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Everything posted by TonyMac32

  1. There isn't a waiting list on bus accidents I hope?? We don't use busses, every American has a 4WD V8 truck with giant tires and American flags flying in the bed. :lol:. I could get hit by one of those...
  2. Well, U-boot appears to be the issue, at least initially. That's at least something. @Igor, the tty for Tinker OS was moved to 3, I thought I had u-boot and kernel set to that, however in all the mess it could have been mixed. I saw your commit to move back to 2, is that your direction moving forward? Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  3. Well, it's a clean 4.14 from kernel.org with patches that can be found in our build system. If CEC is killing it, then that driver could be blacklisted. Out of curiosity, can you give me the output of armbianmonitor -u on a board you start without the monitor plugged in, and of one with a cut wire? Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  4. Yes, but the Tinker moves it from 2 to 3 to keep common with what ASUS is doing. I think the UART 2 might be blocking an IO range that periogerals could use, but pure speculation.
  5. By update I meant whatever change you have done. I am generally uninterested in this thread other than a potential bug that can keep the board from booting. My query is because it is possible (although unlikely, since 4.14 has some crust developing on it) that @Myy may have an idea what's going on without putting too much time into it.
  6. So the update you performed, I assume is still to a 4.14 kernel?
  7. That's amazing. Now I want to Cascade login to as many as possible. #SBCeption Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  8. I'm at work so I can't check, but we should match the vendor, which is the UART at the bottom of the gpio header. REMEMBER 3.3V I/O Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  9. Overlays are not on enabled on these boards yet, it's quite a bit of work that I haven't gotten into. I have tried to enable it (and the bluetooth uart) the most straightforward way on a fresh build, however it only added an error about the bluetooth uart, it is not working yet. I'm not deep enough to see what's going on, so the probing failed, but nothing else showed up. I don't know if @Neil Armstrong has any input on why the uart C isn't coming up, in the meantime I'll take another look.
  10. https://lkml.org/lkml/2018/9/23/212
  11. Well, Uber isn't selling their cars, let alone with an (in my opinion) criminally misnamed semi-autonomous under-engineered system. "Autopilot" is anything but an autopilot. And it seems to suck. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  12. Well, if a real company was doing it, perhaps it wouldn't be such a joke. auto emergency braking being randomly disabled can kill. If anyone looks back 15 years from now and wonders why self-driving cars are still not mainstream, they will only need to look up "Tesla" on Wikipedia. None.
  13. At least for me, these tools messed quite often things up. Agreed.
  14. Basically the UART needs enabled in the device tree. I haven't checked it, but UART C, it looks like. Since this is a Pi-factor board, I'll look into enabling that. [edit] I also see the bluetooth uart is disabled, it's in the device tree but not enabled by default.
  15. TonyMac32

    NanoPC T4

    For RTC? Yes, that can work.
  16. I think it's more like the dentist, always complaining that I'm not flossing enough... I don't want to hear it, but the dentist is right. 4.9 kernel, ok, 2015 u-boot, . Looks like an interesting board, but I worry about drivers and any hope of mainline support.
  17. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812200061
  18. Right, spinning disks weren't on my mind at the time. Timing the power sequence seems like a pain.
  19. Well, the hat would have to account for both 3.5 and 2.5, since either could be plugged in. The 2.5 SSD I have in my desk wants 1.6 Amps at 5V, so 8 watts. 4 of those is now demanding 32 Watts themselves, then you have to consider efficiency, so 40 watts isn't an insane number. Yes, certainly.
  20. That was most of the point. 4x drives is getting to serious supply territory, I would guess 60 Watts or so (total, not just drives) without actually doing any math (so margin of error probably decently high). Without driving significant cost I wonder about all of that fitting on a hat comfortably. (I'd also love to see it, do not misunderstand)
  21. Uhhh, give me a few days. :-) Of course that is one hell of a wishlist you've got there.
  22. My mother makes excellent carrot cake. (That's not fair though, her ancestors were from the southwest area of Germany and Switzerland. Some as "recently" as 2 generations. ) I had some grits for breakfast, they're basically the corn version of mashed potatoes, you cook it like rice. Add butter and salt, hotsauce and cheese as you like. Some crazy people use maple syrup or sugar.
  23. * Don't use notepad to edit this file in Windows. Use Notepad++ or another adequate editor, the only ones adding linefeeds date back to MSDOS. It's not intrinsic to the operating system, it's editor-dependant.
  24. TonyMac32


    First up, a screen I bought/risked for a client project needing a touchscreen: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01F3801A2 This is a 7" capacitive touch HDMI display with 2 USB ports labelled "touch". I'm not going to lie, I have no idea what the other one does, I plugged it in as shown in the advertisement pictures and it "just worked", mostly. The good: touch and display work without drivers. The Bad: Not running it's native resolution of 800x480, but rather 640x480. The Ugly: it identifies as a 19" display or something. Will need some tweaking to work perfectly. Cost is somewhat high, but this is for a project, and the HDMI makes more sense than trying to support a raspberry Pi display on a Tinker or something similar, no special drivers, change SBC's at will.
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