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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Igor

    New forum UI!!

    If you find one dark that works perfectly well. I can add it and adjust. I'll see how can I force change for all users.
  2. Igor

    New forum UI!!

    Tapatalk plugin still works. Wrote on mobile
  3. Igor

    New forum UI!!

    https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/invision-community-43-r1055 I hope more bugs were fixed than added. Edit: well I already found a new one in the first post Pasted URL has not changed to URL automatically at posting but at editing.
  4. It should work on both ... well, it looks like a bug in config script. There is still a manual way by studying this data: https://www.armbian.com/kernel
  5. https://github.com/MarvellEmbeddedProcessors/linux-marvell/issues or better notify @kostap https://github.com/kostapr
  6. You are already on beta ... run update, reboot and you should see "Switch" "Switch to alternative kernels" there. Edit: I just tested switching and it works fine, logs: http://ix.io/19ob | ____|___ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ | |__ (_)_ __ | _| / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \/ __/ __|/ _ \| '_ \| | '_ \ | |___\__ \ |_) | | | __/\__ \__ \ (_) | |_) | | | | | |_____|___/ .__/|_| \___||___/___/\___/|_.__/|_|_| |_| |_| Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.43.180428 nightly Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.16.5-mvebu64 System load: 0.18 0.30 0.13 Up time: 3 min Memory usage: 6 % of 993MB IP: Usage of /: 8% of 15G [ 0 security updates available, 1 updates total: apt upgrade ] Last check: 2018-05-04 08:36 Last login: Fri May 4 08:36:52 2018 from
  7. Sorry. "Nightly" "Switch to nightly automated builds" is a proper term.
  8. Yes, it doesn't want to install on arm64 ... but my VPN server is running on arm64 (Neo2). Build from sources and it should work. This is latest stable: http://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.25-9656-rtm-2018.01.15-tree/Source_Code/softether-src-v4.25-9656-rtm.tar.gz
  9. Development versions without active DVFS are usually clocked lower so performance wise we are not there yet. Reboot/power off troubles ... noticed. Yes, ack-ed. I am waiting for another big chunk of free time to dive back in and try to fix this. I also hope that someone else will join and try to move it forward. Support is enabled in configuration but it looks like implementation on this board needs few adjustments ... Thanks for trying out.
  10. You have HDMI out on 4.17 but not on 4.14.y?
  11. This feature is not user configurable. If you don't want to deal with u-boot you can't change this.
  12. We do provide 4.16.7 armbian-config -> system 1. Change to the beta repository 2. Switch to alternative kernels, choose DEV Is included in DEV and NEXT. At least those in yesterdays build.
  13. Never tried to change to another UART so I don't know if the task is trivial or not. For sure you need to dive into u-boot source for this.
  14. AFAIK audio is disabled on those boards by default. You need to enable it. With modern kernel, you can use armbian-config -> system -> hardware. Enable, save and reboot.
  15. Absolutely! Use branch development - I am doing lot's of changes those days https://github.com/armbian/config/commits/development and I'll test and adjust if needed.
  16. Just get another PSU/cable combo first. https://forum.armbian.com/forum/31-sd-card-and-power-supply/
  17. Just a small remark - wifi on Duo ( and on Opi Zero) is famous XR819 which is "half dead" by default
  18. I think the only convenience is the commodity. I will add rather geany xarchiver and atril ... there are thoughts to remove Thunderbird and LibreOffice Writer. Not sure if we need to make such extreme cutdowns. I am leaning toward @TonyMac32 propositions to provide an extremely stripped ("IOT ready") desktop with some tiling window manager and leave current as is. More or less. A bit problematic at this point as @zador.blood.stained already exposed. We had a big discussion about this months-year ago and couldn't agree on what to do. No, Xenial stays for a while. Months. Bionic is not really bug-free yet. Not upstream, not with our mods. I'll add Bionic targets here and there ... we need to get some feedback.
  19. Mainly mine commits are "practical" Another problem contributing to the mess is mixing development, maintenance and bug fixing type of work. Sometimes goes like this: developed - fixed - 100% working fix - oh no, it's not working! - another fix That should be sorted out locally first and then pushed up. I know. Perhaps gaining commit consistency first is already good enough and we don't need per family branches? The only reason for using official branches and not private forks is to enforce common activities ... while on the other hand, one certain problem is usually done by one person. And this can be done in a private fork and merged upstream when ready.
  20. Currently is in a bad shape but you can at least build something while on master sunxi-dev is completely broken. IMO it's better to keep things in one branch. The diff, patches, are more tied to the upstream and not the build script itself. My first go is for KISS. Complexity is already high. To have family development parts in dedicated branches or having forks of main build script and merging upstream?
  21. OK. Going safer way can save us unexpected troubles. I am fine with such approach and I will migrate main build host to Bionic ASAP that it is possible to put out Bionic (nightly) builds. If everything is working correctly we move recommendation to Bionic and voila. Other things should be O.K. and perhaps we should just merge the rest, dump development branch for a while and focus fixing bugs on master only. The development branch is reinitiated for next development cycle?
  22. Check if your DTB is having such bits: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/development/patch/kernel/sunxi-dev/board-neoair-enable-otg-port.patch
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