelec to a usb sd card reader then fire up vmware with ubuntu and mount the usb sd in vmware and have the trust.img on the vm and send the command as root 

dd if=trust.img of=/dev/sdb seek=24576

unmount ant shut down the vm, then edit /extlinux/extlinux.conf to point to rk3318-box.dtb

then put the rk3318-box.dtb wherever you pointed the /extlinux/extlinux.conf file to.

eject the usb sd adapter from windows.

insert the sd card into the box and boot it up, it will resize the sd card to any remaining free space for libreelec

use version 10.0.1 rk3328-arm a1 box and it mostly works except bt/wifi/led/ir, but everything else more or less works normally

9 hours ago, fabiobassa said:

Did you compile it by yourself ?

yes I use arch, or endeavouros to be exact....


@RetroFan90have you got a link to that info? I'm currently running libreelec 10.0.1 on an Orange Pi One+, it only has 1gb of ram but it runs great (except when the TV has been switched off and CEC no longer works when it comes back on :( need to power cycle it)

09.11.2021 в 21:47, fabiobassa сказал:

Руслан Зинеев
Привет , I used google translator to understand your post.
The uart speed is contained into the image : you can put the image on a sd and under folder  /boot you will find a config item.
but can you explain in english please exactly which is your problem ?
 EDIT: try to set your uart directly to 115200

you will lose initial infos but then you can follow ll the boot process


thank you very much for the answer

09.11.2021 в 21:47, fabiobassa сказал:

Руслан Зинеев
Привет , I used google translator to understand your post.
The uart speed is contained into the image : you can put the image on a sd and under folder  /boot you will find a config item.
but can you explain in english please exactly which is your problem ?
 EDIT: try to set your uart directly to 115200

you will lose initial infos but then you can follow ll the boot process


H96 MAX  tv Box RK3318.

 I still can't boot from Armbian.
The download stops at this message. Maybe you know what could be the matter?

bandicam 2021-11-07 19-30-57-890.jpg




New testing minimal and xfce desktop debian images are available on first page!

  • Latest kernel 5.15: plenty of fixes and upgrades for hardware video decoding
  • Initial (and untested) support for boards with sdcard on external controller
  • U-boot v2021.07, should make USB2 boot more reliable

To test hardware video decoding capabilities follow this link to a tutorial with prebuilt mpv binary and instructions on how to use it.

15 minutes ago, jock said:



New testing minimal and xfce desktop debian images are available on first page!

  • Latest kernel 5.15

So, it should have the new Paragon additions for NTFS, right? I usually have an external NTFS drive connected to my box, and I'm currently using the NTFS-3G driver. It's said that the new stuff is supposed to be better. 

Pretty cool, my Arch Linux x86_64 desktop computer still has 5.14.**.


Thank @jock, I try upgrade with .deb from https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/upgrade/


ju@rk3328-MX10-TvBox:~/Deb$ cd @jock-rk3318
ju@rk3328-MX10-TvBox:~/Deb/@jock-rk3318$ wget https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/upgrade/linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb
--2021-11-13 07:26:53--  https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/upgrade/linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb
Résolution de users.armbian.com (users.armbian.com)…
Connexion à users.armbian.com (users.armbian.com)||:443… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 363952 (355K) [application/octet-stream]
Sauvegarde en : « linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb »

linux-dtb-edge-rock 100%[===================>] 355,42K   326KB/s    ds 1,1s

2021-11-13 07:26:54 (326 KB/s) — « linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb » sauvegardé [363952/363952]

ju@rk3328-MX10-TvBox:~/Deb/@jock-rk3318$ wget https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/upgrade/linux-headers-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb
--2021-11-13 07:27:22--  https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/upgrade/linux-headers-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb
Résolution de users.armbian.com (users.armbian.com)…
Connexion à users.armbian.com (users.armbian.com)||:443… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 12018228 (11M) [application/octet-stream]
Sauvegarde en : « linux-headers-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb »

linux-headers-edge- 100%[===================>]  11,46M  2,85MB/s    ds 6,3s

2021-11-13 07:27:29 (1,81 MB/s) — « linux-headers-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb » sauvegardé [12018228/12018228]

ju@rk3328-MX10-TvBox:~/Deb/@jock-rk3318$ wget https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/upgrade/linux-image-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb
--2021-11-13 07:27:39--  https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/upgrade/linux-image-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb
Résolution de users.armbian.com (users.armbian.com)…
Connexion à users.armbian.com (users.armbian.com)||:443… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 50780648 (48M) [application/octet-stream]
Sauvegarde en : « linux-image-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb »

linux-image-edge-ro 100%[===================>]  48,43M  2,78MB/s    ds 19s

2021-11-13 07:27:59 (2,49 MB/s) — « linux-image-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb » sauvegardé [50780648/50780648]

