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disgusting theme: emmc (hardkernel) and memory card


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Allthough I know that this was discussed several times

I didn't get a satisfying answer.

I checked both with cfdisk with that result of emmc:

                                         Festplatte: /dev/sdc
                         Größe: 14,7 GiB, 15758000128 Bytes, 30777344 Sektoren
                  Bezeichner: gpt, Identifikator: 2953EEFC-99A8-443F-8AA2-F17BC4D94878

    Gerät                          Anfang            Ende        Sektoren        Größe Typ
>>  Freier Bereich                   2048        30777343        30775296        14,7G                  

                                          Festplatte: /dev/sdc
                         Größe: 14,7 GiB, 15758000128 Bytes, 30777344 Sektoren
                               Bezeichner: dos, Identifikator: 0xc4d40d74

    Gerät               Boot           Anfang          Ende     Sektoren     Größe     Kn Typ
>>  Freier Bereich                       2048      30777343     30775296     14,7G                      

                                          Festplatte: /dev/sdc
                         Größe: 14,7 GiB, 15758000128 Bytes, 30777344 Sektoren
                                            Bezeichnung: sgi

    Gerät                  Anfang         Ende     Sektoren     Größe     Kn Typ                   Attr.
>>  /dev/sdc9                   0         4095         4096        2M      0 SGI volhdr                 
    /dev/sdc11                  0     30777343     30777344     14,7G      6 SGI-Datenträger
    Freier Bereich           4096     30777343     30773248     14,7G

                                          Festplatte: /dev/sdc
                         Größe: 14,7 GiB, 15758000128 Bytes, 30777344 Sektoren
                                            Bezeichnung: sun

    Gerät              Anfang        Ende    Sektoren    Größe    Kn Typ                    Markierungen
>>  /dev/sdc1               0    30674943    30674944    14,6G    83 Linux native                       
    /dev/sdc2        30674944    30777343      102400      50M    82 Linux Swap                       u
    /dev/sdc3               0    30777343    30777344    14,7G     5 Gesamte Festplatte

But which filesystem do I really have? How many partitions? How to mount it?

Writing cannot be done nor copying. Formatting doesn't help. With sfdisk writing only can

happen one time. Just a single time. Then everything disappeared again.

The card was used successfully. Afterwards only microSD can be used until it crashed.

And now it shows the similar result. Where can I go to for further reading?


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

11 minutes ago, gleam said:

But which filesystem do I really have? How many partitions? How to mount it?

this command usually shows you nicely all Block-Devices, including Name and Filesystem type:


Can you post this in a 'code' block like I just did?


Can you also show your /etc/fstab (File System Table) in a code block ?


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fd0              4K            
sda           76,3G            
├─sda1 ext4     14G /          
├─sda2 swap    1,9G [SWAP]     
├─sda3 ext4     14G /home      
├─sda4           1K            
├─sda5 ext4     14G /usr       
└─sda6 ext4   32,6G /var       
sdb            7,5G            
└─sdb1 vfat    7,5G /mnt/sdb1  KINGSTON
sdc           14,7G            
sr0           1024M     



# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=b82459f8-270d-4afb-a3a5-fe86e5a3ca60 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
# /home was on /dev/sda3 during installation
UUID=9110fc1f-e73d-431a-8d9a-e47c614e65c8 /home           ext4    defaults        0       2
# /usr was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=984d833d-d24f-4894-9db7-cd4efdffca6c /usr            ext4    defaults        0       2
# /var was on /dev/sda6 during installation
UUID=6f1ad026-35e1-4cc3-977b-ddd5c8ca27eb /var            ext4    defaults        0       2
# swap was on /dev/sda2 during installation
UUID=d9142fb0-78fa-45eb-8fdc-0eebf447e080 none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/sr0        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0
# /sdb1 was on /dev/sdb1 after installation
#UUID=fF49E-DD1E /mnt/sdb1                  vfat    defaults      0       2




Edited by Tido
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13 minutes ago, Tido said:

I forgot to ask:

  • Which OperatingSystem did you install (Armbian?) ?

Armbian of course :-) What else? >:-]

  • If armbian, did you try a nand-sata-install procedure (armbian-config) ?

No. Just copied the image with dd

armbian-config was perfect, I like it.

  • uname -a (pls copy output here)

oh, here is my odroid

sdb                 7.4G            
└─sdb1      ext2    7.4G /mnt/sdb1  
mmcblk1            59.7G            
└─mmcblk1p1 ext4   58.5G /          
sda                 7.4G            
└─sda1      vfat    7.4G /mnt/sda1  Transcend
root@odroidxu4:~# vim /etc/fstab
UUID=1085463d-f626-4cda-843d-aa505961d67d / ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 1
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0
/var/swap none swap sw 0 0
# /mnt/sda1 was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=D303-6887                            /mnt/sda1     vfat    defaults        0       2
# /mnt/sdb1 was on /dev/sdb1 during installation
UUID=6afd7d22-8f78-4e09-9214-7df7421b7c06 /mnt/sdb1     ext4    defaults        0       2

uname -a
inux odroidxu4 4.9.37-odroidxu4 #18 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jul 26 22:23:31 CEST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux

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4 minutes ago, Tido said:

Does this mean, that your problems now solved ?

