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Everything posted by lanefu

  1. Just an FYI... I've picked things up on the Pinebook Pro a bit... tracking here... https://armbian.atlassian.net/browse/AR-399 Thanks @chwe and everyone else that have done the hard parts.
  2. Oh oops works on bullseye Option 2 I posted in that github issue is to mask the CAP_BPF capability, I just wasn't able to figure out how
  3. May not be helpful but I did stumble on this earlier https://lore.kernel.org/patchwork/patch/840734/
  4. yeah I like just stick the major version number for release in Jira, and just add a tag for the sub version number.
  5. Pull ebin dev he declined. Yeah makes sense to publish. I should probably focus on where my name is eh?
  6. Hi, Sorry that was me 3 years ago. I wasn't drunk. If I recall, I ended up doing that because for whatever reason the vars from on-board u-boot weren't being parsed. I remember the macs in the firmware being wrong too, but I just set by hand with the MAC addresses sticker on the board. That was a v4 board so who knows. Anyway I'll take a look.
  7. Yeah still 800mhz when set to 1000. Main goal this release was get to a newer kernel that was stable
  8. @NicoD have you been able to repeat the issue with Firefox on any other devices/platforms?
  9. hey @FlashBurn v20.08 armbian will have kernel 5.6. you can test it out on a nightly image now if you like
  10. First install the kernel headers via armbian config. then you'll want to use libgpiod for interacting with the GPIO
  11. sudo systemctl status apt-cacher-ng sudo systemctl stop apt-cache-ng sudo rm -rf /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/* sudo systemctl start apt-cacher-ng sudo systemctl status apt-cacher-ng
  12. I use opi3 as my headless work station. Using emmc for os and ssd on usb 3 for home dir and docker. It’s fairly spry and very stable. Currently testing unaccelerated desktop with 3gig pine h64b. Very usable, but Firefox can bog down a bit. Not as spunk as my opi4 or N2-. ....but it does see all my monitor 4K resolutions and I can set it to my desired 1440p res through the standard desktop settings tool.
  13. Fyi here's SBCBench results on Opi Zero v1.1 inside a case, using 1.3ghz dtb http://ix.io/2twM
  14. Just confirming. These overlays won’t work on the tritium boards which have a fixed voltage, correct?
  15. Yes plug them into another linux box and read up on mdraid / mdadm recovery. https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID_Recovery
  16. Actually I lied because I can't read https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-4/
  17. Orangepi 4 is in Work In Progress status. Currently not supported.
  18. Thanks @5kft @Igor I merged into nightly and incremented verision
  19. Yeah Igor is running that on his big test rig for most.. it is a great script.... Honestly I'm hoping people can just spend a lot of time on a single image and really identify the weird stuff.
  20. Debian seems to only have esr, but I'd agree with the idea of shipping firefox by default until we can invest in desktop
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