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Hi, i am actually a bit confused.

I thought that a NanoPi Neo V1.0! which is set to 1200Mhz Clockspeed, enabled USB and enabled GPU should burn a additonal 1A (fast) Fuse while doing a 100% Stresstest.

It doesn't. Just get more speed and heat...   ;)


I added an additional Wlan Stick for more powerconsumption... but this doesn't help either.

In my opinion and the always stated "on 912Mhz" max 2 Watts...  it should kill the 1A on 1200Mhz no?


5V 2W = 1A ... 

I do a small cluster here and i want to save the GND Rail for shortage to save the other nodes if one Node is melted down and cause shortage.


I thought a 1A Fuse has to burn up... but reality is kicking my a** actually.


Would be great to get a hint... whats going wrong here.

Thank you!




Well, you can set with h3consumption whatever you want, in case you're running any CPU intensive tasks throttling might jump in on this board so without running 'sudo armbianmonitor -m' in another shell it's unknown at which clockspeed/temperature any test is running.


400mA @ 5V = 2W and nobody ever said NEO default settings would result in 2W maximum consumption. This is just the maximum consumption value while booting without peripherals (IoT node mode) or let's better say the timespan between booting and the start of cpufreq-utils daemon (then the value set with h3consumption takes over but as said before it depends on heatsink and load which clockspeeds are actually used as maximum).


1A @ 5V = 5W -- for some numbers look through this thread please: https://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1748-sbc-consumptionperformance-comparisons/


Thank you, my mistake in math...  :o


And to be clear... yes... 400mA while booting... you are right...


But I need a Value to buy a Fuse, at the shop they want to know what value in X Amps...


I just don't want to burn 15 Boards with one which maybe will fire up...


In this case the fuse should cut the powerline to reduce the damage by shorting GND.


So the Value I need is slightly up the value a NanoPI NEO is able to drain maximum... 400mA-2A right?
but i have no idea of real maximum a NanoPI NEO with armbian defaullt settings... is able to drain in regular usage...


To be efficient i need to be as close as possible on the upper corner of max regular consumption.

There are tons of messages... but most times it says minimum consumption and lowering and booting...


I need answer to something like realword consumption with default settings...

maybe i should go to the next TV Shop/Repair... maybe they can measure consumption...


but i thought somebody already measured powerconsumption on NanoPi NEO... ;)



I don't want to use Polyfuses because they are slow in comparsion to extra flux fuses... i need cutting power as fast as possible... 







There are tons of messages... but most times it says minimum consumption and lowering and booting...


So you think when people like me waste their time measuring stuff and documenting it here and there they should also have every possible use case in mind to spoon feed in advance anyone coming along later? ;)


Really, search through the above thread (yes, it will take some time since it took me days I spent on collecting all this data to generate some information from) and do the math. There are numbers for H3 boards, I always differentiated between idle and peak consumption so if the workload you're thinking of is comparable to pretty stupid sysbench you can calculate power requirements. Otherwise you'll have to measure yourself (again, spend the necessary amount of time if you're interested in this stuff -- in the aforementioned thread I outlined how I did these measurements, blue text is a link).


BTW: NEO PCB rev 1.0 is a pretty bad choice for a cluster since wastes energy unnecessarily and gets hotter than necessary so with 'default' settings and if you save heatsinks your cluster will run at low clockspeeds anyway.


Hi tkaiser,

thank you.

Yes, V1 is a "bad"choice, but FriendlyARM didn't tell me that they will have powerissues when i ordered it. ;)
Bad thing to be one of the first ordering i think. ;)

And they didn't telll me that they will invent Heatsinks in future. ;)

Its not so much power overdooze that i am frightend about it.
Less than my workstation does burn actually with this nonsense to discuss my own questions... ;)
Timeconsuming nonsense.

Ahm, no i am not interessted at all in powerconsumption Things... just tried to make the powercircuit a bit more save and personallly

i think this is a good attempt to make it saver, not to burn 15 boards while one issue.

I thought that people here which are able to lower consumption, has seen some values in history and will remember in future... slightly remembering ;):D

I am not a lazy guy... 39 years old and something helping in my part of things with Karmapoints and 471 of helping messages by myself.

I think this is social community. But electric things aren't my favorite... i am not experienced with that and i don't want to be experienced with that.


Don't get me wrong, i don't need you to tell me that i should search by myself.
You are right, maybe i can find an answer. But i think its not an FAQ Question and i know you in my case especially for conspumption things on NanoPI ...

so you are the person on this planet which have the most experience with that... especially on NanoPi but you don't answer. I don't get usable values.
Ok... your choice. 


Thank you, i know.
I don't need any high clockspeeds but muuuch threads which are not getting the cpu very hot in case of its usage.
Actually tempsensors shows between 28 and 45 Degree Celsius which is ok i think.
Stresstesting with full clockspeed on SOC, RAM and IO was a bit badder at 79-85 Degrees Celsius on maximum fullspeed with bad stresstesting.
But its no case around it and no fans too... i have no real probllems with heat actually but i will enhance with active cooling.

Just need a fuse which is right in Dimension to burn up as fast as possible when consumption reaches the maximum possible.


On CPUs its callled TDP... and on Pi this will be slightly higher because of Ram etc. This is the Vallue... maybe... 

I will measure myself... but if you think its bad to ask questions in a forum you should simply close it... i know some people
which will ask everytime the same... and its bad behaviour... 

I just thought that there is someone out there which is able to answer such a simple question because he owns a NanoPi NEO and a measuring tool

just to invest 5 golden Minutes to help.


Thank you Anyway... i will post some pics when all is up and runnig... 


with best regards,






"As an example: We chose default Armbian settings for NanoPi NEO to ensure this board is not able to exceed 2W consumption when running with no peripherals connected. This resulted in CPU and DRAM clockspeed of just 480/408 MHz while booting (the first ~20 seconds). In normal operation we limit maximum CPU clockspeed to 912 MHz to stay below the 2W consumption barrier even in worst case scenarios."



This looks like an answer... so we are again at 2W = 400mA@5V 

So i can choose 315mA but may be killed or 500mA to be something safe...
and maybe bit more for periphical... so maybe 630mA is a safe Value.

I will order some and just test it.


Ok, i am giving up... something is absolutly wrong here...

Lowered Fuse to 0,125mA fast, set CPU Clock to 1200Mhz, GPU on, USB on, reboot, stresstest...
and it doesn't burn up. I don't get the clue. Maybe i will increase the DRAM Clockspeed and add some periphicals...

Have fun! 


Greetings Chris


Maybe you should look up the protection curve of fuses. You'll see that a fuse needs time to blow when it's subjected to small overloads.


Lowered Fuse to 0,125mA fast, set CPU Clock to 1200Mhz, GPU on, USB on, reboot, stresstest...

and it doesn't burn up. I don't get the clue. Maybe i will increase the DRAM Clockspeed and add some periphicals...


Have you already measured the current with an amperemeter? 


This should give you some hints on the fuse to use.

4 hours ago, Ali Nazim said:

Hi, Can the NanoPi NEO Air be powered from an external 5V PSU via the GPIO connectors? For example, supply power via pin 4 (VDD_5) & pin 6 (GND) instead of via the USB port. Looking at the schematic seems to imply that it should be possible but I just want some confirmation. Regards, Matt


According to pinout diagram on FA site, it is correct to power it via pin 2 or 4 which are labeled "5V in/out". MINE is powered via the pin next UART0 (next AP6212), which I think is even better (designed to connect the TTL/rs232+power module), allthough there is probably a typo in FA description main page which qualify the pin as "out" )

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