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Today I was going through my cupboard and did find a original pcDuino (v1) with A10-CPU and 1GB of Ram.
In my mind I got the pcDuino v2 download-page of armbian.


As JohnGo did wrote May 2016 on this page is a picture of the pcDuino v1:

So I checked the specifications v1 <--> v2 and found ony that  v2 has only a WiFi-Board soldered where on the v1 is a additionally USB-Port.

Also the v1 is missing the Arduino-Headers, but has some other pin-rows for GPIO and so on.


CPU (single-Core 1Ghz) and Ram (whopping 1GB for 2012) is the same :)

I wrote the pcDuino v2 Image to a uSD and booted it without problems.

(and changed /etc/update-motd.d/10-header a little bit)

            ____        _          __     ___
 _ __   ___|  _ \ _   _(_)_ __   __\ \   / / |
| '_ \ / __| | | | | | | | '_ \ / _ \ \ / /| |
| |_) | (__| |_| | |_| | | | | | (_) \ V / | |
| .__/ \___|____/ \__,_|_|_| |_|\___/ \_/  |_|

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.31 stable Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 4.11.6-sunxi
System load:   1.13 0.30 0.10   Up time:       0 min
Memory usage:  4 % of 996MB     IP:  
CPU temp:      51°C
Usage of /:    33% of 3.5G

Only problem while updating was that the couldnt install/update bluez.

While the v1 hasnt any Bluetooth I only removed bluez via apt and all was fine :)

Now the pcDuino v1 is playing Internetradio fine via mpg123 and a USB-Soundcard.

I was wondering because more powered Sunvell R69 has hickups playing Internetradio via Ethernet/WiFi


I used the 2 green leds from the serial port as heartbeat & mmc0 notification via

echo "heartbeat" > /sys/class/leds/pcduino:green:tx/trigger
echo "mmc0" > /sys/class/leds/pcduino:green:rx/trigger

As attachment a picture of a pcDuino v1 and one of the v2




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