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  1. Orange pi is only sending data with tx pin next to the ethernet port. Target is an arduino leonardo clone 5v 16mhz clocked. Maximum baud rate i could run is 115200 8bit data,no parity ,1 stop bit. Shouldnt be i able to run at higher baud rates like 1m? Libraries i am using https://github.com/wjwwood/serial http://www.fourwalledcubicle.com/files/LUFA/Doc/120219/html/group___group___serial___a_v_r8.html
  2. Hi everyone. I have an Orange Pi Zero. 1. I installed legacy kernel to my SD card (downloaded from https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-zero/ ) 2. I made updates & upgrades. Afterwards, I downloaded WiringOP-Zero from https://github.com/xpertsavenue/WiringOP-Zero 3. Now here comes to problematic part. I checked my files as ls -aol /dev/spi* and could see spidev0.0 and spidev1.0. Then I wrote a test program for my SPI pins (MOSI-MISO-CLK), I can compile the program but whenever I try to use spidev1.0 I get this error below : Unable to open SPI device: No such file or directory Eventhough spidev0.0 works fine. Can someone help me 'bout it? Basicly it is "how to enable spidev1.0" my question.
  3. Hello. I change from diet pi to my own compilation of armbian with rt kernel patch (orangepi zero) In dietpi the my python code run perfectly the lcd screen (GPIO) but in armbian the code fail. When I try to install GPIO with : sudo modprobe sunxi-gpio The output is: modprobe: FATAL: Module gpio-sunxi not found in directory /lib/modules/4.13.9-rt1-sunxi Very thanks How I can repair this? pd: I enabled all gpio overlays in armbian-config Also, I founded this, but I dont understand What is proposed here is for all pins or only for the ones set, and if this can work with I2C, Spi, etc... Thanks a lot in advances. nwk
  4. I'm working on Orange-pi zero (H2 +)board. Sometimes , after rebooting of system , I Noticed that MAC address is changed. From where It is reading MAC Address?? any help on that?
  5. Hi, first of all thanks a lot for every contributor, this is a great project, I'm an absolute fan! I'm running Armbian on an orange pi 2, everything works fine for a while. I'm running a homegrown python script with flask, this one works too. But after ~1-x hours, I can't connect anymore to my web service. This could be my problem, but in fact, neither SSH works. So I found these things, my script tells me this: ---------------------------------------- Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 59734) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 290, in _handle_request_noblock self.process_request(request, client_address) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 318, in process_request self.finish_request(request, client_address) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 331, in finish_request self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 654, in __init__ self.finish() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 713, in finish self.wfile.close() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 283, in close self.flush() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 307, in flush self._sock.sendall(view[write_offset:write_offset+buffer_size]) error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe ---------------------------------------- I did some wiresharking too for sure Looks like something is messed up, and TCP ends up with an RST. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18GP8YvmaicyVGPHWYLzTulhkI0bPQTxy/view?usp=sharing and my pcaps: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tJP1I71d7zCUFxzh3Ce75SpwrP3JBXsa/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZIM74rI1T7qTOJ0q5Bmvk1sDUXdgaQeU/view?usp=sharing Thanks for everyone !
  6. Hi, Is there any sleep or low power modes in orange pi with soft wakeup I want to wake up Orange pi zero at some specific time. For that i go through some forums and searched alot about that but could not found any way to do this. I also go through some 'rtcwake' commands but they didn't work. Any Idea regarding sleep modes and how to wake up would be great help for me. Thanks,
  7. Orange pi zero running Pihole. The web interface stopped updating and I found the /var/log file was 100%. Only way I could get it working again was to delete some of the files . How do I stop this filling up again please? From what i read it may be a armbian issue more than a pihole?
  8. H there, I am using OPi0 TV out. I know, there are hardcoded PAL and NTSC resolutions only. But I would like to ask, if there is any tutorial how to build it up with my own lower resolution e.g. 320x240? (i know I should recompile driver for it but any help where to start is appreciated) Many thanks.
