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H2: Sunvell R69 Android TV Box (AliExpress)


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see http://www.cnx-software.com/2017/04/28/24-sunvell-r69-android-4-4-tv-box-is-powered-by-allwinner-h2-processor/


This device boots from uSD with Ubuntu desktop – legacy kernel 5.30 for OrangePi One and RetrOrangePi-3.0.1.Orangepione.img. It didn't boot after initial setting and reboot command/automatic reboot (I don't know why yet, but it should boot and resize fs). It looks it somehow breaks filesystem on uSD card (and I don't have different uSD card to test it).


Ethernet works out of box.


Some guy in Facebook group RetrOrangePi confirmed RetrOrangePi for OrangePi One works.

Edited by vlna
post update
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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

9 hours ago, Schmurtz said:

but wifi won't work

Wifi on this device is done by XR819, module name is xradio, like on Orangepi Zero. Changing link to right board config might help /boot/script.bin -> bin/orangepione.bin to bin/orangepizero.bin

Performance of this chip is bad, so don't expect too much.

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On 7.8.2017 at 12:57 PM, vlna said:

see http://www.cnx-software.com/2017/04/28/24-sunvell-r69-android-4-4-tv-box-is-powered-by-allwinner-h2-processor/


This device boots from uSD with Ubuntu desktop – legacy kernel 5.30 for OrangePi One and RetrOrangePi-3.0.1.Orangepione.img. It didn't boot after initial setting and reboot command/automatic reboot (I don't know why yet, but it should boot and resize fs). It looks it somehow breaks filesystem on uSD card (and I don't have different uSD card to test it).



I did get my R69 today (my birthday) - but did buy it myself :)
I also got a reboot problem with a old 8GB Samsung Class 4 uSD. It doesnt boot after filesystem-resizing (and after reconnect power),

but with a 16GB Sandisk Ultra Class 10 it does boot after resizing and power reconnecting :)

login as: root
root@'s password:
 ____                       _ _   ____   __   ___
/ ___| _   _ _ ____   _____| | | |  _ \ / /_ / _ \
\___ \| | | | '_ \ \ / / _ \ | | | |_) | '_ \ (_) |
 ___) | |_| | | | \ V /  __/ | | |  _ <| (_) \__, |
|____/ \__,_|_| |_|\_/ \___|_|_| |_| \_\\___/  /_/

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.31 stable Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 3.4.113-sun8i
System load:   0.23 0.26 0.12   Up time:       3 min
Memory usage:  4 % of 1000MB    IP:  
CPU temp:      69°C
Usage of /:    9% of 15G

[ General system configuration: armbian-config ]
Last login: Thu Oct 19 12:41:47 2017 from


for the ASCII-Logo I changed the file /etc/update-motd.d/more 10-header

first apt update & upgrade is finsihed :)

used for my display (1280x1024)  h3disp -m33 




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As said in the other topic about R69, using Beelink X2 images (Ubuntu or Debian) is fine too. Installation on emmc using armbian-config script went fine, but after that sd card reader isn't recognized after boot. For now I use it as a headless pi-hole server. Run for 3 days, 54 °C reported. But before that I had two freeze (unable to access via SSH ) after running one or two days.



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3 hours ago, t.munzer said:

As said in the other topic about R69, using Beelink X2 images (Ubuntu or Debian) is fine too. Installation on emmc using armbian-config script went fine, but after that sd card reader isn't recognized after boot.

So you can boot armbian from uSD and got no eMMC or boot from emmC and got no uSD....strange or onla a internal switch?


Is any image better/stable on the R69?: Beelink X2 <==> OrangePi One 

Booth are normally for a H3 CPU


Reboot Problems seems to be on booth (on Beelink Image I do get a kernel crash on the HDMI-Console before reboot(kill init) - that could be the problem why its not rebooting and we had to power-cycle....

