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  1. hello I have installed rock64 armbian debian bullseye, on the emmc card and I have an ssd disk by usb3, the disk is mounted in /etc/fstab, but every day approx it gives me an error blk_update_request: critical target error, dev sda, sector 250069504 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x0 phys_seg 1 prio class 0 [18241.624593] Buffer I/O error on dev sda, logical block 31258688, async page read I have tried several discs and it happens to all of them Is there something to be able to install so that I don't get that error
  2. I have compiled with Armbian build (btw i reported that RockPro64 and Rock64 download pages give 502 Bad gateway) 1. Armbian_23.08.0-trunk_Rockpro64_jammy_current_6.1.46_minimal.img 2. Armbian_23.08.0-trunk_Rockpro64_jammy_current_6.1.46_cinnamon_desktop.img With SPI disabled, the img boots fine, but when reboot/restart takes place, board gives black screen, no U-boot activity, no white light. It will boot again after restart if reset pressed or power off/on Shouldnt board reboot normally? PS nd after u-boot log/text this screen shows prior booting
  3. Hi, I need some guide and steps required (and if possible) to enable hardware acceleration using FFmpeg. Is the only thing I need since the idea is to use this SBC as Surveillance platform (for example, with Motion+Motioneye or Shinobi). Currencly without hardware accel, using 3 rtsp cams uses each 100% of a core (which translate to 300%). I've searching a lot, but I saw hwaccel with others apps, but not in particular with ffmpeg. I already managed to compile it with --enable-rkmpp (h264_rkmpp hevc_rkmpp vp8_rkmpp vp9_rkmpp) and available hwaccels: vdpau cuda vaapi drm opencl. Any help will be much appreciated. Currently fresh installed OS: Armbian Focal Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, I have a Pine Rock64 v2.0 SBC and with the image Buster xfce desktop (I guess this is the right one that mentions here), the board has random freezes and impossible to use. So far the board does work good with Ayufan Debian buster image. Anyone had and idea why? I post here since I need to implement hwaccel so I can use this board as RTSP server using a UVC USB camera (Arducam). Thanks.
  5. Hi, I'd like to control ws2812 led's via gpio spi. I'm using this octoprint build by ldiaz: I checked /boot/armbianEnv.txt and there's overlay_prefix=rock64 and after enabling spi via armbian-config also overlays=spi-spidev. Then I rebooted but ls /dev/spi* shows nothing. Can anyone help?
  6. Hello, does anyone know the shortpin for this board ? its a fake r98mini tried to search in on internet but nobody discusing this board emmc is SanDisk SD1N7DU2-16G i'm trying to install archlinux for rock64 following this tutorial, now i cannot boot multitool, and usb doesn't detect the board in case the image is not show up, here's the original url https://pasteboard.co/tLDW0zAOzWMA.jpg https://pasteboard.co/0oMYdaPXA6fR.jpg
  7. I have two Rock64 single-board computers running Focal Fossa. One is stable and the other gets segmentation faults when compiling and sometimes a kernel oops. After some searching, my understanding is this can be fixed by slowing down the memory speed by installing rk3328_ddr_333MHz_v1.13.bin from the ayufan-rock64 GitHub repository into uboot along with possibly rk3328_miniloader_v2.46.bin as well. Unfortunately, I'm clueless how to do this. I'm running the latest Armbian Focal Fossa Server from August 19 with the 5.7.17 kernel. Do I need to build a new image or can I patch an existing SD card? I'm sorry if I there is already a thread on this. I searched and could not find enough information that would allow me to proceed on my own.
  8. Hi all. Any ideas how to address this problem with apt-get/apt package manager? This system: Welcome to Armbian 21.02.3 Buster with Linux 5.10.35-rockchip64 Hit:1 http://security.debian.org buster/updates InRelease Hit:2 http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster InRelease Hit:4 http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-updates InRelease Hit:5 http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-backports InRelease Hit:3 https://armbian.hosthatch.com/apt buster InRelease Error: No information about packages! (Maybe no deb entries?) Reading package lists... Done E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'test -x /usr/bin/apt-show-versions || exit 0 ; apt-show-versions -i' E: Sub-process returned an error code ============================================ This is my source.list deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free # deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib non-free # deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib non-free deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free # deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main contrib non-free # deb-src http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main contrib non-free # deb https://download.webmin.com/download/repository buster main # deb-src https://download.webmin.com/download/repository buster main =================================================== This is armbian.list deb http://apt.armbian.com buster main buster-utils buster-desktop Any ideas appreciated. I would like to get a apt-get update and apt-get upgrade working without errors.
