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  1. until

    Should we reschedule for next saturday?
  2. until

    Not seeing a meeting link
  3. Gaah... This is one of those things where a vendor doesn't share much - Jetpack has all the goodies to make the board work, but they're not sharing... This is the problem - and it's a moving target... https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetpack
  4. Not be to a downer - but RISC-V, while interesting, is out of scope, much like X86/AMD64 RISC-V in particular - the ISA is under active development, and we have a wide array of chipset/SoC vendors that perhaps need improvement on their docs... SImilar - I do a lot of work on older MIPS K24c chipset - but I don't bring specific back to the community here, as it's not relevant...
  5. Converting Chrome devices over - each one is a bit different, and each one takes perhaps more skill on the user to get there... Here's the Alpine link... https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_on_the_Aopen_Chromebase_or_Chromebox_Mini_with_Mainline_Kernel
  6. Picked up a couple of these over at the local second hand store... https://www.aopen.com/AU_en/products_info/Chromebox-Mini My guess is that these were digital signage oriented, as they were in a crate with a few Startech USB-DVI adatpers, etc... Anyways - they're end-of-support for ChromeOS... There's a couple of posts over on Alpine to get things running there... It's close enough to TinkerBoard to maybe do some effort, and with Chromeboxes/Chromebooks on the same SoC/BSP...
  7. Grabbed the latest Jammy download for NanoPi Neo 2 - https://redirect.armbian.com/nanopineo2/Jammy_current Have to ask - why servers preinstalled and default configured? I found NFS/rpcbind and OpenVPN preinstalled on the image - this is a security risk that can be easily avoided.
  8. cloud is preferred - that being said, if it is sensitive, or even classified, data, this is the wrong forum to be in. We're not the ones to comment on any approach here - most companies and organizations have strong policy guidance as to how their data is handled.
  9. Seems like nobody has responded... Yes, a Macbook Air M1 is a nice machine and works well with iOS via iCloud.
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