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Everything posted by SteeMan

  1. Moved post to Community Maintained section.
  2. Providing logs with armbianmonitor -u helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
  3. The ones with Rpi4 in the name. But there aren't any right now because apparently the builds are failing for this board.
  4. That is the stable version not the rolling releases. The rolling releases would be 24.8 (not 24.5)
  5. You need to provide the exact name of the image you downloaded. You question can't be answered from the information you provided.
  6. @Yfrain Gelvis These are forums for Armbian not Android.
  7. It looks like the mirror you are using was (is?) out of sync. The mirror I am routed to has the files: http://mirrors.jevincanders.net/armbian/apt/pool/bookworm/b/base-files Try apt update again to fetch current content from the mirror and if that doesn't work, try a different mirror.
  8. @Andrea what is it you are trying to accomplish? The reason I ask is that given what i see from those systems there are some significant challenges in having a boot A and boot B. The first being that u-boot lives outside of the partitions at a specific location on the device(SD/emmc/etc). So you really only can have one uboot, so that will be an area that won't be possible to have something to fall back to if an update of uboot fails. The second issue I see is that Armbian and the underlying Ubuntu/Debian push frequent software updates out via apt. Their is no concept of firmware updates that are complete sets of updates, you get a few updates each week. Which is good for security reasons as security updates are made available as soon as possible. But for what I suspect you are trying to do, you will need to create a mechanism to periodically package all available apt updates into a firmware bundle to get installed into your other partition. But I'm just guessing on what you are trying to accomplish. So a better explanation of your goals might be helpful.
  9. Having said that, if those upstream changes don't fix the issue, then there may be a deeper problem that could be Armbian related.
  10. While this may not be what you want to hear, this isn't an Armbian issue. The userspace packages do not come from armbian, but come directly from the upstream provider and their servers - Ubuntu in your case. So when Ubuntu releases those updates they will be available to you.
  11. The Armbian build framework is constantly evolving. As well as the software that it is building. So generally each day a build will be slightly different from the previous days build (that is why there are nightly builds produced). I don't know what you are trying to accomplish so I can't really help you any further than that.
  12. Moved post to Community Maintained/Staging as this board is a Work In Process and not yet supported. Note: The typical way a new board gets introduced to Armbian, is the first step is to bring it in with the 'vendor' kernel. Which is getting what the board manufacturer released building under Armbian. Normally the board manufacturers don't support the OS for their boards so whatever gets released is likely never to be updated to anything newer. And often the linux kernels they use are heavily patched and not close to mainline linux. Then once that step is completed, the community (both Armbian and many others) work to incorporate all the custom code into mainline linux where hopefully it will be maintained going forward. That can sometime take years and sometimes it never really happens as the board manufacturers rarely contribute to this (they move on to the next board and don't want to incur any costs to maintain older boards). It also is rare that everything that worked under the vendor kernel will work under mainline (at least not for a long time). And for all of this to occur there needs to be people willing to give of their time to volunteer to do all this as no one financially supports the ongoing maintenance of most SBC boards.
  13. What have you done to "brick it"? Are you running Armbian on the box?
  14. Moved to Community Maintained -> Rockchip. All board specific questions should be posted in the corresponding board specific sections of the forum. For supported boards that is Standard Support -> <CPU Family> -> <Board> for non supported boards that is Community Maintained -> <CPU family>. This is not a board Armbian supports, it is community maintained.
  15. Moved post to the correct sub forum. This is a Community Maintained board.
  16. You would want to add: BUILD_MINIMAL=yes (the default is the non-minimal server build)
  17. The instructions on above (under DIY) should be clearer to explain that. When I looked at this earlier, I was guessing that is what the instructions assumed you needed to do (download that referenced file). Edited the above instructions to clarify.
  18. What you are describing sounds like standard gnome desktop behavior. I don't think all desktops have that same default behavior. You said above you installed xfce desktop not gnome.
  19. Moved to the proper sub forum for a non supported device The OPi5 Pro is not a supported board. It is currently wip - work in process status. Therefore it has no support forum and should be talked about here under staging/community maintained.
  20. These forums are for Armbian not for the discussion of other distributions. It would be more appropriate to post this in a forum dedicated to MiniArch.
  21. You have the 24.5.1 version of kernel headers, but... of the kernel. Thus your headers and kernel don't match. I doubt you will find a 6.6.36 version of the headers, so either down grade your kernel to the version that matches your headers, or use the Armbian build framework to build your own .deb files of both the kernel and headers together so you have a matching version.
  22. Moved post the the appropriate forum.
  23. I deleted your other post as it is just a duplicate of this. Please take the time to research. There is a topic in the fourms for your type of box. That is where your should be posting, and before you post you should read what has already been posted to see if others have already run into what you are seeing. Don't waste other peoples time until you have used the resources available to you.
  24. I'd recommend you post in the master thread for the rk3318 TV boxes in this sub forum.
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