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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Icewm for Sid risc-v https://disk.yandex.ru/i/9JcsIs0qjggEhQ
  2. Can I see a link to this build system ? By the way, I used your settings to add ICEWM support and am now finishing the build and testing, after checking I will upload the images (dir 20220624) and update my GIT branch with IceWM support.
  3. https://aliexpress.ru/wholesale?SearchText=MangoPi MQ-Pro
  4. Yesterday I received a package with several RISC-V . LicheeRV Dock 1Gb RAM https://aliexpress.ru/wholesale?catId=&SearchText=licheerv https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005003741287162.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.10.634c6c1eCMxAUV&pdp_npi=2%40dis!RUB!433%2C22 руб.!433%2C22 руб.!433%2C22 руб.!!!!%40211675cd16561459245752814e4dac!12000027023691112!sh&_ga=2.236496521.966620063.1656144952-1531286276.1577293564 Mango MQ Pro 1GB RAM https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/04/09/mangopi-mq-pro-a-20-risc-v-alternative-to-raspberry-pi-zero-w/ DongshanNeZhaSTU 512Mb RAM https://dongshanpi.aliexpress.ru/store/all-wholesale-products/1101988308.html?spm=a2g2w.detail.1000061.2.764e6552Vt9KGE&_ga=2.261221893.966620063.1656144952-1531286276.1577293564 quick check showed that the Nasha images run well and work on all D1 models. Show the correct RAM size. With DongshanNeZhaSTU, I have not yet been able to get USB to work, so management is only via LAN (ssh).
  5. New ver 20220622 for D1 (Nezha Lichee RV Mango MQ pro etc) and StarFive V1 (u740) add image Debian Sid (server and DE XFCE).
  6. I am not a specialist in XFCE, but try immediately after writing the image to the SD card (before the first launch), immediately add the desired resolution to extlinux.conf, so that all the primary XFCE settings would immediately pass with this resolution.
  7. Judging by the description, you could not confirm the change of permission, of course it was not changed. Try to use the forced setting of the maximum resolution through the settings in extlinux.conf (look for information on the Internet, as they do).
  8. You have not specified the full steps, no one will help without it.
  9. the approach is fundamentally wrong. first, install the system on eMMC and only then, start installing all your additional software and configuring. When installing on eMMC, the rights of other settings that are rigidly tied to container generation and so on may change.
  10. Updated the version of the assembler, there should no longer be an error when building Debian.
  11. This is the build system that is used for altlinux (grep icewm) http://git.altlinux.org/people/balbes150/packages/?p=mkimage-profiles.git;a=summary Altlinux has a MIDORI browser, I haven't checked, but it should work. sorry, I use a translator and I didn't understand exactly what it was about I haven't had time to add the installation of this package to the build system yet (add it to the list of installed packages when the build system is first started). Just install it through for now (to host) apt install debian-ports-archive-keyring
  12. When placing the boot partition /boot (with the initrd kernel and DTB with settings files) on eMMC, it works almost only in read mode, nothing is written to it, all recording activity refers only to NVMe (on which the root partition with all files and directories is located).
  13. It may be in a couple of days (but I don't guarantee it). This is the main DE that I usually use. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/vdK8lvH0kUNcjw Interestingly, I didn't pay attention to it. Can you show the errors that occur if you run the script to automatically expand the partition ?
  14. Added primary support for building Debian images (sid). I also uploaded a test image (20220618) of Armbian Debian Sid for Starfive to the site. There is a bug, the automatic locale setting does not work at the first start, the US locale is enabled by default, to enable others, you need to manually install and configure.
  15. New version 20220617 for all D1 models (Nuzha D1, LiheeRV dock etc). Added support for USB-LAN (tested working with rt8152 module). Important. Now there is no need to write the bootloader to the SD card separately, everything you need is already included in the image, it is enough to download, unpack and burn the image to the SD card, the system is universal and works well on all proven models with D1. Surprisingly, the system works quite smartly for a single-core processor and very modest resources (LicheeRV Dock with 512 MB of RAM) even with XFCE. At a low price for a set of LicheRV + Dock, this is a very promising direction. By the way, versions with 1 GB of RAM for Licher and 2 GB of RAM for Nezha have already been released. https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/12/30/sipeed-lichee-rv-risc-v-module-gets-5-carrier-board-with-hdmi-and-usb-ports-optional-wifi/
  16. In the first message of the topic there is a link to a shared directory with images for all RISC-V. The language depends on what you choose when you first set it up.
  17. Added support for Nezha D1 and Lichee RV (Dock) with Allwinner D1 RISC-V chip. To start the system. Download the image, unpack it, burn it to the SD card. Download the bootloader file and burn it to the SD card (a prerequisite, you need to record the bootloader strictly, after recording the system image). Connect the SD card to the device and turn on the power. Further steps for initial setup are similar for all Armbian systems. For the Nezha D1 model, HDMI, LAN, USB, analog audio via 3.5 jack works. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/fNXBTZx4XrgvHw
  18. Since the Armbian system build images for RPi and x86, it no longer matters, I have already written that "Arm_bian" does not mean ARM devices, but an "automated workplace (arm)" based on Ubuntu\Debian. For everyone. Good news, added initial support for building Armbian image versions for RISC-V models based on Allwinner D1 (Lichee RV, Nezha etc).
  19. I use a separate branch to build RISC-V (it's called risc-v). To be included in the general build system, two conditions are needed, 1. debug the current state and remove temporary hacks. 2. coordinate the addition of a new architecture with the developer community (there are those who do not like when you add something new). To add Debian, we need to solve a number of problems with creating an additional repository, at the moment I am doing a number of works and after that I may be able to add Debian.
  20. There is no UEFI for StarFive yet. The regular\factory u-boot is used in SPI (no u-boot is needed as part of the image).
  21. Many do not know, but the correct interpretation of the designation "Armbian" does not come from ARM, but sounds like this. An automated workplace based on ubuntu\debian. For those who want to take part in the development of this direction, there is some progress (but this does not mean that it will necessarily be included in the official part of the build system) .... https://forum.armbian.com/topic/21465-armbian-image-and-build-support-for-risc-v/?do=findComment&comment=141582
  22. Added alpha version of image build support for RISC-V. So far, this is an early version and some of the functions do not work in it. Currently, support has been added for the StarFive model. https://rvspace.org/ Details can be seen in this topic. https://forum.rvspace.org/t/armbian-for-starfive-build-system-ubuntu-debian/468 Added support for Nezha D1 and Lichee RV (Dock) with Allwinner D1 RISC-V chip. To start the system. Download the image, unpack it, burn it to the SD card. Connect the SD card to the device and turn on the power. Further steps for initial setup are similar for all Armbian systems. For the Nezha D1 model, HDMI, LAN, USB, analog audio via 3.5 jack works. For Lichee RV Dock works HDMI WiFi USB USB-LAN Link to download images. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/da8qJ8wyE1hhcQ https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/12/30/sipeed-lichee-rv-risc-v-module-gets-5-carrier-board-with-hdmi-and-usb-ports-optional-wifi/ forum MangoPI https://forum.mangopi.org/
  23. What exactly is the version of the image and where (eMMC\NVMe etc) do you have installed?
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