  9. Greetings all! A noob here just starting to explore and grasp Linux, ARM, and SBC's. I hope I'm posting in a correct area; don't want to ruffle any feathers. I've worked with IoT for a bit, while we several Rpi's collected dust until I put one to work with Node Red for a smart-home project. That sparked my interest, and I aquired a used Rock64 board relatively cheap to play. In retrospect it may have not been the right choice but I have it now. After trying several "dis-jointed" OS's steered to by the Pine website, and finding them to only work partially, at best, I came across Armbian after much searching. I'm very glad I did. I find the OS I selected to be very adequate for my learning needs with only a few caveats. I've learned to configure some of the system characteristics and am able to follow some tutorials on Debian, Linux, etc. Now I've gotten to a point where I'd like to print out some of the subject matter. However it appears that there doesn't seem to be a print driver for my printer. I just replaced my old HP Deskjet with a Brother HL-L3230CDW network printer. While there are Linux drivers, I could find none for ARM processors. Does anyone have any idea as to a solution. Many thanks for any help.
  10. Hi I've just downloaded Armbian_21.02.3_Rock64_buster_current_5.10.21.img.xz for my Rock64 and flashed the image to a microSD card using BalenaEtcher. Over the last couple of days I've been writing a menu based script that creates a shutdown script to spin down HDDs during the shutdown phase on Linux based SoC PC. The reason behind the script is to get around an apparent problem whereby HDDs are forcefully being shut off when SoC PCs power off. I have posted this problem myself on the Open Media Vault forums, I have come across it here on the Armbian forums, the ODROID forums and also the Stack Exchange forums. During my script development and testing I have been using ayufan's Rock64 images found [here](https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-build) as they've always worked for me compared to the Armbian ones which sometimes never booted up or froze halfway through booting. Unfortunately OMV 5 decided to play up overnight and the web-GUI stopped working all together. After several different fixes I decided it was best to wipe the OS and start again. Whilst I had the opportunity, I thought I could try Armbian again. The good news is it actually boots now and I'm able to install OMV 5. Sadly I don't seem to be able to shutdown my Rock64 at all unless I unplug the power barrel connector which of course damages the files and is causing the HDD's to re-spin up. I first noticed the Rock64 not shutting down when I tried to shutdown from OMV's web-GUI. To rule OMV being the problem I tried some of the shutdown commands from the CLI: reboot -p shutdown -P poweroff -p As shown in the video below you can see it goes to shutdown but soon after it starts back up. https://youtu.be/h-fi7iHLMBI With ayufan's Rock64 image with the same shutdown command it shuts down with literally 5 seconds and then remains off. Does anyone know what's going on here?
  11. Hello. I'm using the latest image from https://www.armbian.com/rock64/ installed today. As description say, it is possible to overclock the board to 1.5ghz, but it didn't work. root@rock64:~# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{0,1,2,3}/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies 408000 600000 816000 1008000 1200000 1296000 408000 600000 816000 1008000 1200000 1296000 408000 600000 816000 1008000 1200000 1296000 408000 600000 816000 1008000 1200000 1296000
  12. Hi, I wanted to try this build so I cant test HW (using the legacy kernel). But, is impossible to make Rock64 boot correctly, having random kernel crashes, It does boot with the 5.10.x kernel version and work just fine, but I need the Legacy one so I can test HW. I can only attach a photo since there is nothing I can do since the OS is halt. Any ideas? Thanks.
  13. I have Rock64 board with latest Armbian Focal flashed on it. I want to use it with this HDMI display by Waveshare: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/7inch_HDMI_LCD_(H)_(with_case) Now, when I connect it to Rock64 it runs as 1080p downscaled by HDMI controller on display, resulted image is garbage, even though it is present. As was discussed here: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/10071-tinker-board-hdmi-resolutions-do-not-all-work/ current kernel/u-boot doesn't have required video mode to run this display properly. I tried to set required mode with xrandr but with no success. Can anyone help me to figure out how to patch kernel/u-boot to get this thing work properly? And what exactly is setting video mode kernel or u-boot? I've found where video modes are set in u-boot source, but I suspect that adding required video mode there won't be enough, am I right?
  14. Rock Pi 4A and 4C boot to working gigabit ethernet with bookworm-current minimal image, USB ports all work. HDMI output not tested yet. Rock 3A also boots to working gigabit ethernet with jammy-edge minimal image. USB ports all work. HDMI output not tested yet here either. Rock64 also boots to working gigabit ethernet with bookworm-current minimal image. USB ports all work. HDMI output not tested.