  9. I have a Adafruit PN532 connected over UART to the orange Pi Zero on UART1(p8/10) i added the uart overlays to armbianEnv.txt and edited the libnfc.conf to include device.connstring = "pn532_uart:/dev/ttyS1" #device.connstring = "pn532_uart:/dev/ttyS1:9600". I commented included a fixed lower baudrate to test if it might have been the problem. To thest the theory i connected a arduino due to the same serial port to print somting to see if there was any communication but nothing went through the python code i used was simple : import serial ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS1') print(ser.name) ser.write(b'hello') ser.close() the Arduino scethch just had a Serial1.begin(115200) Serial.begin(9600) // Serial1.begin(9600) and in the loop while(Serial1.available > 0) { Serial.print(Serial1.read(); } I am coming from a Arduino background and the pi is very new to me so any advice will be greatly apprichiated
  10. Hi, I am newbie in Debian. I have an inquiry regarding this matter. I am having USB Wifi Dongle installed @ my OPi Zero H2+. It has built-in NIC (Eth0 & WLAN1) for the Debian Stretch. I am using this PI for the FlightAware purposes. 1. I connect to Eth0 from the beginning to access SSH and update all required updates. 2. I use nmtui for the USB Wireless connected to the Wireless AP. 3. Reboot the PI. 4. Install my PiAware 3.5.3 as per their instruction. 5. All Installed without any issue. I noticed that the MAC address of the USB Wireless Dongle is as follow:- wlx7c8bca1f3ad1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::1b71:b02c:b5dd:22f9 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 7c:8b:ca:1f:3a:d1 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 10302 bytes 2304649 (2.1 MiB) RX errors 0 dropped 391 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 3567 bytes 1221201 (1.1 MiB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 Built-in Wifi:- wlan1: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 ether 12:42:2f:e3:99:f8 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 0 bytes 0 ( 0.0 b ) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 0 bytes 0 ( 0.0 b ) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 On Board Ethernet:- eth0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 ether 02:42:2f:e3:99:f8 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 0 bytes 0 ( 0.0 b ) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 0 bytes 0 ( 0.0 b ) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 device interrupt 37 Now I want to set the wireless router to forward the port and I tried to put my USB Wifi Dongle MAC Address "7c:8b:ca:1f:3a:d1" but end up and it link/loop to the eth0 MAC Address "02:42:2f:e3:99:f8" at router. What should I do to resolve this issue? Thank you. Regards, SaiHou
  11. I using the following armbian and kernel: # PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BOARD=orangepizero BOARD_NAME="Orange Pi Zero" BOARDFAMILY=sun8i VERSION=5.38 LINUXFAMILY=sunxi BRANCH=next ARCH=arm IMAGE_TYPE=stable BOARD_TYPE=conf INITRD_ARCH=arm KERNEL_IMAGE_TYPE=zImage Linux 4.14.14-sunxi #1 SMP Thu Jan 25 12:20:57 CET 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux My box have constant kernel dumps in the log: [59763.352618] [<c010db15>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c010a0d9>] (show_stack+0x11/0x14) [59763.352627] [<c010a0d9>] (show_stack) from [<c0867e29>] (dump_stack+0x69/0x78) [59763.352637] [<c0867e29>] (dump_stack) from [<c01ddb2d>] (warn_alloc+0xa1/0x120) [59763.352646] [<c01ddb2d>] (warn_alloc) from [<c01de781>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0xb6d/0xc2c) [59763.352655] [<c01de781>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask) from [<c01de96b>] (page_frag_alloc+0xd3/0xdc) [59763.352667] [<c01de96b>] (page_frag_alloc) from [<c07714f3>] (__netdev_alloc_skb+0x77/0xbc) [59763.352678] [<c07714f3>] (__netdev_alloc_skb) from [<c06a4dd3>] (stmmac_poll+0x597/0x6e4) [59763.352689] [<c06a4dd3>] (stmmac_poll) from [<c0781ce5>] (net_rx_action+0x115/0x2f0) [59763.352698] [<c0781ce5>] (net_rx_action) from [<c01014a1>] (__do_softirq+0xb9/0x25c) [59763.352708] [<c01014a1>] (__do_softirq) from [<c011ef33>] (irq_exit+0x7f/0xc4) [59763.352719] [<c011ef33>] (irq_exit) from [<c0159e5d>] (__handle_domain_irq+0x49/0x84) [59763.352729] [<c0159e5d>] (__handle_domain_irq) from [<c01013b5>] (gic_handle_irq+0x39/0x68) [59763.352738] [<c01013b5>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c010aa25>] (__irq_svc+0x65/0x94) [59763.352742] Exception stack(0xd9203cc0 to 0xd9203d08) [59763.352751] 3cc0: cf0e4e00 d5adde80 da1b4090 0000000a da1b4320 d9203d98 00000020 cfef51f8 [59763.352760] 3ce0: da1b4090 c0d03f48 00000000 cfef5070 00000004 d9203d10 bfaff3e1 bfafe480 [59763.352765] 3d00: 200e0133 ffffffff [59763.352776] [<c010aa25>] (__irq_svc) from [<bfafe480>] (SRM0+0x210/0x4a0 [aes_arm_bs]) [59763.352780] unwind: Unknown symbol address bfafe480 [59763.352783] unwind: Index not found bfafe480 Sometimes it dies with kernel panic. I don't expect much from a 10$ board so I will not complain but I would like it to reboot when there is a kernel crash. I have put: kernel.panic=3 It was on 10 seconds by default and it still didn't reboot. Any ideas?