I like the low memory useage of the Beelink-server image :)

root@sunvellr69:~# top
top - 19:01:37 up  5:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.08, 0.06
Tasks:  82 total,   1 running,  81 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.6 us,  0.1 sy,  0.0 ni, 99.2 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem :  1024936 total,   844536 free,    42744 used,   137656 buff/cache
KiB Swap:   131068 total,   131068 free,        0 used.   958075 avail Mem


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36 minutes ago, guidol said:

So you can boot armbian from uSD and got no eMMC or boot from emmC and got no uSD....strange or onla a internal switch?


I read somewhere that Beelink X2 (with armbian)  has the same issue.


Everytime I see the memory used by this little beast, I feel a little younger... not young (my first PC had an Intel 1Mbyte memory extension board selled around 1500€) but younger.


Running pihole the card spend all the time at 0.240 GHz, I think I will try the Google Voice Assistant SDK to keep it a little more busy.



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4 hours ago, t.munzer said:

using Beelink X2 images


Can you please provide output from 'armbianmonitor -u'?


Beelink X2 image is wrong since feeding the SoC all the time with 1.3V but the DRAM settings (624 MHz vs. 408 MHz for an OPi Zero image) might be better. As already said somewhere else it would be great if someone could extract the sys_config.fex stuff from the Android running on this thing then we could add an optimized fex file to Armbian's repo which could then also be used as the base for mainline kernel DT.

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1 hour ago, guidol said:

on Beelink Image I do get a kernel crash on the HDMI-Console before reboot(kill init) - that could be the problem why its not rebooting and we had to power-cycle....

IIRC this could be Wi-Fi driver being loaded. As usual: 'armbianmonitor -u' output please.

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21 minutes ago, tkaiser said:


Can you please provide output from 'armbianmonitor -u'?


with Beelink Image

root@sunvellr69:~# armbianmonitor -u
/var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to http://sprunge.us/VeDV


with OrangePi One Image
root@orangepione:~# armbianmonitor -u
/var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to http://sprunge.us/FIQF
Please post the URL in the Armbian forum where you've been asked for.

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1 hour ago, guidol said:

So you can boot armbian from uSD and got no eMMC or boot from emmC and got no uSD....strange or onla a internal switch?


I read somewhere that Beelink X2 (with armbian)  has the same issue.


Everytime I see the memory used by this little beast, I feel a little younger... not young (my first PC had an Intel 1Mbyte memory extension board selled around 1500€) but younger.


Running pihole the card spend all the time at 0.240 GHz, I think I will try the Google Voice Assistant SDK to keep it a little more busy.





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AFAIK @SKayser made some success with this box. There is one long thread in a OPI facebook group.



Turns out Armbian Desktop for OPI PC+ starts and boots off the bat with no modification. DVFS doesn't work (as expected), hence the CPU is stuck at 1008 Mhz (or less?), but that's easily fixable. U-Boot also complains about not being able to set the core voltage. HDMI works, CVBS probably too.

Setting the CPU frequency to 1296 results in immediate crashes. So I think it is fair to assume that I was wrong about the 1200 mV power rail being used, but probably the 1500 mV power rail, which then in turn is pulled down to 1300ish mV. 1200 Mhz should be fine (edit: actually a tiny notch more should work, too, but that's fine tuning), so we indeed are OPi one / lite level here. Also worth noting: The DRAM seems to perform stable at the OPi Plus' 624 Mhz. This would be a welcome thing and another indicator that the parts used for this board are not that crappy.




Good news: Beelink X2 Armbian just works. No customization needed (except, well.... WiFi). And yes, Mac Tack, it runs the desktop.

Could have thought of that earlier, but whatever. It's probably the best way for people to use the box. There basically is no tweaking required (or even possible) if you just wanna run Armbian on this. eMMC is recognized and works, both USB ports work (and no "phantom" ports present), HDMI works. System survives a short 4 core burn without any core shutdowns.

