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    Tido got a reaction from pmsac in RK3328 Kernel   
    The first time I looked closely to the first picture.
    This is a really brilliant move from ASUS, an exact copy of the connectors placing and size, combined with a real CPU, twice as much RAM.
    If the camera and display connector even have the same ports - hallelujah   
    Really neat, the colored GPI/O pins 
    Brilliant - as long as Rockchip and ASUS send their code upstream.
  2. Like
    Tido reacted to zador.blood.stained in BPi-R1 with new B53 switch driver (DSA)   
    losetup, partprobe and mount
    Though I would try to reset the configuration to restore these files natively - something like this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/66533/how-can-i-restore-configuration-files
  3. Like
    Tido reacted to tkaiser in Random thoughts, opinions and well known facts about PCB and heatsinks   
    I really love your valuable comments. All the time. They're so great. Awesome. You should really try to get a job as CEO at one of those stupid Chinese companies. They need you.
    For all those people not thinking they're the only smart person on this planet: Check NEO heatsink here: http://www.friendlyarm.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=82
  4. Like
    Tido reacted to tkaiser in Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless - Rumors & Speculation!   
    Pardon? It's 2017 and my life is too short to waste time with wpa_supplicant, hostapd and other anachronisms.
    Edit: Ouch, just realized that my 'zerowifi' only advertises WPA1 and not RSN/WPA2. Version of network-manager in 'most recent' Raspbian is '' so maybe just too outdated to be useful. Won't investigate further but of course then setting up an AP on Raspbian with nmcli is the wrong way
    Yes and the most important part is to use the USB gadget modules over the connection. Armbian uses g_serial with three boards by default to provide a serial console through the Micro USB port for 'first time setup' purposes (NanoPi Air, Orange Pi Lite and Zero), same does Nextthing with their CHIP, no idea why the mythical foundation isn't able to do the same with their Raspberries (for Zero and Zero W this would be the best default setting)
    And in this case I simply use g_ether so the connected SBC simply appears as an USB Ethernet dongle on the other end of the cable. Nothing new, not specific to Raspberries or even Linux:

    Further readings:
    https://forum.armbian.com/index.php?/topic/1417-testers-wanted-g_ether-driver-h3-device-as-ethernet-dongle/ https://forum.armbian.com/index.php?/topic/1631-tutorial-marriage-between-a20-and-h3-ups-mode-sunxi-pio-utility/  
  5. Like
    Tido reacted to Learnincurve in Pine64 as Squeezebox Touch replacement (running on Armbian?)   
    Thanks @lex,
    I currently only have headphones attached direct to my DAC (not even through a headphone amplifier) as the system is hooked up to a testbed at work
    Thank you for the very interesting article!  I had rad a little about the problems of DSD, but haven't seen them presented in such an easily read way before.
    My project, which started as an attempt to replace my ageing squeezebox touch, is turning (with the help of my colleague) into a potentially commercial venture. I say potentially, because we still have a lot of work to do and a lot of problems to solve, before we have a working prototype. For the moment, I just have pine screen on a stand, with basic touch-like functionality, running only slightly modified squeezelite/jivelite. The plan is to develop a new control interface and to make sure that we are passing through /or processing the original stream as authentically as possible.  That is the main reason for the interest in DSD, as format conversion is generally considered a bad thing, yet another conversion to PCM is best avoided.  The other reason is that if we ever plan to become commercial, we need to support as many DAC input technologies as possible, as some DACs only support native DSD, while some support DoP.
    Some pics and very basic/poor video uploaded to my Google drive at  
    It doesn't give any impression of sound quality, but will show that the device exists and works (as far as it goes). 
    There are various files in the lower folder, including a compressed, 32GB system image and there is also a folder containing kernels as I play with them.  The kernel in the image does not have the nrpacks fix applied.
    Regarding kernel:
    3.10 is a little early in terms of USB throughput (I have patched the Armbian kernel with an nrpacks fix from 3.13 described here), there have been significant changes to the alsa tree, especially regarding DSD. I'm not sure that any of this is sonically significant but it does mean that I am prevented from using some of the output options that are available in the latest squeezelite versions.
    I wish I were up to doing the backporting work myself, but am not.  If anyone volunteers and needs a monkey for producing diffs or anything similarly dumb, I'd be happy to help and to test as far as my equipment allows.
