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sami reacted to going in nanopi-r5s SD card and EMMC
If your device is in the same condition, I will ask you to provide some additional information about the downloaded operating system.
Your case is unique.
Your device and mine have the same OS and the same set of packages installed.
But the armbian-install script behaves completely differently and crashes in your case.
I need to understand why this is happening and correct the erroneous behavior.
Please post the output of the following commands:
cat /proc/cmdline | tr " " "\n" lsblk -Py df -h sudo blkid
1) You can use a utility from the manufacturer of the chip or device. If this software exists.
2) You can become a hacker, listen to the following harmful tips, or find them on the Internet:
Boot the device in any way and get access to the command line with superuser rights.
The bootloader, u-boot or other, can be written in whole or in parts to three locations on the eMMC:
/dev/mmcblkXboot0 /dev/mmcblkXboot1 /dev/mmcblkX X - This is the number for your eMMC In order for the device not to boot from eMMC, it is necessary to clear those areas in which parts of the bootloader can be placed.
sudo su echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblkXboot0/force_ro dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblkXboot0 bs=1M count=4 echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblkXboot1/force_ro dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblkXboot1 bs=1M count=4 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblkX bs=1M count=10 After these steps, your device will be able to boot from the SD card correctly.
You can also use the helpful tips described in great detail in the wiki documentation for NanoPi R5S.
With respect
sami reacted to going in nanopi-r5s SD card and EMMC
Create a check-command.sh file:
#!/bin/bash cm="ls grep awk blkid tr lsblk xargs sync mount df head cat sed mktemp nl chroot lsof parted partprobe mkfs fdisk" for c in $cm do echo "# $c =: $(command -v $c)" done echo "=====" root_uuid=$(sed -e 's/^.*root=//' -e 's/ .*$//' < /proc/cmdline) root_partition=$(blkid | tr -d '":' | grep "${root_uuid}" | awk '{print $1}') root_partition_name=$(echo $root_partition | sed 's/\/dev\///g') root_partition_device_name=$(lsblk -ndo pkname $root_partition) root_partition_device=/dev/$root_partition_device_name emmccheck=$(ls -d -1 /dev/mmcblk* 2>/dev/null | grep -w 'mmcblk[0-9]' | grep -v "$root_partition_device") diskcheck=$(lsblk -l | awk -F" " '/ disk / {print $1}' | grep -E '^sd|^nvme|^mmc' | grep -v "$root_partition_device_name" | grep -v boot) echo "root_partition_device=$root_partition_device" echo "emmccheck=$emmccheck" echo "diskcheck=$diskcheck"
and make it executable.
chmod +x check-command.sh
Run on board and publish
sudo ./check-command.sh
sami reacted to going in nanopi-r5s SD card and EMMC
@sami Please publish your OS and BASH version.
leo@bananapim3:~$ lsblk --version lsblk from util-linux 2.38.1
sami reacted to going in nanopi-r5s SD card and EMMC
Please try to replace the /usr/sbin/armbian-install file with this new version:
Please show the output of the `lsblk` command.
Please post screenshots of the armbian-install dialog.
sami reacted to Werner in Nanopi R4s does not bootup after power off then on
Probably. I assume some capacitor needs to discharge to erase some transient memory. Probably unfixable via software.
sami reacted to arox in r2s bridge mode eth0 lan0
As stated in the tutorial, you should assign an address to the bridge only.
The bridge forward everything on data link layer and the interface of the bridge then form/extract IP packet. Otherwise you will have a hard time to manage kernel routing tables...
sami reacted to Igor in repository issues (armbian buster 4.19 OS)
Fix your DNS settings. As you can see names are not resolving.
sami reacted to Werner in repository issues (armbian buster 4.19 OS)
Hook up a serial console to get an idea what is happening inside after upgrade.
Userspace and kernel package are independent. All flavors (Focal, Buster, Bullseye, Hirsute...) of each board share the very same kernel package.
If you do not have a serial console and want to continue using this board you can do that or use armbian-config to freeze firmware packages. This will update userspace (so Buster) packages only.
sami reacted to tparys in serial data with framing bits(Nanopi Neo Core)
485 uses differential pair as a both a send and a receive. Both pins are both input and output. There's not really an RX pin unless you convert back to 232.
If you take a look at example link. You can have multiple listeners using 485 to 232 converters attached to that differential pair, and may do what you want.
sami reacted to guidol in serial data with framing bits(Nanopi Neo Core)
you could try the socat command which supports some raw-configuration.
I use it to "copy" the stream from /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/ttyUSB1 for connecting 2 USB-serial devices on a armbian-SBC
sami reacted to martinayotte in HOW TO CLONE EMMC (NANOPI NEO CORE)
As I said months ago, you need to execute the backup using SSH ...
ssh root@<ip_board_to_be_backup> "dd if=/dev/mmcblk1" | dd of=backup_image.img bs=100M
sami reacted to Werner in check if freepbx distro iso image works on nanopi neo core
Moved to Common issues / peer to peer technical support
sami reacted to Ali-leb in HOW TO CLONE EMMC (NANOPI NEO CORE)
I found this link below :
I still don't know if it works since i had to enter FEL MODE which i could not. maybe i am trying in a wrong way.
SO how could i get a clone EMMC of nanopi neo core (taking into consideration it might not have FEL mode)? but if it does then how to enter this mode?
and how to run this clone on another nanopi neo core?
sami reacted to Ali-leb in HOW TO CLONE EMMC (NANOPI NEO CORE)
this way could i save an image of the emmc on my pc ? if not then how could I?
and if it was saved on my desktop then could i just simply write it to the nanopi !?