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Posted (edited)

Hello. I am a new user of the armbian. I installed nextcloud from armbian-config. Need docker to have access to the file system. I want to place the nextcloud files in the home directory, which is mounted on another partition. I don't understand how to give docker access to my file system.  I didn't find the necessary setting in armbian-config. I'm stuck on initial setup

Edited by konsD
21 hours ago, konsD said:

I want to place the nextcloud files in the home directory, which is mounted on another partition


By default we mount all containers (data and config) folders under /armbian which has rights of 1st normal user of the OS - most expected use case scenario. If you want more complex deployment, you need to create your own Docker run / compose and mount containers folder elsewhere or try to bind mount what you need - on the OS level. Armbian-config is designed for inexperienced Linux users that would likely use default setup scenario. We purpusefully don't allow too many config options which would be confusing or / and would require additional learning in the process of installation.


If you want to do it more on your own, please check this article https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-nextcloud/ This is the fundation behind armbian-config way.


It may be possible to change the mount parameters of an already installed docker container. Is it possible to add mount options?


Not via armbian-config. This is just a very simply way to do an initial setup. Here is the code that basically happens behind the scenes:


So nothing fancy. just a docker run command.


I personally prefer using docker-compose.yml instead of endless docker commands. Stuff is well-arranged and after adjusting like mounts down, up and ready to go.

As mentioned above for customized installation please refer to the origin of the nextcloud container linuxserver.io. I am pretty sure they have examples for docker compose as well.

3 часа назад, Werner сказал:

Not via armbian-config

I understand that. It can probably be done with /lib/systemd/system/docker.service?

I used to install the nextcloud manually, but it was very tedious.

I don't know docker at all, so I have difficulties with it

Where can I see the error logs?


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Снимок экрана_20250312_224458.png

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