There is a weird quirk with the sd card failing to reinitialize on soft-reboot. But well.... I guess that's something one can work around.

The big minus is the lack of WiFi support, and frankly, I'm not that confident I'll get it working. I'll have to analyse the original firmware. Maybe there I'll find some clues. 

Other than that the R69 does anything you'd expect the X2 to do - or not do.

I'm fairly confident pretty much any image compiled for the X2, including openELEC and ROPi, will work ootb with the exception of wifi.



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2 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

I would go with the Beelink X2 image (since eMMC support) and trying out this fex: https://pastebin.com/ghjyAPju (naively assuming it's as close to H2+ reference design as OPi Zero is). Cooler_table, Wi-Fi, THS and DVFS settings are from OPi Zero, rest from Beelink X2. Feedback welcomed.

I would try that - but was had read in the net a fex needs to be "compiled" with fex2bin? and where to put the bin (and file name) - because Iam a fext/bin-noob :(

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3 hours ago, Igor said:

Beelink X2 Armbian just works


Yeah, but with wrong DVFS settings (PMIC = 0) so hotter than necessary and also consuming a little bit more than necessary.


3 hours ago, guidol said:

I would try that


It's as simple as grabbing https://pastebin.com/raw/ghjyAPju with wget and then running fex2bin with the file as input and /boot/script.bin as output. Followed by a reboot.


3 hours ago, t.munzer said:


Thank you. It seems you still have the full Android install on eMMC! Can you please try to extract sys_config.fex? Once we have this it's just a matter of a little bit more copy&paste to get Wi-Fi working if it currently works in Android. Please follow wens' instructions how to get such a fex file from Android: https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-boards/commit/4a432501c910fddf759dd1171b15b0327b0d787a


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11 hours ago, tkaiser said:

It's as simple as grabbing https://pastebin.com/raw/ghjyAPju with wget and then running fex2bin with the file as input and /boot/script.bin as output. Followed by a reboot.



Thank you. It seems you still have the full Android install on eMMC! Can you please try to extract sys_config.fex? Once we have this it's just a matter of a little bit more copy&paste to get Wi-Fi working if it currently works in Android. Please follow wens' instructions how to get such a fex file from Android: https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-boards/commit/4a432501c910fddf759dd1171b15b0327b0d787a


for the fex/bin I did:

cd /boot/bin
(getting the sunvell_r69.fex via ftp here)
fex2bin ./sunvell_r69.fex ./sunvell_r69.bin
cd ..
(remove symbolic link to beelink = script.bin -> bin/beelinkx2.bin)
rm script.bin
(setting new symbolic link to sunvell_r69 = script.bin -> bin/sunvell_r69.bin)
ln -s bin/sunvell_r69.bin script.bin

but for the sys_config.fex I seem to miss the serial port for u-boot.
I could in Android in a root-terminal get the config_sys from Point 1:

cat /proc/cmdline


but with Point 2 (starting to u-boot) u-boot doesnt come up at the HDMI-screen :(

(did try to open the case without breaking it, but its very good closed and its my new birthday present)
To which mmc will fatdown write the bin (before bin2fex'ed) with?:
fatdown mmc 2:2 0x43000000 fex.bin <config_size>


The attached sunvell_r69.bin is only the fex2bin'ed version for /boot/bin :(


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12 minutes ago, guidol said:

cat /proc/cmdline

Ok, then it should be possible to extract the relevant data from a running Linux accessing the the eMMC. But I'm too stupid to do the necessary calculations for an appropriate dd call and still too much of an u-boot/bootloader noob to be of any help at this stage. Once we have the blob able to be converted with bin2fex I could jump in again.

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25 minutes ago, t.munzer said:

with new fex file, R69 temperature seems constantly a little more hot (59°C) than with original Beelink X2 fex

Honestly I don't care since wasting time on supporting TV boxes is stupid anyway (from a developer's point of view). Please check schematics of your TV box with which voltage H2+ is fed here by default and then get back to us. Otherwise provide original sys_config.fex used by manufacturer with Android.


