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Everything posted by lanefu

  1. Task derived from Inquiry / Discussion thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1337-documentation-software-proposal-for-armbian-wiki/ Commit against github issue
  2. Gravelrash - UK - Prepare HOWTO's & package "armbian-gc2035-fswebcam package" - June Task from thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1325-claim-a-task-set-due-date-and-start-doing-it/?p=10298 @Gravelrash please provide status for your task on this thread. Please associate merge requests to this GitHub Issue
  3. vlad59 - France - Nanopi M1 testing and documentation Task from thread GitHub Issue
  4. martinayotte - Canada - maintain/fix DTS entries for some devices such I2C/SPI/W1 - ASAP Task from thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1325-claim-a-task-set-due-date-and-start-doing-it/?p=11253 @martinayotte I know you already have a lot of dialog for this task on the forum and Github. If you can consolidate to here that would be fantastic. If it's too much work I understand. Please at least provide a status here as you progress. If possible please reference merge requests to this GitHub Issue
  5. jeanrhum - France - documentation and debian packaging - July Task from thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1325-claim-a-task-set-due-date-and-start-doing-it/#entry9986 @jeanrhum Please provide status for your task on this thread. If possible please assign the GitHub issue to yourself.
  6. @all I committed new structure to wiki. Sorry for any intermediate fallout. Going to keep pounding on this.. I'll add a doc on how to do documentation as well https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/wiki
  7. xcasex - Sweden - desktop packaging - July, August Task from thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/user/1411-xcasex/ @xcasex please provide status here, and assign GitHub issue to yourself if possible
  8. Task from thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1325-claim-a-task-set-due-date-and-start-doing-it/page-2#entry10580 @Xer0 please provide status here and assign GitHub Task to yourself if possible
  9. madilabs - Martinique - Packaging for desktop video acceleration - June @madilabs Please provide status for your task here. Also please assign the github issue to yourself if possible
  10. Kriston - USA - documentation rework - July, August Task from http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1325-claim-a-task-set-due-date-and-start-doing-it/page-4#entry11910 Github issue @Kriston please assign yourself github issue, and provide an update here if possible. I apologize in advance as I'm shuffling docs around to satisfy the Doc software task
  11. @all I'm creating Issue's and Topics for the tasks defined in the top of this thread. It may cause some redundancy. I apologize for that confusing Status here: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/milestones/claimed%20tasks Dialog here: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/forum/15-armbian-tasks/ Task Management Process Documented Here: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib.docs/blob/master/docs/%5BProcess%5D-Armbian-Task-Tracking.md
  12. This task is complete, but creating topic for consistency. wha - USA - 50unattended-upgrades, issue #337 - June https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/issues/337 Needs a solved tag or other for this thanks @wha
  13. Task originated from http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1325-claim-a-task-set-due-date-and-start-doing-it/ naibmra - Bulgaria - kernel testing, try hooking to kernelci.org, docs - mid July GitHub Issue @naibmra Please provide status here and assign GitHub issue to yourself (if possible)
  14. This task was generated from http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1325-claim-a-task-set-due-date-and-start-doing-it/ Corresponding GitHub Issue 389 The initiative highlighted the need for a consistent way to track active tasks. This task provides a process to satisfy that requirement Tentative procedure demonstrated here https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib.docs/blob/master/docs/%5BProcess%5D-Armbian-Task-Tracking.md
  15. Heads up: I'm planning on making a drastic commit to the Wiki later today. It will shuffle the naming of all the docs etc. If you all would rather I do a preview first on my own repo before moving forward let me know. @Igor
  16. @neomanic I think you just hit on a sweet spot that might improve my repeatability. I've been cheating and just running builds over and over in the same running container.. I need to treat the container as a process like you are. Thanks for sharing your tweaks. The Mac docker is running an instance of Alpine line for the docker host right? I'm glad it had all the kernel modules needed for cross compiling.
  17. IHMO The permalink is going to be a big ask... My assumption is a CMS, or something database backed is required for a permalink to work. The complexity probably doesn't merit the benefit. Things being renamed, retitled, moved implies someone is taking a very dedicated editor role. Most likely the level of that effort will be marginal. Critical items can have a redirect on a webserver. Just let the content flow in and keep the parent topics simple. I liked @tkaiser 's suggestion to operate the docs wiki out of a separate repo that had more generous access. Other than maybe identifying a few key parent categories for documentation, the content and structure should probably be focused on a separate discussion from the implementation/workflow discussion.
  18. @Igor Sorry wrong terminology.... I meant can you create a SubForm for tasks... Effectively each issue will be a topic.
  19. @Igor Can you create a topic on the armbian forums where I can instruct users to post their issue threads?
  20. I think i'm on the same page as @tkaiser. Let me see if I can break it down a bit. If we simplify down to just single markdown files/pages in the github wiki with a proper naming convention. All of our desired outputs can be easily achieved with a few post processing scripts. Also this model makes it easier for others to contribute to docs.... all they have to do is make a page/file. Here's my knowledge base script as example code to generate a markdown file. Won't take much to refactor... That code was designed to parse markdown files, and find the first header and insert that into the TOC. changing to just regex [ ] blocks out of the directory listing should be pretty easy. I don't have time to get to that tonight so if somebody else is interested be my guest. I built a picture:
  21. @tkaiser @igor can you provide some feedback for above when you get an opportunity? Tapatalk thinks its important to tell you im using tapatalk from a phone.
  22. Okay, cool! I did some tinkering. It looks like using the GitHub wiki for the Single Point of Truth for the docs would work really well. here's my findings: you can SSH clone with your keys by inserting wiki in the main repo clone url (wiki gui only gives you https clone option) The raw wiki markdown files are named the same as the title, with no extra prefixes or suffixes The default wiki sidebar displays pages in a sorted fashion. This allows us to rely on a naming convention to keep things grouped and allow for inserts direct access to the repo lets you add non-wiki files... ex: mkdocs.yml can reside within the wiki repo, along with style sheets etc
  23. for mainline or legacy? ill finally be able to use my Opi One for the reason i got into the opi wormhole in the first... to press f1 to boot my frankendell server Tapatalk thinks its important to tell you im using tapatalk from a phone.
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