ju@rk3328-MX10-TvBox:~/Deb/@jock-rk3318$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
[sudo] Mot de passe de ju :
(Lecture de la base de données... 139206 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb ...
Dépaquetage de linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64 (21.11.0-trunk) sur (21.11.0-trunk) ...
dpkg: avertissement: impossible de supprimer l'ancien répertoire  « /boot/dtb-5.14.13-rockchip64/rockchip/overlay » : Le dossier n'est pas vide
dpkg: avertissement: impossible de supprimer l'ancien répertoire  « /boot/dtb-5.14.13-rockchip64/rockchip » : Le dossier n'est pas vide
dpkg: avertissement: impossible de supprimer l'ancien répertoire  « /boot/dtb-5.14.13-rockchip64 » : Le dossier n'est pas vide
Sélection du paquet linux-headers-edge-rockchip64 précédemment désélectionné.
Préparation du dépaquetage de linux-headers-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb ...
Dépaquetage de linux-headers-edge-rockchip64 (21.11.0-trunk) ...
Préparation du dépaquetage de linux-image-edge-rockchip64_21.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb ...
ls: impossible d'accéder à '/var/lib/initramfs-tools': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
Dépaquetage de linux-image-edge-rockchip64 (21.11.0-trunk) sur (21.11.0-trunk) ...
Paramétrage de linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64 (21.11.0-trunk) ...
dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de linux-headers-edge-rockchip64 :
 linux-headers-edge-rockchip64 dépend de bison ; cependant :
  Le paquet bison n'est pas installé.
 linux-headers-edge-rockchip64 dépend de flex ; cependant :
  Le paquet flex n'est pas installé.

dpkg: erreur de traitement du paquet linux-headers-edge-rockchip64 (--install) :
 problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
Paramétrage de linux-image-edge-rockchip64 (21.11.0-trunk) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.15.2-rockchip64
update-initramfs: Converting to u-boot format
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :



My French is not the best but for me it seems like the folders named "/boot/dtb-5.14.13-rockchip64/rockchip", "/boot/dtb-5.14.13-rockchip64/rockchip/overlay" and "/var/lib/initramfs-tools" are missing and the packages "bison" and "flex" needs to be installed.




As @curse noticed, probably you need the bison and flex packages to install headers. But you don't really need headers in case you don't want to compile kernel modules by yourself.

12 hours ago, jock said:



New testing minimal and xfce desktop debian images are available on first page!

  • Latest kernel 5.15: plenty of fixes and upgrades for hardware video decoding
  • Initial (and untested) support for boards with sdcard on external controller
  • U-boot v2021.07, should make USB2 boot more reliable

To test hardware video decoding capabilities follow this link to a tutorial with prebuilt mpv binary and instructions on how to use it.

Great Work, also with 5.14 it is working like a charm. I will try this version to see the video decoding performance.

If i would like to build an OpenWrt image, do you think is possible to adapt your script?
RK33xx are supported by OW for developing board..

40 minutes ago, nerdherd96 said:

If i would like to build an OpenWrt image, do you think is possible to adapt your script?

Build an openwrt machine around rk3318 boxes is surely possible, but I don't know which script are you referring to.

Surely openwrt has much different kernel configuration due to being network-oriented and not general purpose like armbian, but probably will require some minor adaptation to other layers too.


40 minutes ago, jock said:

Build an openwrt machine around rk3318 boxes is surely possible, but I don't know which script are you referring to.

Surely openwrt has much different kernel configuration due to being network-oriented and not general purpose like armbian, but probably will require some minor adaptation to other layers too.


I referred to the armbian build script that you customized for rk3318 in your fork.
I have used my box as a mini router, just editing some parameter in sysctl.conf for preventing strange result in overhead and interrupts. It's good to use it for home proposal.
The only problem is integrated 100M ethernet that is slow. An usb 3.0 gigabit ethernet adapter, is a solution, but i noted that it is not fully working in the 5.14 kernel.

8 minutes ago, nerdherd96 said:

I have used my box as a mini router, just editing some parameter in sysctl.conf for preventing strange result in overhead and interrupts. It's good to use it for home proposal.
The only problem is integrated 100M ethernet that is slow. An usb 3.0 gigabit ethernet adapter, is a solution, but i noted that it is not fully working in the 5.14 kernel.

I've been messing with openwrt on a BT router, as in UK sourced......I wish I hadn't bothered, the internet went down from about 98mb to 65mb......probs cos the useless POS kept losing the connection and the ISP did something :wacko:

Now I'm back with the Orange SA router (vive la France :thumbup:) and I wish I'd never bothered lol

although I think something like this https://www.dfrobot.com/product-2242.html is an interesting solution for a router

On 11/4/2021 at 10:01 PM, jock said:

Maybe with another USB stick or drive it may work. Also consider to use all the USB ports of the board, since they are not all the same. u-boot is picky.


About the backup, indeed you can burn the multitool backup with rkdeveloptool. You just need to decompress it first.

I've tried your way by decompressing the backup.gz file first then the extracted file is very big (the size is 16GB equal to the original eMMC size) and it takes much time to fully restoring.

So is there a way to reduce the size of extracted image to save the restoring time?


For example, the original size of eMMC is 16GB then the extracted image is also 16GB but the actual data size is only around 2-3GB. My idea is how to keep the data size only in the image and remove the blank data of the backup image. That might help to reduce the backup image even after decompressing.

26 minutes ago, chinhhut said:

I've tried your way by decompressing the backup.gz file first then the extracted file is very big (the size is 16GB equal to the original eMMC size) and it takes much time to fully restoring.

So is there a way to reduce the size of extracted image to save the restoring time?


For example, the original size of eMMC is 16GB then the extracted image is also 16GB but the actual data size is only around 2-3GB. My idea is how to keep the data size only in the image and remove the blank data of the backup image. That might help to reduce the backup image even after decompressing.

I noticed the same when I was trying to restore my backup. It got stuck at around 20-25 percent and I thought it might work better if I uncompress it first.

Oups, I have a 64GB eMMC, and the SD card I had at the time was only 16 or 32 GB. 

The backup is a raw disk image of the eMMC, and it will always be the same size as the eMMC until it's compressed, and "removing the blank data" is part of the compression process. 

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