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Imagewriter does not work in Win7 does not see drives.


I have a Orange Pi One and using the link on this site I have downloaded Armbian. However although Suse imagewriter starts it does not see any drives to write to on my laptop and not the sdcard either.  I can select Armbian but clicking copy just brings up a error.


I downloaded Rufus but all that will do is format the sdcard.


There is a raw file and a asc file for Armbian how do I create a sdcard to boot my Orange Pi One? using windows 7.


Thank you Zandor.blood.stained it worked as loaded.


However it will not let me log in!


I enter root


then 1234


and it wants me to change the password  but although I enter 1234  then follow the prompts to make a new password it wont let me! it either says it is to short, to similar but when i put a random password it it then complains authentication manipulation error !


Whatever happened to user friendly, I am not that thick have installed numerous windows version, even burnt rescue cd's in Linux from images, had Raspbian working on Raspbian pi and Orange Pi but this a pain.


It should go exactly like this:


1. root

2. 1234

3. 1234

4. your_root_password

5. your_root_password

6. your_username

7. user_password

8. user_password



First many thanks to every body for this nice work.

I am using : Armbian_5.05_Orangepiplus_Debian_jessie_3.4.110_desktop.zip

I too had problems with imagewriter but with XP

It started to work when I tried a 8Gb sdcard instead of the 32 one I was first using.

I will try Rufus PS: It worked 100% with the 32Gb card.

First login was a bit difficult too  because of my French keyboard.

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