  12. Hi! Upgrading to the mainline kernel removes /dev/snd/seq, which is needed for MIDI applications. Synthesizers are my main interest in using these boards, so that is a big loss. Since the module is enabled in the legacy kernel, perhaps this is unintentional and could be added to the mainline kernel? Thank you for all your work. Regards, brkl
  13. I had bought 3 Orange Pi Zero h2+ cpu (1x256mb ram and 2x 512mb ram) I'had tried Armbian Debian and Ubuntu based, but nothing changed or solved, i'had also tried DietPi(a debian base as armbian), but the kernel still the same: root@'s password: ___ ____ _ _____ / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ | _ \(_) |__ /___ _ __ ___ | | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | |_) | | / // _ \ '__/ _ \ | |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | __/ | __/| | / /| __/ | | (_) | \___/|_| \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___| |_| |_| /____\___|_| \___/ |___/ Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.38 stable Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 4.14.15-sunxi System load: 0.30 0.18 0.07 Up time: 1 min Memory usage: 12 % of 240MB IP: CPU temp: 34°C Usage of /: 8% of 15G Last login: Sat Feb 10 14:47:20 2018 from root@orangepizero:~# uname -a Linux orangepizero 4.14.15-sunxi #28 SMP Mon Jan 29 07:24:48 CET 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux root@orangepizero:~# TV module problem, nothing found online about tv module DIY building for tv out enabling on screen, if i try to modprobe it, it fail root@orangepizero:~# modprobe tv modprobe: FATAL: Module tv not found in directory /lib/modules/4.14.15-sunxi root@orangepizero:~# How i could fix it?
  14. Hi, I tried two builds for my OPI Zero. Armbian_5.35_Orangepizero_Debian_jessie_next_4.13.16.7z Wifi works but no audio. (and instabel ethernet connect) Armbian_5.35_Orangepione_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113.7z Audio works but no WiFi In witch build works both ?
