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Odroid HC4 bookworm omv7 docker - networking issue prevents container access?!

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Running ODroid HC4 on Armbian bookworm with Openmediavault 7 with docker compose plugin.

I've done 2 clean installs to ensure the problem is reproducable and not something I meddled with.

I spent time on Docker's forums running sample containers I was asked to try, they viewed my settings logs for docker and were at a loss.



The containers go up fine and are running.  They just cannot be accessed even from the host machine e.g. curl http://localhost:8080 fails when running a sample container docker hub forums supplied me with as a 'surefire' test.


    image: nginx:latest
    network_mode: bridge
      - 8080:80


Is anyone else having this issue and how do I get it working?




Posted (edited)

Ok here it is -- it also generated an error running the script.


root@omv:~# armbianmonitor -u
Collecting info and sending to paste.armbian.com, wait...
/usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 976: iostat: command not found



Edited by fscii

I have the same issue on an Odroid M1. Also installed twice to make sure it wasn't the installation. I can access the container if I attach it to the host instead of the bridge, but since I'm going to be running multiple containers with the same internal ports, that is not a solution.


Output of armbianmonitor -u:

Collecting info and sending to paste.armbian.com, wait...

/usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 976: iostat: command not found



12 hours ago, mrNobody said:

I can access the container if I attach it to the host instead of the bridge, but since I'm going to be running multiple containers with the same internal ports, that is not a solution.


What about this? Should already be fixed if you make image from sources.



It seems Dziekon's solution in that topic did the trick for me as well, although I would've rather used the clean way in the link you posted, but I couldn't find the template file mentioned:


Add IPMasquerade=yes to the eth0.network file. Thanks to a recent pull request, this is trivial to add to /etc/systemd/network/template/dosync-eth0.network.tail.


1 hour ago, mrNobody said:

I would've rather used the clean way


I don't know if hat is a cleaner way. This is just a suggestion / idea based on a quick search. Didn't test it while @dziekon did.

As I understand it, but didn't really study it deep, that DHCPing on all devices is a trouble. But there could be more (border) problems.

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