To understand 'the problem' you need to dive into DVFS basics, then realize that we have 3 types of H2+/H3 devices: no voltage regulation, primitive voltage regulation (only 1.1V and 1.3V) and sophisticated voltage regulation (I2C accessible SY8106A chip able to adjust voltage in 20mV steps).


Beelink X2 has no voltage regulation and we believe H3 is fed with 1.3V (since the device seems to run stable at 1200 MHz). This thingie here obviously implements primitive voltage regulation and when you use the Beelink X2 fex it will remain at the default voltage set by resistors (or whatever -- I'm no hardware guy). The voltage shown by RPi-Monitor is irrelevant since this is just parsing fex or DT and doing some math. If you write in the fex file 15000V RPi-Monitor will display this regardless of the real voltage used.


If this TV box is set to 1.1V it will most probably become instable or even crash when you run demanding workloads when you allow the SoC to clock up to 1.2 GHz (very easy to test when switching back the X2 fex with some demanding benchmark). If the default voltage is set higher then the board should run stable at higher clockspeeds. It's a trial&error game since TV boxes aren't dev boards (no schematics available -- that's why extracting the sys_config.fex stuff is that important)

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Well, as you take time to cook some fex file you supposed more adapted to the R69, I try to use it and report (as I can see it) how well it performs. As I nand-install armbian I cannot (am I wrong?) extract original R69 fex file. Thank you for your explanations. 


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On 10/21/2017 at 1:34 PM, tkaiser said:

Otherwise provide original sys_config.fex used by manufacturer with Android.



Today I did try my very best... Opened the R69 (without breaking anything), solder the TTL-Pins, connecting USB-TTL -

BUT when I power on with the u-boot button pressed I didnt get any output to disable the u-boot boot-sequence
(normally counting 3.2.1 on other boards and you have to press a key)


So I can - today - only deliver the boot-log from android on the R69 and two find commands for *.bin and *.fex as android-root on the filesystem:



HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
boot0 version : 4.2.0
boot0 commit : 64fc50e9f4afbb5b708cec3260ecc9a35cf935af

fel_flag = 0x00000000
rtc[0] value = 0x00000000
rtc[1] value = 0x00000000
rtc[2] value = 0x00000000
rtc[3] value = 0x00000000
rtc[4] value = 0x00000000
rtc[5] value = 0x00000000
rtc[6] value = 0x00000000
rtc[7] value = 0x00000000
the chip id is 0x00000042
the chip id is 0x00000042
the chip id is 0x00000042
the chip id is 0x00000042
the chip id is 0x00000042
READ DQS LCDL = 00232323
DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3,6:LPDDR2,7:LPDDR3)
DRAM CLK = 576 MHz
DRAM zq value: 003b3bfb
DRAM dram para1: 10f40400
DRAM dram para2: 00000001
DRAM workmode1: 000009f4
odt delay
dram size =1024
card boot number = 2
card no is 2
sdcard 2 line count 8
[mmc]: mmc driver ver 2015-12-03 21:16:15
[mmc]: ***Try SD card 2***
[mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 8 err 00000100
[mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 8 err 00000100
[mmc]: mmc 2 send if cond failed
[mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 55 err 00000100
[mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 55 err 00000100
[mmc]: mmc 2 send app cmd failed
[mmc]: ***Try MMC card 2***
[mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
[mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
[mmc]: 8bit ddr!!!
[mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
[mmc]: MMC ver 4.0
[mmc]: SD/MMC Card: 8bit, capacity: 7456MB
[mmc]: vendor: Man 00150100 Snr 01c4d38d
[mmc]: product: 8GME4
[mmc]: revision: 5.2
[mmc]: ***SD/MMC 2 init OK!!!***
sdcard 2 init ok
The size of uboot is 000f0000.
read uboot from emmc 32800 sector ok
set_mmc_para,sdly 50M 0
set_mmc_para,sdly 25M 0
Succeed in loading uboot from sdmmc flash.
Ready to disable icache.
Jump to secend Boot.
[      0.287]MODE