  15. I'm trying to follow this tutorial here https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/07/27/installing-opencv-3-0-for-both-python-2-7-and-python-3-on-your-raspberry-pi-2/ but nothing I do works when I get to install numpy, opencv, or darknet. When I try to build OpenCV following default instructions (or any for that matter) I get: don't know what to do and there's nothing online that helps me out. the only thing that worked was apt-get install python-opencv but it installs a very old version which I can't use for my project. Also when I try to make darknet I get:
  16. I've gotten the board up and running and on Wifi, but this is supposed to be a dim wifi 'lamp'. Just to start out: how do I connect the +- to the board How do I tell the board to power on the leds And for more advanced: Is it possibly to do voltage-limiting dimming as opposed to PWM If no: what's the best way to do PWM? (I'm perfectly fine with creating a c program that simply turns it on and off at a specified hz, but there may be a more elegant tool I'm not aware of) Thanks
  17. Hi, Over the last couple of weeks, I have been trying to get Pi-hole working (and more importantly, stable) on the Orange Pi (along with the relevant Orange Pi zero H2+ ARMbian OS) without success. I realize that I am using "Tested" but as yet not marked "Stable" code, however I'm hoping this can help somebody here perhaps in terms of developing a stable OS for these little boards. I have rebuilt the SD card from scratch several time now. The SD card is of reputable make (Sandisk) and in fact I have tried two different cards, just in case this was a card issue. I'm using a reliable power supply, which I have verified by continuously monitoring it with my scope. I've had crashes during which the voltage never deviated even for nanoseconds, below 4.90V or above about 5.25V. IE the PSU is rock solid at 5V nominal. I initially suspected that temperature was an issue, as we had some very hot days here about 10 days ago, however the board crashed overnight, where ambient temperature was about 21 degrees, and the core never went above 27 degrees (according to OPi-monitor, which incidentally is a nice touch). As a test, I ran the board without Pi-hole on it, and just ARMbian and OPi-monitor running. I had done a full firmware upgrade as prescribed by ARMbian. The board ran flawlessly, including through some warmer days for more than 4 days. However when I installed Pi-hole (curl -L https://install.pi-hole.net | bash) and made sure it was fully up to date, which it was (pihole -up). Nothing else was modified or installed apart from this. The only configurations I had made, which I really don't see could cause the board to regularly crash, was to set a fixed IP address (sometimes using armbian-config, sometimes using nmtui, depending on what mood I was in during the re-install process) and set time zone to Pacific/Auckland (I live in New Zealand). These configuration changes were made also when I did the armbian standalone test for 4 days, immediately on install, not days later. Once when using dmesg, I saw in the log file that several times the cpu core was reported as being unresponsive for 22 or 23 seconds. Sorry, unfortunately I did not keep a copy of this, but I'll see if I can capture it again. Finally, when the crash happens, the board becomes totally unresponsive, and the heatsink temperature is noticeably warmer, indicating the Allwinner H2+ CPU is doing something. At this point even the debug serial port is unresponsive, and the only solution is to power down and reboot. Fortunately almost every time the board will reboot without severe corruption to the SD card. I am using an EXT4 format for the SD card which should hopefully improve recovery success over the old school FAT32 default. The crashes can happen anywhere between a couple of hours and half a day. I don't believe I have ever seen Pi-hole run for longer than about 14 hours on this board. Note I seriously doubt it has something to do with an issue with Pi-hole itself, as I am using stock standard code that many other people are using, but there must be some sort of race condition going on once it is up and running. Usually, just after installation, Pi-hole works perfectly. In fact I am typing this to you on my PC that is presently using the Pi-hole as its DNS server. DHCP is presently disabled, I am only using Pi-hole DNS capabilities (ad blocking, name resolving etc.) I have used DHCP functionality in Pi-hole as well before, but the crashes are the same. My only comment is that once when it crashed, it was not so obvious. The board appeared to be working, however I noticed that if I went to a new website full of adverts, the Pi-hole logs did not update and show that ads had been blocked. I realized at this point it had crashed or somehow become corrupted. Every other time though, the board has completely crashed with no web access to the board etc. This faulty setup should be pretty easy for you to replicate on your workbench. I'm curious to know what your findings are. If I can help any further, please do let me know. P.S I see that under the "Tested" editio of this ARMbian release, you state there is a kernel memory leak or something to that effect. To date, watching OPi-monitor, I have never seen any increase in memory usage over time. It sits rock solid at about 310MB. Regards, Graham
