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  1. yuo can't use GPIO as power supply, will break soc.
  2. there is not reset pin on this connecter? unless you change I2C1_SCL_M0/I2C1_SDA_M0 to reset pin, according to your panel's interface define.
  3. I think OPI 3B supports eDP panel, but sitronix is MIPI panel, right?
  4. develop effort on Amlogic HW dec looks stopped, and not usable now. please forget this driver.
  5. in fd6551 data sheet, page 7, it says: clk better lower than 100K. I don't know how to set i2c-rockchip or i2c-gpio to 100k or lower? i2c-gpio,delay-us = <10>; ? http://www.fdhisi.com/down/upload/20191023/1571794231.pdf
  6. VDD has 3.3V.. I have no idea now.
  7. use i2c1, error timeout, use gpio-i2c error no such device. let me check power VDD.
  8. [ 23.946809] tm16xx 4-0034: Display initialized successfully i2c4 is bad, any address can have good write result.
  9. i2c1 { /omit-if-no-ref/ i2c1_xfer: i2c1-xfer { rockchip,pins = /* i2c1_scl */ <0 RK_PB3 1 &pcfg_pull_none_smt>, /* i2c1_sda */ <0 RK_PB4 1 &pcfg_pull_none_smt>; }; }; phandle 0x35 is gpio0
  10. it's easy to try fd655 and i2c-gpio. and I read Android dts many times, not findings. jianpian.dts
  11. after read spec, 7 SEG pins for 7 LEDs (LAN, WIFI...etc) and 4 DIG pins control 4 digital. 5 DIG pins are controlled by 66h~6eh, while 4 digitals how to control seg pins? use 1 DIG pin? I guess Yes. each digital has 7 LEDs, and there also 7 Seg LED. write number to DIG register, at least 1 LED will on. OK. 1 DIG pin controls 1 digtal, and each digital has 7 seg, 1 seg connects to 1 SEG pin. there are 5 digitals (one virtual), and they share SEG pins. So let me check VDD.
  12. I checked your code, the i2c address is correct, brightness register is correct. dig registers are correct. it should work, but no. I don't know why, let me check fd6551's VDD. if there no power, will it answer I2C command, I2C write should return -1, but no error in dmesg.
  13. use sysfs leds interface to control it but it doesn't show any thing...
  14. it's on i2c4. I don't see I2c error during probe. please let me know what to do next! &i2c4 { status = "okay"; vfd@24 { compatible = "fdhisi,fd6551"; reg = <0x24>; tm16xx,digits = [04 03 02 01]; tm16xx,segment-mapping = [03 01 02 06 04 05 00]; #address-cells = <2>; #size-cells = <0>; led@0,0 { reg = <0 0>; function = LED_FUNCTION_ALARM; }; led@0,1 { reg = <0 1>; function = LED_FUNCTION_USB; }; led@0,3 { reg = <0 3>; function = "play"; }; led@0,2 { reg = <0 2>; function = "pause"; }; led@0,4 { reg = <0 4>; function = "colon"; }; led@0,5 { reg = <0 5>; function = LED_FUNCTION_LAN; }; led@0,6 { reg = <0 6>; function = LED_FUNCTION_WLAN; }; }; };
  15. the correct part is VFD device is fdhisi,fd6551, I see the chip on board. but the i2c gpios are icorrect..
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