U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-g64fc50e-dirty (Mar 30 2017 - 17:09:52) Allwinner Technology

[      0.296]version: 1.1.0
[      0.299]uboot commit : 64fc50e9f4afbb5b708cec3260ecc9a35cf935af

not using multi config
normal mode
[      0.311]pmbus:   ready
not set main pmu id
axp_probe error
gpio value=0x0
cpux freq run low
[      0.351]PMU: pll1 1008 Mhz,PLL6=600 Mhz
AXI=336 Mhz,AHB=200 Mhz, APB1=100 Mhz
sid read already
fel key new mode
run key detect
no key found
no key input
dram_para_set start
dram_para_set end
[      0.380]DRAM:  1 GiB
relocation Offset is: 35ae4000
[box standby] read rtc = 0x0
[box_start_os] mag be start_type no use
user_gpio config
user_gpio ok
gic: normal or no secure os mode
workmode = 0
MMC:     2
[      0.462][mmc]: mmc driver ver 2016-03-24 19:30:15
[      0.467][mmc]: get sdc_phy_wipe fail.
[      0.471][mmc]: get sdc0 sdc_erase fail.
[      0.475][mmc]: get sdc_2xmode ok, val = 1
[      0.479][mmc]: get sdc_ddrmode ok, val = 1
[      0.483][mmc]: get sdc_f_max fail,use default  50000000Hz
[      0.489][mmc]: get card_line ok, card_line = 8
[      0.493][mmc]: get sdc_ex_dly_used fail,use default
[      0.498][mmc]: SUNXI SD/MMC: 2
[      0.503][mmc]: mmc_config_clock: clk 400000
[      0.518][mmc]: *Try SD card 2*
[      0.523][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 8 err 100
[      0.529][mmc]: mmc send if cond failed
[      0.534][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 55 err 100
[      0.540][mmc]: send app cmd failed
[      0.543][mmc]: *Try MMC card 2*
[      0.591][mmc]: mmc_config_clock: clk 25000000
[      0.605][mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
[      0.612][mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
[      0.619][mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
[      0.624][mmc]: ddr8
[      0.628][mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
[      0.635][mmc]: mmc_config_clock: clk 25000000
[      0.645][mmc]: mmc_config_clock: clk 50000000
[      0.653][mmc]: CID 0x15010038 0x474d4534 0x5201c4d3 0x8d964493
[      0.658][mmc]: MMC v5.1
[      0.661][mmc]: mmc clk 50000000
[      0.664][mmc]: SD/MMC Card: 8bit, capacity: 7456MB
[      0.669][mmc]: boot0 capacity: 4000KB,boot1 capacity: 4000KB
[      0.675][mmc]: ***SD/MMC 2 init OK!!!***
[      0.681][mmc]: erase_grp_size:0x400WrBlk * 0x200 = 0x80000 Byte
[      0.687][mmc]: secure_feature 0x55
[      0.690][mmc]: secure_removal_type  0x39
[      0.695]sunxi flash init ok
script config pll_de to 864 Mhz
Not Found clk pll_video1 in script
script config pll_video to 297 Mhz
script config pll_periph0 to 600 Mhz
[DISP_TV] disp_init_tv enter g_tv_used
screen 0 do not support TV TYPE!
[BOOOT_DISP_TV] disp tv device_registered
unable to find regulator vcc-hdmi-18 from [pmu1_regu] or [pmu2_regu]
enable power vcc-hdmi-18, ret=-1
DRV_DISP_Init end
read byte = 10
read byte = 10
[get_display_resolution] = 404
read byte = 10
[get_display_resolution] = 20b
auto hpd check has 100 times!
auto check no any connected, the output_type is 2
attched ok, mgr1<-->device1, type=2, mode=11----
ready to set mode
[      2.113]finally, output_type=0x2, output_mode=0xb, screen_id=0x1, disp_para=0x20b0000
read item0 copy0
Item0 (Map) magic is bad
the secure storage item0 copy0 is bad
read item0 copy1
Item0 (Map) magic is bad
the secure storage item0 copy0 == copy1, the data is good
Item0 (Map) magic is bad
the secure storage map is empty
no item name key_burned_flag in the map
sunxi secure storage has no flag
[      2.150]usb burn from boot
delay time 0
[      2.243]usb prepare ok
[      3.045]timer occur
[      3.047]overtime
[      3.082]do_burn_from_boot usb : no usb exist
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
--------fastboot partitions--------
-total partitions:14-
-name-        -start-       -size-
bootloader  : 1000000       1000000
env         : 2000000       1000000
boot        : 3000000       1000000
system      : 4000000       40000000
misc        : 44000000      1000000
recovery    : 45000000      2000000
sysrecovery : 47000000      40000000
private     : 87000000      1000000
Reserve0    : 88000000      1000000
klog        : 89000000      1000000
Reserve1    : 8a000000      2000000
Reserve2    : 8c000000      1000000
cache       : 8d000000      28000000
UDISK       : b5000000      0
base bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal
bootcmd set setargs_mmc
key 0
cant find rcvy value
cant find fstbt value
misc partition found
to be run cmd=run setargs_mmc boot_normal
[sunxi_efuse_read] securemode=0
read key start
key name = wifi_mac_efuse
key index = 0x18
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

