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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Go for the legacy kernel. There is no MALI in a modern kernel .. yet.
  2. I would need to download and burn the image to be sure I am telling you correct info, but you can do that on your own as well. Waste of time. Dietpi is a BASH creation on top of Ayufan image. Download Armbian and see what's in and what's missing. If something is missing and only need to be enabled ... no problem. Submit a patch (to this file) and the very next day this feature is enabled in a (beta/nightly) repository.
  3. You need yet another switch LIB_TAG="development" / untested under Docker to switch into the development branch. I am not sure master is updated for Rock64.
  4. Igor

    A suitable board

    I am not sure if it exists, but it would be cool. There are some older boards which are ready that you can plug in LTE mPCI modem - Clearfog and Hummingboard ... none is small. There is also an Orange 4G IOT but with questionable software support. @Stanislav Sinyagin https://txlab.wordpress.com/ is playing with 3G/4G connectivity and had a similar wish some time ago. Perhaps he made some progress?
  5. That is good since I (hopefully) fixed the problem. Now, general userspace problems. We already spotted that network is not up, more packages might be missing, ...
  6. This means boot process is somehow and sometimes broken due to wrong u-boot settings and/or hardware issue ... and fails to network boot and since there is no network drivers nor any configurations it ends like this. We don't support this board and this Armbian build is not ours.
  7. This used to work on older images with old kernel and nobody adjust/fix this for a modern kernel. I think this is the problem.
  8. What about this image: https://dl.armbian.com/orangepipcplus/Debian_stretch_next_desktop.7z BTW. My test setup is an old 19" 1280x1024 monitor with this HDMI 2 VGA converter. It works.
  9. Check this script: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/development/packages/bsp/common/etc/init.d/armhwinfo ... and apply your fix after determining the diff between XU4 and HC1? I am not sure we want this but we can add this as a toggle function to armbian-config O.K.. Tnx. Tomorrow changes - upstream + all images are rebuild by using upgraded deboostrap ... which is a must to build Ubuntu Bionic.
  10. No problem, at least we find the source of troubles. My hostile reaction was due to the fact you were technically not running Armbian at all, claiming it doesn't run and asking for help even we actually dont provide any support for this kind of builds. Wrote on mobile
  11. Aha. This is a problem of a system which is on eMMC. This device is not officially supported yet so you won't find a lot of specifics information yet. I tried eMMC install (with our general install tool called nand-sata-install or from armbian-config) and it is broken, but boot from SPI works ... There are rough edges and that's why we keep this image labeled WIP.
  12. This image is officially still WIP/testing phase. Add parameter EXPERT=yes
  13. https://www.armbian.com/rock64/ Both are tested.
  14. Not possible. You are not listening and reading what is written. Everything you claim, it is not working, works. If you are a noob why are you installing a kernel that is not fully compatible? Where did we put such instructions? If you are using armbian, you should only use kernels we prepare ... of course you can use other (compatible) kernels, but in that case, you have to understand what you are doing. This forum is support for armbian builds, anything else is ignored. We don't support any 3rd party kernels since supporting own creations is already expensive enough. All this is written in the documentation, which is written with a reason that we don't waste time repeating things over and over again. Again. This is your first start: https://docs.armbian.com/
  15. Yes, the same. And only with ethernet. Wireless works but I have troubles with host preparation. On a clean host, deboostrap of any system fails completely: I: Extracting libmount1... I: Extracting libsmartcols1... I: Extracting libuuid1... I: Extracting mount... I: Extracting util-linux... I: Extracting liblzma5... I: Extracting zlib1g... [ error ] ERROR in function create_chroot [ chroot-buildpackages.sh:43 ] [ error ] Create chroot first stage failed [ o.k. ] Process terminated That bothers me atm. Still investigating why is this happening. On my main build machine, it works.
  16. If you are using development branch - we are doing changes on a daily base and caches are dropping. In case you are attached to the main branch, things should be cached. Adjust CLEAN_LEVEL , remove deb from it and kernel will not be rebuilt at next run. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Options/
  17. That image 100% works: http://ix.io/17uH If you have troubles, https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/ Nightly images are not subject of a support. Nobody but developers care if they work or not.
  18. I would certainly prefer if we could bring this into the build script. But there is no rush.
  19. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/c5a87844f8eb5d89f87d3de4d707ecee4bb7c6b2 Try now.
  20. Which one you can't boot? They (legacy/stable) are tested, nightly builds are automated builds for developers and might not always work.
  21. I know but I haven't dug into how this is done now. HDMI works out of the box which means they are probably deprecated. @jernej ?
  22. Build script has a switch from where to install packages, install prebuild or build and install. By default, its prebuild since building takes some time and it is rarely needed to recompile things. At a release stage or for nightly repository I do build them so packages are getting updates. When they are built, they are installed from a local repository. If you manage to merge/add to the existing way of building, most of the problems are solved. Packages are built in chroot https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/development/lib/chroot-buildpackages.sh This part is not very well documented and was done by @zador.blood.stained ... in case I will be unable to provide proper guidance on this.
  23. We host only our packages in a repository with a few exceptions. So far we only did acceleration methods for Allwinner legacy kernel. For example, those are the packages we build for Ubuntu Xenial: Debian Stretch is almost ready/testing & minor fixing and can be used as a default desktop.
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