    The alternative is obviously to wait for the mainlining effort to catch up.  As of 4.10, I'm missing DSI (lcd) support, higer clock frequencies, IR and USB.. all pretty much show-stoppers, but I do know of and am vary grateful for the community working so hard to bring better mainline support to these allwinner chips., which represent fantastic hardware bang-for-the-buck, coupled with terrible driver support from the manufacturer.
  6. Like
    Tido reacted to Igor in Forum upgrade   
    Well, this is feature  It prohibits quoting everything at once -> less "walls of text", less useless text repetition, ... It's configurable per forum, unfortunately not by user groups.

    The best option would be that this whole box is hidden or faded with background and available only on hover on.  So some CSS magic.
    Selecting text with mouse+quote works fine at this forum.
  7. Like
    Tido reacted to zador.blood.stained in Forum upgrade   
    Well, I don't like the theme too, but it's too early to say it for sure (for me) because it may be just because it is new. And it may be possible to install a different skin that is closer to the old one.
    Functional differences are a different kind of issue. Unread content is confusing and harder to read, but it can be customized a little bit and I see a "Set as default" tick/button. No switch for BBcode view in the editor is another downgrade, but hopefully it won't be needed or can be enabled in admin preferences.
  8. Like
    Tido reacted to RagnerBG in Forum upgrade   
    To be honest, i don't like new look of the forum. It is used from some time, in some other forums i used to visit, so i have a look into this already. I can't explain it well, but the skin and arrangement itself are confusing and dysfunctional for me. The biggest problem is Unread Content/All activity. This focusing on posts and not topics itself is not comfortable for me. It is not so notably here, but in forums with more activity is madness and making following of new treads and topics impossible. Not all "improvements" are good and i can't guess who can decide this as better. But i guess you have some functional reason for this upgrade, which is downgrade in my eyes. Maybe going into some other forum platform is better idea. After all, this is me, maybe other visitors would find it better.
  9. Like
    Tido got a reaction from Dariush in PINE64 Add Mali Driver to Armbian 5.25   
    BPi M64 and Pine64 share the same SoC, right ?
    There was this question already
  10. Like
    Tido reacted to tkaiser in SD card performance   
    While I highly appreciate that you don't do a full quote of mostly unrelated stuff someone else wrote before as usual why not just looking a few posts above? There are numbers of 'brand new' EVOs bought just recently. Maybe it's important to keep in mind what I wrote in the very first post of this thread:
  11. Like
    Tido reacted to tkaiser in SD card performance   
    Good news! The SDA (SD Association) responsible for specifications around SD/TF cards released SD 5.1 specifications just recently which define the first time performance numbers for random read/write performance (just check the link and the press release from Nov 2016)! SD cards that want to be compliant to A1 performance standard must exceed at least random 1500/500 IOPS (read/write) with 4K blocksize.
    If you compare with the Samsung EVO numbers from this thread then 500 IOPS 4k random write look somewhat laughable but the good thing is that there's now a standard that defines random IO performance and not only sequential performance as it's today (the so called 'speed class'). So while Samsung today might produce EVOs that still fulfill 'class 10' performance criteria (10 MB/s sequential write performance) they could decrease random IO performance by factor 100 and still would meet 'class 10' criteria.
    It's long known that especially Android really sucks when running off slow storage (slow as in 'slow random write performance') which is why most Android devices are equipped with fast eMMC or older ones with raw NAND (showing high random IO numbers). Starting with Android 7.0/6.0 a concept called 'Adoptable Storage' has been introduced that tries to integrate storage on an additional SD card with the device's fast internal storage. Android does a performance test of the SD card in question before allowing 'adopted storage' and this is where this 'A1 performance' profile originates from.