  15. Hi! I've 2 rock64 boards -- 4gb and 2gb bought with 1 year difference The problem -- both boards have same MAC address. Changing it with macchanger has no effect, same for cloned mac in nmtui. Also I tried this in armbianEnv.txt: root@rock64:~# cat /boot/armbianEnv.txt verbosity=1 overlay_prefix=rockchip rootdev=UUID=48ad169b-7620-4c84-89fa-6c9a0fcde766 rootfstype=ext4 ethaddr=a7:71:b0:90:17:1f usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u But mac stays the same. I've plugged usb ethernet just to avoid conflict on same network, but how can I change the MAC of eth0 ?
  16. I have a Rock64 v2. For my project I wish to connect the board to an MCP3008 ADC chip via SPI so I can read some analog sensors. Pretty straightforward. But when I look at /lib/modules/4.4.178-rockchip64/kernel/drivers I see there are modules for i2c, usb, one wire, GPIO ... everything but SPI. Am I out of luck? ARMBIAN 5.75 stable Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 4.4.178-rockchip64
  17. L.S. After installing Armbian_20.02.1_Rock64_buster_current_5.4.20.7z on my 4GB rock64 running on SD card - I could run for days 2 processes with "openssl speed" resulting in 2 CPU's 100% busy. - But when I added a third "openssl speed" it only takes minutes to freeze the board. - Further the "ondemand" scaling_governor is active (default setting) I noticed that distributed /etc/default/cpufrequtils contains line: ==> MAX_SPEED=1390000 This value is not in the list with valid values for this CPU : ==> 408000 600000 816000 1008000 1200000 1296000 1512000 After updating this to valid value and restart service cpufrequtils: ==> sed -i "s/MAX_SPEED=.*/MAX_SPEED=1296000/" /etc/default/cpufrequtils service cpufrequtils restart The rock64 is now already a few hours running happily 100% CPU on all 4 its core's at appr 80C. It even runs happy now with 4 CPU's 100% with MAX_SPEED=1512000 for nearly an hour, throttling down to 1.3 or 1.2GHz at appr 84C - Can this be reproduced by some one else using the default distribution with 4x100% CPU usage? - Can it be that I have an old level rock64 board (I bought it appr 2 years back) that is causing this issue? - Is it possible that the CPU / kernel freezes because of an incorrect MAX_SPEED value? ref: Linux rock64 5.4.27-rockchip64 #20.02.6 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 24 23:43:02 CET 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux regards Eric Experimenting with armbian in these worrying times.
  18. THE MEDIA SCRIPT IS NOW DEPRECATED, IN FAVOR OF THE OFFICIAL MULTIMEDIA FRAMEWORK. PLEASE REFER TO THIS TOPIC: And, for last, the first version of: The UN-official, UN-supported, UN-expected RK3328 MEDIA TESTING SCRIPT This is the first release of the RK3328 media testing script. The script provides a functionality similar to its RK3288/3399 equivalents, except for the OpenCL related stuff, which is not supported by the SoC. So it includes: Installing all the libraries and system configurations necessary for GPU accelerated X desktop, Chromium WebGL, full VPU video play acceleration up to 4k@60 10-bit HEVC (the maximum supported by the SoC), and GLES 2.0 support. Three video players supporting full VPU acceleration (RKMPP) and KMS display (GBM or a X11 DRM "hack", as described by the authors), namely: MPV, Gstreamer and Kodi. A library that will act as an OpenGL to OpenGL-ES wrapper, allowing you to run programs that use OpenGL 1.5-2.0. Two additional features, that have no big interest from the Armbian development prospective, but I find them interesting to play with: Chromium browser with support for Flash and DRM-protected commercial web video streaming (tested with Amazon Prime, should also work with Netflix, Hulu, etc.), and a simple Pulseaudio GTK equalizer using LADSPA. Here is a more thorough documentation: >>> DOWNLOAD LINK <<< Prerequisites: You need a fresh Armbian Bionic desktop image with default kernel installed. Instructions: Download the file above Untar it: tar xvf media-rk3328_*.txz cd media-script ./media-rk3328.sh Notes: This script is not officially supported by the Armbian project. It is just a community effort to help the development of the main build, by experimenting with a possible implementation of the media capabilities of this particular SoC. Therefore, questions about the script should not be laid out as support requests, but as commentaries or community peer-to-peer assistance. That being said, all commentaries/suggestions/corrections are very welcome. In the same way, I will do my best to help solve any difficulty that may arise regarding the script. Enjoy!
