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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. This is a separate image, see the information in this topic earlier.
  2. The system is started from SD card and judging by the log , DTB is not suitable.
  3. Tomorrow I will move to the desired branch and create a TAG for the Armbian build environment.
  4. New universal version 5.91_20190711 (5.2 kernel). Works on all s9xxx with sound.
  5. I don't know your equipment, so I can't advise anything.
  6. Updated the installation script in eMMC. Added the function of trying to automatically detect eMMC. I am interested in how this option will work on models where the EMMC name is different from others. Please note that this is a test version, it may have errors. https://yadi.sk/d/EOYdJi30ctmkxQ
  7. The new version of images of 5.91. The script of the images amlg12 already included in the activation script of sound (started manually it is no longer necessary, at first start, the system itself needs to run). Pay attention. Images of Odroid-N2 I combined with the images of aml-g12. Now one common image for all s905x2 s922 N2 will be released.
  8. This u-boot is not suitable for your model (does not work correctly with memory).
  9. Only use external USB WiFi. Regular WiFi will never work on the main core. The details why, there is in this topic early consternation.
  10. To enable sound on G12 (s905x2 S922) you need to download this script. Run it as "root" and reboot the system. I have after these steps on Ugoos AM6, x96max, Odroid N2, Belinc G1 mini starts to work sound through HDMI on 5.90 images. This may work on earlier 5.2 kernel images as well , but I haven't checked. https://yadi.sk/d/oREVgGM6Pciing
  11. Good news. I was able to figure out how to turn on the sound on the G12 (S905x2 S922). It turned out to be very easy.
  12. If you ran corelec, then you broke the universal multi-boot. Start the activation of the multi-boot again. Use dtb only from within the Armbian image.
  13. Update version 5.90_20190706 . Fixed display of large kernels on s922.
  14. The best option for today. (I haven't seen the insides yet, but I hope to see them soon . ) https://www.gearbest.com/tv-box/pp_009752605386.html?wid=1433363 Ideal for today (if you have the means\opportunity to buy it within 120-130) Many different TV boxes passed through my hands. This model, in my opinion, is one of the best among TV boxes in terms of cost/result ratio. This is one of the rare models in which you do not need to finish anything yourself. It even universal multi-download will go directly to the firmware. This is a boring model, you will have nowhere to put your hands to improve and redo something. https://www.gearbest.com/tv-box/pp_009954522026.html?wid=1433363 https://www.geekbuying.com/item/UGOOS-AM6-TV-BOX-Amlogic-S922X-2G-16G-2-4G-5G-WIFI-1000M-LAN-BlueBooth-417524.html
  15. The new version of the images 5.90_20190704 for S905x2 S922. Added support for frequency adjustment. Now the system should be able to use all the power of these processors.
  16. To speak in detail, what online stores are available to You ? Aliexpres ? gearbest ? geekbuying ? etc
  17. A priori, the price of a set of RPI will always be higher than the price of comparable TV box. This is an objective reality, because SbS have a number of "extra" elements and not the optimal design in comparison with the TV box. TV box is a specialized device in which everything is sharpened to perform a specific function. Therefore, it will always be cheaper than a similar "multifunctional" device. If this were not so, no manufacturer TV boxes would not have to spend time for their production, and stupidly would take the SbS and turn it into these TV boxes. No need to juggle and substitute concepts. Don't mix Android system development and Linux-based system development. It is a completely different direction. The main system for TV boxes is Android and it has all the necessary documentation and access to all technical resources. By the way, Your information about support for a number of ARM platforms in the main core is very outdated. Confirmation of this, the release in the near future of new images of Libreelec with a new kernel on the platforms Amlogic Rockchip and Allwiner. You confirm that the "clean" RPi is not suitable for standard use as a TV box. And you have to spend extra money to get the necessary functionality. For example, it put the module WiFi\Bt, but there is no normal antenna, without which it will not work properly. I see that You are very prone to distort and replace concepts. The design and parameters of RPI 1 and 2 have nothing to do with RPi 4. It is a completely different platform, having a very different thermopowers. p.s. You are always trying to distort the essence of the discussion, so I see no point in continuing the discussion with You.
  18. I'm not sure that this topic is acceptable "advertising" specific models (brands). You can search for models based on s905x2 (currently this is the best option in terms of cost/result). Or not much, to wait for the release of rk3580 and models based on it. I recommend not to rush with the purchase of TV boxes right now (if there is no real need). In the coming months, we are waiting for a lot of interesting events and news that will significantly change the current situation .
  19. I, as a user of TV box (if you remember the purpose of TV box), absolutely indifferent to the availability of any technical documentation. I'm not buying a TV box to study his device. Users do not even know such terms. They do not care about all this stuff. The maximum they need is the ability to easily (via USB) connect standard additional equipment (wireless mouse, keyboard, joystick, external drive, camera, printer, etc.). Any normal TV box has a guarantee and some, it is significantly more than the RPi. But if you're trying to buy the cheapest shit from questionable sellers, it has nothing to do with the quality of TV boxes. This is an indicator of the level of greed of the user who believes in all sorts of fairy tales. RPI has a bad design. One example, an attempt to distribute heat across the Board, it causes a strong overheating of all components and as a result a sharp decrease in the durability of the device and especially the SD card (overheating very quickly kills the SD card and as a result the information on it). Another example of stupidity (in terms of use as a TV box) - micro HDMI. I hope you don't need to explain why this is bad ? I'll tell a big secret. For the TV box does not need huge CPU power. First of all, we need other elements - hardware decoders and image management (VPU\GPU). Now s905x2 (s912 if there is no need for USB 3.0) and rk3328 provide the needs of users of TV boxes. And with the output of rk3580 and s905x3\d3 about RPi as TV box you can forget. I do not mention s922\a311d and RK3399\rk3588 , in comparison with which RPi is not quoted at all. I really want to see how you will use the "dummy" for 35 as a TV box. No power supply, no remote control, no cooling system (to somehow use the capabilities of 4 core A73 28nm), no media (very good SD card or external USB 3.0 media). Without the case (without it you can do), but I think the vast majority of users will not be happy with this appearance. Or you, all these components will give free ? So the real price for RPi as an alternative to TV box (at least 2\16) will be from 80. And you still have to suffer with the recording of images, their correct launch, Assembly of the whole set. I do not know how RPi with Android (unfortunately, now Android is the de facto home system for TV boxes). But I strongly doubt that there is something qualitative and automatically updated. Good TV boxes have high-quality firmware and they are regularly automatically updated from the manufacturer's server. The purpose of an RPI in another is a device for automation (where sensors and devices need to be controlled) or design\robotic.
  20. Pay attention. Version images 5.90 20190702 with the 4.9 kernel for the Odroid-N2 will be the last. I stopped producing images with kernel 4.9.
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