No sorry!

I still cannot use the emmc.

No writing, no reading, just using cfdisk ans sfdisk for nothing.

Because I don't know if it's telling me any truth

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16 hours ago, gleam said:

No sorry!

I still cannot use the emmc.

No writing, no reading, just using cfdisk ans sfdisk for nothing.

Because I don't know if it's telling me any truth

trying gpart because of:

"Currently supported (guessable) filesystem or partition types:
  * BeOS filesystem type.
  * BtrFS filesystem type.
  * FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD disklabel sub-partitioning scheme used on Intel
  * Linux second extended filesystem (Ext2).
  * MS-DOS FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 "filesystems".
  * IBM OS/2 High Performance filesystem.
  * Linux LVM and LVM2 physical volumes.
  * Linux swap partitions (versions 0 and 1).
  * The Minix operating system filesystem type.
  * MS Windows NT/2000 filesystem.
  * QNX 4.x filesystem.
  * The Reiser filesystem (version 3.5.X, X > 11).
  * Sun Solaris on Intel platforms uses a sub-partitioning scheme on PC hard
    disks similar to the BSD disklabels.
  * Silicon Graphics journaled filesystem for Linux.
 Gpart is useful in recovery actions and forensics investigations."


Gpart is neither usefull to make a missing partition table nore it can do formatting.

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17 hours ago, gleam said:

Because I don't know if it's telling me any truth


I've really not the slightest idea what you're doing or trying to achieve. Since we know in the meantime that you're talking about Hardkernel eMMC and you obviously try to access this on other hosts: there are hidden boot eMMC partitions on these modules that can only be accessed from the Linux running on your SBC when the eMMC is seated there. We even include now in most recent nand-sata-install script an option to update the u-boot sitting in this hidden areas.

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23 minutes ago, zador.blood.stained said:

Or via a native SD/MMC interface on a laptop (tested with SD->microSD->HK eMMC adapter->eMMC setup)

Ah, that explains a lot (eg. me being totally stupid since the card reader in my laptop is USB3 attached and I even passed it through to Linux VMs running here never thinking about that USB vs SD/MMC could make the difference)

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10 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

Ah, that explains a lot (eg. me being totally stupid since the card reader in my laptop is USB3 attached and I even passed it through to Linux VMs running here never thinking about that USB vs SD/MMC could make the difference)

Yep, if you have something like this (from "lspci" output) then inserted SD/MMC cards will be displayed as /dev/mmcblk* and you'll have access to SD/MMC additional partitions, card info in /sys, etc.

08:03.1 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 22)
08:03.2 System peripheral: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter (rev 12)
08:03.3 System peripheral: Ricoh Co Ltd xD-Picture Card Controller (rev 12)

The main disadvantage of this is that these controllers need drivers, compared to devices that present themselves as a standard USB mass storage class.


Edit: "native" may be not be a correct word in my previous post since this is an internally attached PCI device, the main difference is whether it represents itself as s SD/MMC host controller or a mass storage abstraction, which I'm pretty sure is specific to USB devices.

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to tkaiser:

"there are hidden boot eMMC partitions on these modules"

But where? On the eMMC? Which module and where it can be found? How can it be hided?

Why can neither cfdisk nore fdisk nore gepart find it? And what is a SBC?


to zador.blood.staine

"Or via a native SD/MMC interface on a laptop (tested with SD->microSD->HK eMMC adapter->eMMC setup)"

I used eMMC with armbian by copying the image to it via dd and it worked.

But sometime later it stopped working,

Same it did at my friends Odroid and he too has to use a microSD. (He is using Ubuntu)

I looked for uboot, it isn't installed and only can used in combination with "grub-uboot"

and I never want to use grub, never.

And what can "eMMC setup" do? And where to find it?

I didn't have a look at: /boot/dtb/exynos5422-odroidxu4.  yet

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to zador.blood.staine

root@odroidxu4:~# lspci
pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
lspci: Cannot find any working access method.


to do "lspci" via USB-cardreader doesn't show the emmc or anything similar.

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30 minutes ago, gleam said:

root@odroidxu4:~# lspci


Yeah, makes no sense. The eMMC is only fully accessible through SD/MMC host controllers. That means:

  • full access when accessing it seated in the eMMC slot on your ODROID (single board computer -- SBC)
  • full access when accessing it seated in Hardkernel's SD card adapter when using a real SD card slot like the one your ODROID
  • RESTRICTED access with card readers that are USB attached since these add an abstraction layer preventing access to those hidden partitions and u-boot

Since it makes absolutely no sense to continue here, please try again with Armbian on eMMC and provide output from 'armbianmonitor -u' (I don't know why this isn't always the first that's asked for since everything else is just a waste of time).

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47 minutes ago, gleam said:

 to tkaiser

"single board computer -- SBC"

Thanks. I'm not the one who loves three letter acronyms. Sorry.

"full access when accessing it seated in the eMMC slot on your ODROID"


And how to copy an image to it? For instance Armbian?