  19. I've read many tutorials and tried many tips on how to change console resolution in Armbian Ubuntu 18.04 on ROCK64 but couldn't find any solution. I'm stuck with 4K resolution and can't reconfigure it down to 1920x1080. armbian-config tool lacks such basic functionality. Is there any way to do resolution change or do I have to get 1080p monitor? It's fucked up doing such simple thing is so complicated. Wasted over 2 hours now researching and no solution yet.
  20. Description Yes, we have documented the maintainers in armbian/documentation. But it seem like that some of them don't maintain anymore. Use a separated repos make us forget to update it. So let's document here. What's more, defining this make us easier to update .github/CODEOWNERS The way to find out the BOARD_MAINTAINER has documented in the commit messages. The script to do this #!/bin/bash SRC="$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../")" readarray -t members < <(curl -L -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" "https://api.github.com/orgs/armbian/members?per_page=100" | jq -r .[].login) doc="$(curl -L https://github.com/armbian/documentation/raw/master/docs/Release_Board-Maintainers.md)" function set_maintainer() { local board_config="$1" local maintainers="$2" if ! grep "BOARD_MAINTAINER" "${SRC}/config/boards/${board_config}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then sed -i "s|\(.*\)\(BOARDFAMILY=.*\)|\1\2\n\1BOARD_MAINTAINER=\"${maintainers}\"|" "${SRC}/config/boards/${board_config}" else : # Have set # Replace # sed -i "s|BOARD_MAINTAINER=.*|BOARD_MAINTAINER=\"${maintainers}\"|" "${SRC}/config/boards/${board_config}" fi } while read -r board_config; do type="${board_config##*.}" [[ "conf wip csc eos tvb" == *"${type}"* ]] || continue BOARD="${board_config%.*}" echo -e "\n${board_config}" documented_maintainer=() readarray -t documented_maintainer < <(echo "${doc}" | grep "| ${BOARD} *|" | cut -d'|' -f4 | sed 's/^ *\([^ ]*\) *$/\1/') echo -e "\tDocumented: ${documented_maintainer[*]}" if [[ ! -f ".gh/${board_config}" ]]; then gh_commits="$(curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" "https://api.github.com/repos/armbian/build/commits?per_page=100&path=config/boards/${board_config}")" echo "${gh_commits}" >".gh/${board_config}" else gh_commits="$(cat ".gh/${board_config}")" fi authors="$(echo "${gh_commits}" | jq -r .[].author.login)" creator="$(echo "${authors}" | tail -1)" echo -e "\tCreator: ${creator}" most_commit="$(echo "${authors}" | uniq -c | sort -nr | awk '($1 >= 3) {print $2}' | head -1)" echo -e "\tMost commit: ${most_commit}" other_commiters=() readarray -t other_commiters < <(echo "${authors}" | grep -v "^${creator}$") if [[ -n "${documented_maintainer}" ]]; then for m in "${documented_maintainer[@]}"; do if [[ "${members[*]}" != *"${m}"* ]]; then echo -e "${board_config}: ${m} is not our member" >&2 fi done set_maintainer "${board_config}" "${documented_maintainer[*]}" continue fi if [[ "${creator}" == "${most_commit}" ]]; then if [[ "${members[*]}" != *"${creator}"* ]]; then echo -e "${board_config}: ${creator} is not our member" >&2 fi set_maintainer "${board_config}" "${creator}" continue fi if [ -z "${other_commiters[*]}" ]; then if [[ "${members[*]}" != *"${creator}"* ]]; then echo -e "${board_config}: ${creator} is not our member" >&2 fi set_maintainer "${board_config}" "${creator}" fi set_maintainer "${board_config}" "" done < <(ls "${SRC}/config/boards/") Raw output aml-s9xx-box.tvb Documented: Creator: SteeManMI Most commit: bananapicm4io.conf Documented: Creator: superna9999 Most commit: bananapi.conf Documented: janprunk Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim1plus.csc Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim2.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim2plus.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim2pro.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: rpardini Most commit: bananapim2s.wip Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: bananapim2ultra.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim2zero.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim3.conf Documented: AaronNGray Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: bananapim5.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim64.conf Documented: devdotnetorg Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapipro.conf Documented: teknoid Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapir2.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapir2pro.conf Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: beaglev.csc Documented: Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: beelinkx2.tvb Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik clearfogbase.conf Documented: heisath Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik clearfogpro.conf Documented: heisath Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik clockworkpi-a06.csc Documented: littlecxm Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: cubieboard2.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: cubieboard4.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik cubieboard.conf Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik cubietruck.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: cubietruckplus.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik cubox-i.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: espressobin.conf Documented: ManoftheSea Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik fe-som-rk3399.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: firefly-rk3399.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: helios4.conf Documented: heisath Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik helios64.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: hinlink-h88k.csc Documented: Creator: amazingfate Most commit: imx7sabre.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: jethubj100.conf Documented: jethome-ru Creator: adeepn Most commit: jethubj80.conf Documented: jethome-ru Creator: adeepn Most commit: jetson-nano.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: khadas-edge2.wip Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: khadas-edge.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: khadas-vim1.conf Documented: Creator: lanefu Most commit: khadas-vim2.conf Documented: Creator: lanefu Most commit: khadas-vim3.conf Documented: NicoD-SBC Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: khadas-vim3l.conf Documented: rpardini Creator: lanefu Most commit: lafrite.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lamobo-r1.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lepotato.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lime2.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: lime-a10.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lime-a33.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lime-a64.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: lime.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik macchiatobin-doubleshot.csc Documented: Creator: jwzawadzki Most commit: igorpecovnik mangopi-mq.