  18. hi my kernel 3.4.113 from armbian my OrangePi Zero dont have poweron - button by default / i know system can wake up from gpios / IR signal / usb events / wakeonlan and another sourcec bu i try todo standby and wakeup after! withous any success (((( :/sys/power# cat state standby mem bootfast goto sleep echo mem > /sys/power/state or echo standby > /sys/power/state working fine ) but i cant wakeup system (((( i try gpio usb ir wakeonan what i do wrong ???? somebody can clarify my issue ??? my loaded modules lsmod g_ether 38598 0 ir_lirc_codec 3685 0 ir_nec_decoder 1556 0 lirc_dev 7846 1 ir_lirc_codec rc_core 12751 4 ir_nec_decoder,ir_lirc_codec,sunxi_cir sndspdif 2747 0 sunxi_cir 1601 0 sunxi_sndspdif 3885 0 sunxi_spdif 7049 0 sunxi_spdma 3707 0 i have read some info from cat /sys/power/wakeup_src and try diff combination but same ! not have result !!!! echo 0x2000 0x200 1 > /sys/power/wakeup_src
  19. I have spent two days on LIRC. I am going to give up if no one can help me on this. My software conf are ARMBIAN 5.38 stable Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 4.14.18-sunxi and ARMBIAN 5.35 user-built Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 4.13.16-sunxi # cat /etc/lirc/hardware.conf # /etc/lirc/hardware.conf # #Chosen Remote Control REMOTE="None" REMOTE_MODULES="sunxi_cir" REMOTE_DRIVER="default" REMOTE_DEVICE="/dev/lirc0" REMOTE_SOCKET="" REMOTE_LIRCD_CONF="" REMOTE_LIRCD_ARGS="" #Chosen IR Transmitter TRANSMITTER="None" TRANSMITTER_MODULES="" TRANSMITTER_DRIVER="audio_alsa" TRANSMITTER_DEVICE="hw@48000,r" TRANSMITTER_SOCKET="" TRANSMITTER_LIRCD_CONF="" TRANSMITTER_LIRCD_ARGS="" #Disable kernel support. #Typically, lirc will disable in-kernel support for ir devices in order to #handle them internally. Set to false to prevent lirc from disabling this #in-kernel support. #DISABLE_KERNEL_SUPPORT="true" #Enable lircd #START_LIRCD="false" START_LIRCD="true" #Don't start lircmd even if there seems to be a good config file #START_LIRCMD="false" #Try to load appropriate kernel modules LOAD_MODULES="true" # Default configuration files for your hardware if any LIRCMD_CONF="" #Forcing noninteractive reconfiguration #If lirc is to be reconfigured by an external application #that doesn't have a debconf frontend available, the noninteractive #frontend can be invoked and set to parse REMOTE and TRANSMITTER #It will then populate all other variables without any user input #If you would like to configure lirc via standard methods, be sure #to leave this set to "false" FORCE_NONINTERACTIVE_RECONFIGURATION="false" START_LIRCMD="" # cat /etc/lirc/lircd.conf | grep -v "^#" begin remote name ATI_Remote_Wonder_II bits 24 eps 30 aeps 100 one 0 0 zero 0 0 gap 203970 toggle_bit 0 begin codes KEY_STOP 0x000231 KEY_PAUSE 0x000230 KEY_FASTFORWARD 0x000228 [...] KEY_B 0x000279 KEY_POWER 0x00020C end codes end remote -1- reading internal IR probe I have plugged a classic tri-leg IR receiver on IR-RX pin. The correct way to get it work is to add "cir" on the overlays line of /boot/armbianEnv.txt (or use armbian-config), then reboot. Immediately after reboot you should see /dev/lirc0 available. After installing lirc (aptitude install lirc), start configuring it: # irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 file [...] Press RETURN now to start recording. ............................ irrecord: could not find gap. irrecord: gap not found, can't continue I don't know if this is related to my remote, or if there is an issue with the rpi. But I have not been able to go further using LIRC. My workaround is to read lirc0 manually, and parse the timecodes with this. It's not clean, but it's good enough for me: #!/bin/bash n=1 t=1 v=400 mode2 -d /dev/lirc0 | { while true ; do read -t 1 line [ "$line" = "" ] && { # timeout [ $n -eq 0 ] && echo "" && n=1 t=1 continue } n=0 typ="$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')" val="$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}')" z=0 [ $val -gt $(($v/2)) ] && [ $val -lt $(($v*2)) ] && r=s && z=1 [ $val -gt $(($v*2)) ] && [ $val -lt $(($v*4)) ] && r=m && z=1 [ $val -gt $(($v*8)) ] && [ $val -lt $(($v*12)) ] && r=l && z=1 [ $val -gt $(($v*12)) ] && r=x && z=1 [ $z -ne 1 ] && { echo "${val} ???" >&2 continue } # echo "$typ $r" [ "$typ" = "space" ] && { case "$r" in "s") echo -n "0" t=0 ;; "m") echo -n "1" t=0 ;; "l") echo "LARGE" ;; "x") true #echo "X" ;; *) echo "???" esac