    As most use cases for devices running with Armbian also benefit from high random IO performance you should watch out from now on for SD cards that show the A1 logo as can be seen here: http://heise.de/-3612646
    But please keep in mind that meeting A1 specs means only 500/1500 IOPS (4k write/read). The 'DSP Memory' SD card shown in the Heise link is a pretty good example for a company known not for product quality but brilliant marketing (they grew with relabeled DRAM sold to clueless Apple users). This SD card (most probably some cheap noname chips with Phison or Silicon Motion controller) claiming A1 conformance slightly exceeds the A1 criteria and the 32GB variant will be sold for 23€ while at the same time you can get a Samsung EVO+ that costs only half as much and is multiple times more performant (combining quality NAND flash dies with quality controller!): http://geizhals.de/?cat=sm_sdhc&asuch=EVO&asd=on&v=e&hloc=at&hloc=de&hloc=pl&hloc=uk&hloc=eu&filter=aktualisieren&xf=1032_Samsung~2456_10~298_microSDHC~298_microSDXC~307_32~5950_2&sort=p
    If you compare with performance numbers from 1st post of this thread at least my Samsung EVO/EVO+ with 32 and 64 GB all show ~7500 read and +3000 write IOPS at 4k -- that's 5 times the A1 read performance and 6 times the write performance!
  12. Like
    Tido reacted to Kriston in More proper testing - better Armbian experience   
    I would like to provide test/nightly builds for the:
    Orange Pi+ 2e  (the Xunlong sample from 2016) Orange Pi PC 2 (the newer 64-bit H5 version of the Orange Pi PC)  
    Best regards,
  13. Like
    Tido reacted to hillz in Orange Pi Zero wireless module status (XRADIO / ST CW1200)   
    Or perhaps the company shouldn't sell half-baked products in the first place
  14. Like
    Tido reacted to Magnets in Quick review of Orange Pi PC   
    Another review of that Ikea power supply: http://lygte-info.dk/review/USBpower%20Ikea%20Koppla%20UK.html
  15. Like
    Tido reacted to tkaiser in NAS on Banana Pi - need advice on power supply   
    Forgot the 'standard link': http://linux-sunxi.org/Powering_the_boards_and_accessories#SATA
  16. Like
    Tido got a reaction from Jens Bauer in Librebox & Fairrouter   
    A free tip from a Banana Pi BPI-R1 owner. Do not waste your money, just search the forum for Lamobo.
    I don't know how well it will be supported software wise, but have you had a look at: Marvell ESPRESSOBin Board
  17. Like
    Tido reacted to spock in Support of Raspberry Pi   
    As far as RPI goes, I will ask around to see what the future might bring (I know people who know) ... but given the ties between the rpi foundation guys and Broadcom, we can expect them to continue to use their silicon and also to stay with something very similar to what they have now.
    Since Broadcom were taken over by Avago the strategy has changed a bit - and I have seen that in their wifi products, for example. We expect to see the same in their TV products (of which the RPI silicon is an example) eventually. This might mean change for the RPI guys. I can ask around to see what has changed there as this is the technology area that I work in. What I do know is that the Broadcom guys have traditionally been much more expensive than competitors and that they have lost significant share of the TV set top box market to the emerging Chinese vendors. 
    Perhaps the best idea is to state clearly that the RPIs won't be supported as the Raspbian distro can best cover the needs of the RPI crowd ? Its a simple and clear thing to state and should not be that controversial!
    BTW, commenting on the lack of availability of the RPI Zero - this is all down to the fact that they lose a pile of money each time they make a batch. and the backstory is that they only released it to get some PR and bash the clones.
  18. Like
    Tido reacted to zador.blood.stained in BPi R16   
    Am I reading this right? You just called a board without an Ethernet and with a single USB port interesting? 
    That's assuming you can buy the other end of whatever battery connector they put on this board (or a cheap&good enough batteries with this type of connector) from the hardware PoV and presence of a software interface/drivers for the PMIC.
    I don't see anything that would resemble a wireless switch or a splitter on the photo, so unless internal and external antennas are connected to different antenna ports on the wireless module (if it even has 2 antenna ports), the only way to switch between antennas would be soldering.
  19. Like
    Tido reacted to Igor in Suggest/Recommend 64 bit board   
    Let's speculate that bad support for A64 is because it was introduced by a board maker(s), which does not understand this business. They know how to generate sales, but they completely fail to establish rapport with community, which is essential for such projects. Support is terrible and they expect that everything is done by community without any input except a bunch of free boards. On the other hand Hardkernel try ... harder   My first impression with Pine64 was - yet another cash collecting scheme, while for Hardkernel I can have neutral feelings at worst.
    inexperienced vs experienced? raising popularity of Amlogic? right place at right time? None of above?
