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I'm using Armbian Jessie(Legacy) on Cubietruck.


My cubietruck's cpu temp. is aruond 77~79. Is it too hot?

If it is, how can I lower the temperature?


One more thing to ask.

How can I see the temperature?

I could see it when I log in to Armbian, but how can I do it manually?

Could this be one of the method?

cat /sys/devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.0/i2c-0/0-0034/temp1_input 

Thank you for reading.


Those readings are a bit high ... they can also be false / quality manner.


What do you do on the board? Is it acting normally? Do you use some enclosure? Is it too hot to touch the CPU?


This is the reading out of the AXP chip which is usually very close to the A20 SoC temps.


Thank you for your reply.


I use the Cubietruck as,

  1. an Mpd Server (using SPDIF)
  2. a File Server (both NFS and Samba)
  3. a Torrent Server (using deluged)

with a Sata HDD(3TB) and Gigabit ethernet cable attached.


It's on 24/7.

It's acting normal. As far as I remember, it never went down(even during the last summer), unless there was a Sata disk issue, but I think it's fine right now.


I'm using a platic case for CubieTruck, and also using a heat sink for A20 chip.

Because I use a heat sink, I could only guess that how hot the CPU is. When the sensor says it's 77~79 degrees, I touched the heat sink, and it was, well, touchable? I mean not that hot. But without a heat sink, I'm sure it's very hot.


Actually, I used a power adapter with 5.2V(I checked it with a voltage tester, it was 5.4~5.5v), 2A. Under this adapter, the temperature of the CPU was up to 79 degrees.

I changed it to 5V(The tester's result was the same. 4.9~5.0V) adapter, the temperature went down around 60~73.


With 5V adapter, and barely in 'nude' mode(no case/enclosure), the temperature was 57~62.

What should I do? Any suggestions are welcome.




i am running mine almost like nemonein software wise but im not using an enclosure just some standoffs and a piece of acrylic which hold an 2.5" hdd, and im getting 48C but my use case i very minimalist - i only use it 2-3 hours on a night when its streaming content via nfs to one rpi running openelec or early in the morning when content is released and deluge does its job.


I wouldn't worry that much about the SoC since its designed to be used in tablets/phones so high temperatures i don't think will be a problem also it has a max operating temp of 120C if i am not mistaken but I would worry more about the harddrive - given that you have a closed enclosure i would suggest getting a cooler 


also get hddtemp or smartmontools and check the temp of you harddrive 


You are worrying right coz without fan on the bottom of the case harddrive temp is getting above 50C. But I sorted it out by attaching fan outside of the case when the cubietruck has been running nonstop.


Thank both of you, vlad and technik007_cz.


Now I'm using the acrylic case, and change the adapter with a lower voltage one.

The temperature is around 60~65. I think that's not that bad.


The hdd.. could be a problem, but I use an external case for it, which has a own power source. Last time I check the temp. of a disk, it was under 50.


The temperature is around 60~65.


You should first check which temperature you're reading out before you start to draw conclusions. Then it's pretty useless to look at temperatures for only a few seconds or just a moment since they might be influenced by this and that. On your Cubietruck two thermal sensors are available, one in the A20 (unreliable/uncalibrated) and the other one in the PMIC (more reliable and probable the one you're reading out).


I would think about installing RPi-Monitor with A20 adjustments: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/155-testers-wanted-sunxi-adjustments-for-rpi-monitor/


At least checking the two different thermal sensors is a good idea (and when the PMU overheats it's useless to put heatsinks on the SoC):

sunxi_tp_temp 1447
cat /sys/devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.0/i2c-0/0-0034/temp1_input
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