continue } # here, we have a pulse. case "$r" in "s") true ;; "l") # begin of frame true #echo -n ":" [ $t -eq 0 ] && echo "" t=1 ;; *) echo "???" esac done } This outputs 0s and 1s; and can later be piped to an other similar program to compare lines/strings with a home made database, or whatever. -2- CPU freq issues "armbianmonitor -m" shown me that CPU freq oscillates between 240MHz and 1.2GHz. I suspect this to affect my issues, and, I have tried unsuccessfully to fix it with the following line: /usr/bin/cpufreq-set -f 1200MHz ; /usr/bin/cpufreq-set -g performance -3- reading audio device Because I need to irsend things, and, after 6h of google, it seems impossible to do it on OrangePi/Armbian (pigpio is unusable on OrangePi/Armbian; Armbian does not include any equivalent of lirc-rpi; it should be possible to write a DTO to handle this, but I don't know how to do it; did not find any real time interface able to produce apropriate signals; still, it should be possible to do it at the very least on the MOSI pin, the same way as for SPI LCD and 1Wire), I have switched to LIRC-ALSA. In short ... irrecord --driver=audio_alsa -d hw@48000,r file [...] Press RETURN now to start recording.. .............irrecord: no data for 10 secs, aborting irrecord: gap not found, can't continue I have tried to run this inside "time"; irrecord can have two extreme reactions: - freese and never give prompt back ... for a full minute (until ^C) (if I don't press my remote at all, or, once every 5s) - give hand back after printing 1 to 10 dots, pretending "timeout after 10s", after a duration as short as "1.3s" (I am not showing here my tons of attempts), if I press my remote very fast. As said, fixing the CPU freq did not help. I have cheked 5 times I was working on the good input. IR data line can be plugged on pins MIC1P or MIC1N; then, use alsamixer to enable capture (F4 menu) on MIC1. MIC1_boost and ADC_gain affect the behaviour of irrecord. Best results are obtained with 54% and 57%. Other columns do not affect LIRC. -4- Sending IR frames Not having able to record any conf the proper way, I was unable to fire-send-transmit any stream. So I downloaded a random lircd.conf file, just to have a random "remove" in my conf, to dig irsend. # tail /var/log/syslog Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Starts LIRC daemon.... Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost lirc[26693]: * Loading LIRC modules Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost lirc[26693]: ...done. Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost lirc[26693]: * Starting remote control daemon(s) : Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost lircd-0.9.0[26704]: lircd(audio_alsa) ready, using /run/lirc/lircd1 Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost lircd-0.9.0[26706]: lircd(default) ready, using /run/lirc/lircd Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost lircd-0.9.0[26706]: connected to localhost Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost lirc[26693]: ...done. Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost lircd-0.9.0[26704]: accepted new client from Feb 11 18:54:16 localhost systemd[1]: Started LSB: Starts LIRC daemon.. [...] Feb 11 18:55:03 localhost lircd-0.9.0[26704]: accepted new client on /run/lirc/lircd1 Feb 11 18:55:03 localhost lircd-0.9.0[26704]: error processing command: SEND_ONCE ATI_Remote_Wonder_II KEY_STOP Feb 11 18:55:03 localhost lircd-0.9.0[26704]: hardware does not support sending Feb 11 18:55:03 localhost lircd-0.9.0[26704]: removed client ... # irsend -d /var/run/lirc/lircd1 SEND_ONCE ATI_Remote_Wonder_II KEY_STOP irsend: command failed: SEND_ONCE ATI_Remote_Wonder_II KEY_STOP irsend: hardware does not support sending So, I am trying to send data over /var/run/lirc/lircd1, which is confirmed by syslog to be the audio_alsa device. And it complains "hardware does not support sending". Also spent 2h in googling this; no help. Some people mention, /usr/share/lirc/lirc-old2new , but it's not available in my Armbian. -5- External USB-sound dongle Trying to use a USB-sound dongle gave similar (identical ?) results. -6- my need ATM, I am able to input the bits; my real urgent need is to find any way to send frames. Either via GPIO, or ALSA, I don't care. As long as it remains cheap. NB: do not talk about what happen over the air; I am stuck on a software issue; the frames I need to send are never to be converted in actual infra red light; I am working directly on IR data lines inside a device, after optical-electrical conversion. OrangePi hardly can receive IR; and not send any at all. Very sad. I have put too big hope in this cheap machine. I have also given-up on using Opi0 as USB-gadget gateway; opi0 can do only storage gadget; I need HID, and no tutorial explain how to do it with a recent Armban (all tutorial were written in 2015-2016, and fail on Armbian 5.35 or + ).