  20. Like
    Tido reacted to makama80 in Successful Logitech C270 Webcam + motion installation   
    This post is to share my successful webcam installation with Armbian and one of my SBC’s (orange pi plus).
    I’ve used a Logitech C270 which can be purchased from eBay for roughly 20 Euros. Also el-cheapo shops like lightinthebox sell the C270. Benefit of such a cam is that you now have a cable from your SBC to your cam which makes (physical) cam installation easier IMHO. Also IMHO the C270 is a better camera than the famous GC2035, but it is also more expensive. Price / 'bang for the buck' ratio is more or less the same for both camera’s if you ask me. You get what you pay for.
    Enough talk now: the installation
    All I did was a fresh Armbian desktop v5.20 installation. The Armbian desktop version makes file editing easier, but is not mandatory. Nano / vim etc. can do this job via SSH as well. Performed the usual ‘apt update’ and ‘apt upgrade’ + reboot after installation. Then after restart ‘apt install xrdp tightvncserver motion’. xrdp and tightvncserver enable remote desktop. This is not needed for camera operation, but makes life easier… you can now access your Armbian installation with the Microsoft remote desktop protocol. The C270 camera works right out of the box and is auto-detected by Armbian. Also the needed modules are loaded automatically (use the lsusb and lsmod commands to see it).
    Now edit /etc/motion/motion.conf with your favourite editor. 
    Highest resolution I could get from the C270 camera is 1280x960. (search for ‘width’ and ‘height’) and adapt accordingly.
    Find ‘stream_localhost’ and turn it off. Otherwise you won’t be able to http-stream to other computers.
    Change ‘target_dir’ to anything you like, but preferably a folder outside of your armbian board with more storage capacity. Movies are rather large and may fill up your sd card or EMMC quickly. Make sure motion has writing privileges in the folder you choose.
    Then (very important!) edit /etc/default/motion and set “start_motion_demon†to “yesâ€. Otherwise the daemon won’t start. 
    Now a ‘sudo service motion restart’ should start motion. A ‘sudo service motion status’ might provide more info about issues.
    Then the magical moment: direct your browser to http://your_armbian_board_address:8081 and it should provide the stream of your camera. When movement is detected, avi files are stored in the folder you’ve entered in motion.conf.
    Further you can tweak some settings from /etc/motion/motion.conf according you your needs. I have disabled ‘output_pictures’ because I am not interested in a JPG file along with a movie file. The default motion detection threshold of 1500 works fine for me (recording backyard).
    Every time you change something in /etc/motion/motion.conf you have to issue a ‘sudo service motion restart’ to load the new parameters. Always keep a copy of a working motion.conf file; this is helpful in case of mistakes / typos etc.
    Good luck!
  21. Like
    Tido got a reaction from pfeerick in More proper testing - better Armbian experience   
    Well, how often do you download an image, I guess this extra step won't hurt you.
    on download/donate pages:
    but then, instead of encourage to spend some money - you would distract the person with technical, important information.
  22. Like
    Tido got a reaction from pfeerick in More proper testing - better Armbian experience   
    even more blunt
    If you klick download - you will see the landing page first, before you can chose your SBC with something like this:
    Getting started:
    Many users waste hours because of bad POWER SOURCE  (a little picture of a barrel jack would be great here)
    Many users waste hours because of bad SDcard (make sure you have two (2) or read our introduction and test) (little pic SDcard)
    Legacy kernel - optimal for multimedia and desktop usage scenarios
    Mainline kernel - optimal for headless server usage
    Continue to download page..
    another idea to get the message over and just one place to maintain
  23. Like
    Tido reacted to 1430 in Vote for next default Wallpaper   
    I have read the latest posts and decided to upgrade Armbian logo. I wanted to do something simple, but it may be easier circle, a square and a triangle ? Here are the result 

    Someone might have seen here a penguin. 
  24. Like
    Tido reacted to Igor in Armbian for NTC C.H.I.P.   
    There are lots of them - mostly in native languages under pingback and they would need to be sorted out:
    There are more, but since this is manual copy / paste I'll stop here.
  25. Like
    Tido reacted to Igor in Armbian for NTC C.H.I.P.   
    Yeah, it's crazy. Another one, just brought up on IRC
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