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Michael Robinson

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    Linux,Single Board Computers,AI,Farming,Escaping the simulation.

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  1. You may want to check out https://github.com/armbian/build You can make a custom build for your board.
  2. i'm showing current download on rolling release @ 6.12.17
  3. you can freeze kernel upgrades in armbian-config under updates.
  4. You should be able to set the mac address manualy. Make sure you have the one you need written down or emailed to yourself. I would use sudo armbian-config and check all your networking setting and see what your options are for setting the mac. Also check for files in this directory: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
  5. have you tried rolling back the kernel? sudo armbian-config
  6. Have you tried: sudo armbian-config
  7. https://wiki.radxa.com/RockpiS/getting_started#Next_Step Section 8 Boots from SD or NAND.
  8. What is the name of the image you are using? Is it an armbian image?
  9. https://github.com/garywill/linux-router
  10. What kernel version are you using and have you tried others? Do you have another machine that you can test the nvme on? Are you sure the drive is ok? Reinstall the nvme you may have connection issues. What amp output does it say on the charger?
  11. Are you using a 4 amp power supply?
  12. Are you using the correct power supply and using heatsinks and or fan?
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