  20. Hello, I want to use for my domotic a USB Everspring sa413 (Z-Wave modem based on ZM5304), but this device is not detected on Armbian with my Orange Pi Zero h2+. https://fccid.io/D87-ZM5304-U/User-Manual/User-Manual-pdf-2052478 Normally, I think this dongle is use like CDC/ACM device but I don't understand what wrong because ACM module is loaded. I use actually Debian Jessie next 4.13016. root@orangepizero:~# lsusb -t /: Bus 08.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-platform/1p, 12M /: Bus 07.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-platform/1p, 12M /: Bus 06.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-platform/1p, 12M /: Bus 05.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-platform/1p, 480M /: Bus 04.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-platform/1p, 480M /: Bus 03.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-platform/1p, 480M /: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-platform/1p, 12M /: Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-platform/1p, 480M No ttyAMA0 on my dev root@orangepizero:~# lsmod Module Size Used by sun8i_codec_analog 24576 0 xradio_wlan 94208 1 snd_soc_core 118784 1 sun8i_codec_analog snd_pcm_dmaengine 16384 1 snd_soc_core mac80211 450560 1 xradio_wlan snd_pcm 69632 2 snd_pcm_dmaengine,snd_soc_core snd_timer 24576 1 snd_pcm snd 45056 3 snd_timer,snd_soc_core,snd_pcm cfg80211 376832 2 mac80211,xradio_wlan soundcore 16384 1 snd sun4i_gpadc_iio 16384 0 rfkill 20480 2 cfg80211 uio_pdrv_genirq 16384 0 uio 16384 1 uio_pdrv_genirq usb_f_acm 16384 1 u_serial 20480 3 usb_f_acm g_serial 16384 0 libcomposite 40960 2 g_serial,usb_f_acm fuse 73728 1 pwrseq_simple 16384 1 dmseg : https://ufile.io/0u7n8 (Nothing happen) When I plug a usb storage, all work, so no problem from hardware. root@orangepizero:~# lsusb -t ..... /: Bus 03.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-platform/1p, 480M |__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Mass Storage, Driver=usb-storage, 480M ..... Test from other Linux (no ARMBIAN ), this USB device is detected : Thank a lot for your help. OPI_Deb_next_dmesg
  21. Hello! I am using armbian on orangepi zero. Currently SPI_CS line is LOW in default state and goes HIGH when selecting. Does it possible to invert it's state to be HIGH in default state and to be pulled down during line selection?