have not burned wifi_mac to efuse
no item name mac in the map
sunxi storage read fail
no item name wifi_mac in the map
sunxi storage read fail
no item name bt_mac in the map
sunxi storage read fail
no item name specialstr in the map
sunxi storage read fail
no item name serialno in the map
sunxi storage read fail
check user data form private
the user data'magic is bad
adver not need show
f_read btr over hd12896
read byte = 3686456
[      3.314]screen_id =1, screen_width =720, screen_height =576
[      3.319]frame buffer address 46400036
[      3.323]Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
read boot or recovery all
[      3.495]sunxi flash read :offset 3000000, 13554214 bytes OK
[      3.503]ready to boot
board_display_setenv:  disp_para=20b0000 init_disp=20b0404 tv_vdid=63180000
[      3.512][mmc]: mmc exit start
[      3.517][mmc]: mmc_config_clock: clk 50000000
[      3.525][mmc]: mmc_config_clock: clk 400000
[      3.540][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 8 err 100
[      3.546][mmc]: mmc send if cond failed
[      3.551][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 55 err 100
[      3.557][mmc]: send app cmd failed
[      3.571][mmc]: get sdc_phy_wipe fail.
[      3.575][mmc]: get sdc0 sdc_erase fail.
[      3.579][mmc]: get sdc_2xmode ok, val = 1
[      3.583][mmc]: get sdc_ddrmode ok, val = 1
[      3.587][mmc]: get sdc_f_max fail,use default  50000000Hz
[      3.593][mmc]: get card_line ok, card_line = 8
[      3.597][mmc]: get sdc_ex_dly_used fail,use default
[      3.602][mmc]: mmc 2 exit ok
[      3.605]
Starting kernel ...

