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mac adress change everyboot orange 5

J. C.

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hello , im a 0 in linux ,

i have orange 5 with mvme ,

i folowed how to for boot directly to mvme ,
the how to made me delete the spi flash.

all was good, o5 boot on mvme succesfully
but at each reboot , my hardware have new mac adress.

any one can show me what to do step by step ?

i used :
Joshua-Riek/ubuntu-orange-pi5: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for the Orange Pi5  ( desktop & serveur )

ubuntu serveur 23.04 ( 64 )


it's the same on all ,
boot one time i have mac adress , reboot = new mac adress
i cant fix ip localy ,
so i think when i deleted spi flash , may be deleted config to get fixed mac adress ?

any help / link ?  , thank's

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

yep ,i tryed mac changer and other way
but nothing fix.

i assigned all other hardware with a ip with my box
and set dhcp with only 1 adress.. only way to get always same ip ...
but at each reboot , mac adress change (but no probleme to let it work ... )

Edited by J. C.
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On 4/23/2023 at 5:56 PM, J. C. said:

any help / link ?  , thank's

Here is what worked for me - this is from the armbian init scripts not sure why they did not work in the first place


UUID=8bc44dd6-7880-36fd-93e8-09b4dccd0b2d #take this from nmcli
nmcli connection down $UUID
nmcli connection modify $UUID ethernet.cloned-mac-address "44:ee:bc:6c:76:ba" #put here your preferred MAC address
nmcli connection modify $UUID -ethernet.mac-address ""
nmcli connection up $UUID

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8 hours ago, chinhhut said:

Thank you for sharing the solution. I just followed your guide and it worked after first reboot. 

By the way, later on, after several other reboot, the mac is reset again.

Do you have any other suggestion to fi

My solution has been stable - wondering if you possibly have some other network settings that might interfere. You could just put this script into one of the network init scripts to apply it on every boot.

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10 hours ago, OttawaHacker said:

My solution has been stable - wondering if you possibly have some other network settings that might interfere. You could just put this script into one of the network init scripts to apply it on every boot.

I used the latest build of Orange pi 5b.  The strange point is our ethernet inteface is "end1" while normally it should be "eth0".


By the way, I tried other solution by editting the file /etc/network/interfaces and it seems to work well up to now.


allow-hotplug eth0
no-auto-down eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
    hwaddress 12:34:56:78:90:ab


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I think this is due to the bootloader. Try to revert the below commit in u-boot.



This u-boot patch was accompanied by a kernel patch where boards set the mac address based on a serial number. This kernel patch is not in the legacy rockchp kernel, so try to revert the above commit in u-boot.

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