  22. Hi, I just realized that my Orange Pi Zero running Armbian now shows a completely wrong temperature reading using cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp This has not been the case until I updated to Armbian 5.38 by apt upgrade some days ago. Before that the reading was plausible. Not sure which exact version I was running before. I have a cpu temp monitoring script running and just realized that it now gets garbage. At the moment I get a reading of -12°C when outside temp is about 0°C (the OrangePi is in a water proof box outside on my roof). Not a serious problem, but seems to be a bug, so would be nice if it could be addressed :-) . Florian
  23. Hi, Firstly my thanks to the team for an outstanding job on ARMbian. I'm relatively new to this particular flavour, using it on my Orange Pi H2+ board with a few different builds under my belt now. Recently I have been having some troubles getting Pi-hole to work on the little Orange Pi board. Twice I have had it up and running perfectly, with full DNS and DHCP control of my home network, accommodating about 10 devices. However after about 6 - 12 hours of operation, they ceased to function. First time around I was not home to witness it, but when I returned later, the Allwinner chip was running pretty warm (around 60 degrees C core temp) and non-responsive, even to serial login. The board refused to boot too, and I ended up doing a full ARMbian / Pi-hole rebuild. Second time however when it did fail, the web (Pi-hole server) access seemed to not update etc. but the board appeared to still be running as DHCP was still covered just fine on the network. On reboot, I saw for the first time a red flashing LED. To be honest, I never even knew this was there until now. I did some research, and it appears that for other SBC's at least, this is a status indicator, and it is used to indicated a power supply fault. The manufacturers of the Orange Pi state this is a Status LED, but apart from that I can find no other information. It is connected to GPIO15 as I recall, so really it's under the control of ARMbian. So what does the red Status LED indicate if it starts flashing? Is there a flashing code (eg 1 flash per second = power problem, 2 flashes = stack overflow, whatever). I now have a 'scope monitoring the power line, and I'm going to do some closer analysis of power quality first, along with another fresh ARMbian rebuild. Unfortunately I think this time around the Ethernet port access circuitry may have been damaged, as I am no longer able to get the existing ARMbian build to access the network at all, whether set with DHCP or a static address. Back to using my Linksys router as DHCP server for the time being. I'll know later for sure (this evening) whether or not the board is damaged (assuming of course this is a power problem). The last few days have been exceptionally hot here, however the core never went above about 58 degrees C, but high ambient temperature was no doubt a contributing factor to my problems. I have a heatsink on the Allwinner device, but was trying to see if I can get away with a fanless build, which should be possible given the processing requirements of Pi-hole. The board is near idle most of the time. I realize this question is somewhat verbose, I'm hoping that it helps other people with similar problems/questions, or they may have some answers for me too.
  24. One of my orange pi zeros eth seems to be only negotiationg down to 10Mb/s full duplex. Not sure why. Below are examples of a stock nightly build. it only happens on one of the pis. [ 4.177634] sun8i-h3-pinctrl 1c20800.pinctrl: initialized sunXi PIO driver [ 4.181353] sun8i-h3-r-pinctrl 1f02c00.pinctrl: initialized sunXi PIO driver [ 4.348951] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: PTP uses main clock [ 4.349026] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: No regulator found [ 4.349104] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: Will use internal PHY [ 4.349331] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: Current syscon value is not the default 148000 (expect 58000) [ 4.349495] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: Chain mode enabled [ 4.349507] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: No HW DMA feature register supported [ 4.349519] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: Normal descriptors [ 4.349530] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: RX Checksum Offload Engine supported [ 4.349542] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: COE Type 2 [ 4.349553] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet: TX Checksum insertion supported [ 11.502776] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: No MAC Management Counters available [ 11.502793] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: PTP not supported by HW [ 19.849903] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 21.930440] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 22.970097] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 10Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx root@orangepizero:~# ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0: Supported ports: [ TP AUI BNC MII FIBRE ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only Supports auto-negotiation: Yes Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full Advertised pause frame use: No Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes Link partner advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full Link partner advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes Speed: 10Mb/s Duplex: Full Port: MII PHYAD: 1 Transceiver: internal Auto-negotiation: on Supports Wake-on: d Wake-on: d Current message level: 0x0000003f (63) drv probe link timer ifdown ifup Link detected: yes Manually ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full sometimes work, other times the interface starts moving up and down continually but even if it works its for a short period of time especially if i put some load on it [ 290.489795] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 291.529727] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 313.369751] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 314.409717] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 318.569954] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 320.649716] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 322.729744] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 323.769905] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 327.929501] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 328.969615] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 343.529731] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 344.569948] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 352.889602] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 353.929935] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 358.090496] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 360.169897] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 363.289777] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 364.330026] dwmac-sun8i 1c30000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx Any ideas?
  25. I installed the kernels from and flashed them to sd card. Then i copied the modified .ko files from image that i built for latest non-rt kernel using the compile.sh. My orange pi zero is running rt version. When i try to modprobe the modified and copied module it gives me error: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'libcomposite': Exec format error I read that incorrect arch could cause this so i ran the file command. libcomposite.ko: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=3a49e12c7809bbbdbdc3c5c5bd0fcd53e77dde44, not stripped i think module i built is not compatible with rt kernel i downloaded. I need to rebuild kernel with modified source code(only a few lines and 2 files) with rt patch or i need a way to build that module respecting rt kernel version i downloaded. Thanks for your attention
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