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Everything posted by Werner

  1. We cannot provide images in each and every kernel/userspace constellation for each and every board. Necessary storage and traffic are huge already. You can use the build framework to creat images as needed: https://github.com/armbian/build
  2. No idea what you are talking about. You are aware that this is Armbian forums that handles topics around Armbian, right?
  3. code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } dpkg-reconfigure locales to make sure en_US UTF8 is available and set default code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration should do the rest
  4. should be here: https://github.com/armbian/os/blob/main/targets/default.conf
  5. My guess is because nobody added this combination as a target. We already provide a lot of images per board which eats up tons of ressources (which cost money btw.). With the provided build framework it is very easy for users to create their own combinations of board and userspace as needed.
  6. https://forum.armbian.com/forum/214-nanopi-duo2/ ??
  7. Editing posts is only possible after a certain period of time after creation in order to prevent abuse. It is perfectly fine to add new information as a fresh posting in this case. Your prudence is appreciated.
  8. Providing logs with armbianmonitor -u helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
  9. Try with ARTIFACT_IGNORE_CACHE=yes and BUILD_KSRC=yes set.
  10. Please report issues with building Armbian on Github. Forum is for issues running Armbian. https://github.com/armbian/build Your report however may not raise attention since edge is - as the name implies - cutting edge and can/is expected to break any time. Also in this specific case there is rudimentary support at most for rk3588 yet so breakage is expected.
  11. They are not available via apt yet https://www.armbian.com/newsflash/armbian-leaflet-8/
  12. This packages comes from userspace, Debian or Ubuntu to say. Out of scope of Armbian. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&q=how+to+build+mesa+from+source
  13. The PSU that comes with the OPi5 bundle outputs around 5.3 volts when idle. This seems needed in order to compensate for voltage drop under load. From my own measurements I noticed that the drop is quite severe and goes down to 5 volts under full load. Measured across the board at one of the USB ports. If you have a common PSU that outputs "only" 5 volts then you can do the math for yourself and RKs in general are used to slight overvoltage.
  14. Tried something like this in armbianEnv.txt? extraargs=video=HDMI-A-1:720x480@60
  15. Providing logs with armbianmonitor -u helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
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