At the very beginning of using it it was inserted in an USB-adapter and copying was perfect-

Poor odroid has a switch for choosing beween microsd-card oder emmc.

But not both can be used if I am correct ....

With mount I get:

/dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)

but this is the nice working micro-sd

But what I still do not understand: (reading it from excellent armbian-config)

"Install: Install to (!) SATA, eMMC, NAND or USB"

I not at all understand what that should do

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5 minutes ago, gleam said:


Ok, you're running off a Samsung 64 GB SD card and currently no eMMC is connected to the board. Please shut down the board, attach the eMMC, adjust the switch so it still will boot from SD card, boot again and then

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armbian/build/master/packages/bsp/common/usr/sbin/nand-sata-install
sudo /bin/bash ./nand-sata-install

Choose there 'Install and boot from eMMC', choose ext4 as format, let the eMMC been wiped out automagically and the bootloader been updated, then wait for the installation to be transferred, power down the board, adjust the switch to boot from eMMC now, remove SD card, boot and provide output from 'armbianmonitor -u' again. We'll talk in half an hour again! :) 

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2 minutes ago, tkaiser said:



wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armbian/build/master/packages/bsp/common/usr/sbin/nand-sata-install
sudo /bin/bash ./nand-sata-install

 We'll talk in half an hour again! :) 



me: Still reading, still fascinated!

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1 hour ago, tkaiser said:


Ok, you're running off a Samsung 64 GB SD card and currently no eMMC is connected to the board. Please shut down the board, attach the eMMC, adjust the switch so it still will boot from SD card, boot again and then

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armbian/build/master/packages/bsp/common/usr/sbin/nand-sata-install
sudo /bin/bash ./nand-sata-install

Choose there 'Install and boot from eMMC', choose ext4 as format, let the eMMC been wiped out automagically and the bootloader been updated, then wait for the installation to be transferred, power down the board, adjust the switch to boot from eMMC now, remove SD card, boot and provide output from 'armbianmonitor -u' again. We'll talk in half an hour again! :) 


It did sound very good,

it did work fine,

up to reboot from emmc. Then nothing happened.

Don't buy emmc. Especially not from SAMSUNG.


It's expensive and only works a few weeks.

Now I'll try to repair tiny memorycard, because it has the same crap loaded

Sorry for inconvenience

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13 minutes ago, gleam said:

Don't buy emmc. Especially not from SAMSUNG.


Samsung eMMC sold by Hardkernel doesn't work with Samsung SoCs used by Hardkernel (the primary bootloader can't cope with it). It seems you bought the wrong color...



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23 minutes ago, tkaiser said:


Samsung eMMC sold by Hardkernel doesn't work with Samsung SoCs used by Hardkernel (the primary bootloader can't cope with it). It seems you bought the wrong color...



Thanks for the hint, although I don't find any colour for XU4-

I got the card from POLLIN. Not worth to be mentioned ...

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16 hours ago, tkaiser said:


XU4 can only boot from the red eMMC modules: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=19929#p134291

Very good idea!

So unfortunately you bought the wrong one (black for ODROID C2?)


Well then changing to the screen of odroid:

Mount shows interesting differences!

Cfdisk  /dev/mmcblk is no longer:

cfdisk /dec/mmcblk
cfdisk: cannot open /dec/mmcblk: No such file or directory

But very interesting now.

The hidden and wasted place on the beginning of mmcblk can be seen now

where the partitiontable, especially for gpart should be.


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18 hours ago, tkaiser said:

Just as a reference: a new Hardkernel eMMC module is to be released/shipped next week: https://wiki.odroid.com/accessory/emmc/reference_chart#new_orange_emmc_module


The needed kernel quirk is already in our 4.9 kernel (just checked it) and I would believe the u-boot we're using is also ready....


First of all: Thank you. Thank you for your engagement!

Well then, I think I begin understanding.

From 0-2048 there is the place for HardkernelBIOS, or Odroid-MBR. No, not MBR, because

first is to check  the medium via BIOS, a medium being bootable. Copying an MBR to

0-2048 cannot help because no medium for booting is known, cannot be choosen, there is

nothing being able to choose. Also not by the tiny switch. So 0-2048 never ever should be writeable, only for one time. And the emmc never ever could be repaired? Only when be

placed in the odoid? And it is lost for everything? Forever? With a dirty trick?


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@Igor and @zador.blood.stained


Justin from Hardkernel just got back to me after testing with their new orange eMMC and a freshly created legacy image and one with 4.9 LTS kernel:

"Thank you for the fast updates.
We’ve just checked the strobe parameter in those two updates on Kernel 4.9 and 3.10.
All of them has the proper strobe-delay value now. Really appreciate your help.
But please consider releasing new images since some users can’t update safely because of the instability just in case.
In the first boot process(or any time before update), the Orange eMMC could be corrupted due to the wrong strobe-delay."


I'm pushing out a new OMV release now (the one Hardkernel tested within the last few hours) and obviously it might help users with this new eMMC avoiding first boot hassles when 'next Armbian release' is also out soon (but I've totally lost track when we wanted to do this).


The fixes for the new eMMC appeared in both kernels around Oct 25 (it's just a minor DT tweak in both cases).

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