[sun8i_fixup]: From boot, get meminfo:
        Start:  0x40000000
        Size:   1024MB
ion_carveout reserve: 160m@0 300m@0 130m@1 200m@1
ion_reserve_select: ion chipid  [0x2c00042!
ion_reserve_common: ion reserve: [0x53800000, 0x60000000]!
<[    0.990705] ls_fetch_sysconfig_para: type err  device_used = 0.
[    0.997670] [RTC] WARNING: Rtc time will be wrong!!
[    1.003166] [RTC] WARNING: use *internal OSC* as clock source
[    1.012509] [cpu_freq] ERR:get cpu extremity frequency from sysconfig failed, use max_freq
[    1.034780] sunxi_oops: heming add OOPS_INFO_ADDR = -20
[    1.093513] ths_fetch_sysconfig_para: type err  device_used = 1.
[    1.109234] init: init proc start
[    1.117085] init: /init.sun8i.rc: 291: invalid command 'touch'
[    1.187205] init: open path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
[    1.312449] init: start e2fsck listening...
[    1.351361] init: open path: /dev/bus/usb/002/001
[    1.491216] init: open path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[    1.641154] init: open path: /dev/bus/usb/004/001
[    1.833702] init: open path: /dev/bus/usb/005/001
[    1.981185] init: open path: /dev/bus/usb/006/001
[    2.131168] init: open path: /dev/bus/usb/007/001
[    2.281135] init: open path: /dev/bus/usb/008/001
[    2.727293] init: defined DONT_SHOW_INITLOGO
[    2.732831] init: init_disp=0x20b0404, type=4, id=0
[    2.733476] init: dont need format /dev/block/by-name/private
[    2.744547] init: disp=0,type=4,mode=4
[    2.810959] Failed to get mali parameter!
[    2.860958] init: get_disp_policy: 1 for modify configs.
[    2.866816] init: The device is not low memory 1002
[    2.873876] init: display policy: force to single policy for low memory device
[    2.883268] init: untracked pid 107 exited
[    2.921842] healthd: Could not open /sys/class/power_supply
[    2.928171] healthd: No charger supplies found
[    2.930418] init: cannot find '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh', disabling 'flash_recovery'
[    3.002595] android_usb: already disabled
[    3.007828] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'sys.usb.config', use ${name} instead
[    3.019299] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'sys.usb.config', use ${name} instead
root@dolphin-fvd-p1:/ # [    3.317191] init: C_IN_START
[    3.320285] init: path = /dev/block/by-name/cache
[    3.325584] init: C_IN_START
[    3.328836] init: path = /dev/block/by-name/UDISK
[   14.846831] [XRADIO] Driver Label:L34M.01.08.0002  May  2 2017 17:01:08
[   14.854429] [XRADIO] Allocated hw_priv @ e5a9d0e0
[   14.860678] xradio wlan power on
[   15.032414] [XRADIO] Detect SDIO card 1
[   15.090910] [SBUS] XRadio Device:sdio clk=50000000
[   15.098402] [XRADIO] XRADIO_HW_REV 1.0 detected.
[   15.213073] [XRADIO] Bootloader complete
[   15.321005] [XRADIO] Firmware completed.
[   15.327710] [WSM] Firmware Label:XR_C01.08.52.07 Nov 10 2016 13:22:16
[   15.343169] [XRADIO] Firmware Startup Done.
[   15.730842] [STA] !!!xradio_vif_setup: id=0, type=2, p2p=0
[   15.988529] [STA] !!!xradio_vif_setup: id=2, type=2, p2p=0

root@dolphin-fvd-p1:/ # find / -name *.bin


root@dolphin-fvd-p1:/ # find / -name *.fex


root@dolphin-fvd-p1:/ #





Edited by Tido
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5 minutes ago, t.munzer said:

The only button in R69 is the reset, hidden in the audio output.

This button is named u-boot at the mainboard/pcb.

If I hold this button while powering on I didnt get any output on the TTL-serial-port :( (maybe some special key will do the magic to start u-boot console)


The only was to get output is to reconnect power without holding this button :(

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1 minute ago, guidol said:

This button is named u-boot at the mainboard/pcb.

Often buttons labeled u-boot are there to enter FEL mode. In case the box doesn't have a Micro/Mini USB port most probably one of the type A receptacles is the OTG port so you would need a standards violating A-to-A USB cable to make use of: http://linux-sunxi.org/Beelink_X2#FEL_mode

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