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: mekotronics-r58-minipc.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: mekotronics-r58x-4g.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: mekotronics-r58x.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: melea1000.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik micro.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik microzed.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: miqi.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik mk808c.csc Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopct3.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopct3plus.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopct4.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopia64.csc Documented: Creator: guidol70 Most commit: nanopiair.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: nanopiduo2.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: nanopiduo.conf Documented: sgjava Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopifire3.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopik1plus.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopik2-s905.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopim1.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim1plus2.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim1plus.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim3.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim4.conf Documented: piter75 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim4v2.csc Documented: piter75 Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: nanopineo2black.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopineo2.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopineo3.conf Documented: lpirl Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopineo4.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopineo.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopineocore2.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: nanopineoplus2.conf Documented: teknoid Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopi-r1.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopi-r1s-h5.conf Documented: Creator: aiamadeus Most commit: nanopi-r2c.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: rickliu2000 Most commit: nanopi-r2s.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopi-r4s.conf Documented: littlecxm piter75 Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: nanopi-r6s.wip Documented: Creator: efectn Most commit: nezha.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: odroidc1.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik odroidc2.conf Documented: NicoD-SBC Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik odroidc4.conf Documented: Technicavolous Creator: superna9999 Most commit: igorpecovnik odroidhc4.conf Documented: rpardini Technicavolous Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: odroidm1.wip Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: odroidn2.conf Documented: rpardini Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik odroidxu4.conf Documented: igorpecovnik joekhoobyar Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik olimex-som204-a20.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: olimex-som-a20.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: olimex-teres-a64.conf Documented: Creator: Kreyren Most commit: olinux-som-a13.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik onecloud.csc Documented: Creator: hzyitc Most commit: hzyitc orangepi2.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepi3.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepi3-lts.csc Documented: afaulkner420 Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: orangepi4.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepi4-lts.conf Documented: jock Creator: paolosabatino Most commit: orangepi5.conf Documented: Creator: efectn Most commit: orangepi.eos Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepilite2.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: orangepilite.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepimini.eos Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepione.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepioneplus.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: orangepipc2.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepipc.conf Documented: lbmendes Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepipcplus.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepiplus2e.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepiplus.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepiprime.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: orangepi-r1.conf Documented: schwar3kat Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepi-r1plus.conf Documented: Creator: aiamadeus Most commit: orangepi-r1plus-lts.conf Documented: schwar3kat Creator: schwar3kat Most commit: orangepi-rk3399.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepiwin.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: orangepizero2.conf Documented: krachlatte qiurui Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: orangepizero.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepizeroplus2-h3.csc Documented: agolubchyk Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepizeroplus2-h5.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepizeroplus.conf Documented: schwar3kat Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik pcduino2.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik pcduino3.csc Documented: Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik pcduino3nano.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik pine64.conf Documented: janprunk Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik pine64so.conf Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik pinebook-a64.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: pinebook-pro.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: pinecube.csc Documented: Creator: Icenowy Most commit: pineh64-b.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik pineh64.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: qemu-uboot-arm64.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: qemu-uboot-x86.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: quartz64a.wip Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: quartz64b.wip Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: radxa-e25.wip Documented: Creator: amazingfate Most commit: radxa-zero2.wip Documented: monkaBlyat Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: radxa-zero.conf Documented: engineer-80 Creator: engineer-80 Most commit: recore.csc Documented: Creator: null Most commit: renegade.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rk322x-box.tvb Documented: Creator: paolosabatino Most commit: rk3318-box.tvb Documented: Creator: paolosabatino Most commit: rock-3a.conf Documented: catalinii ZazaBr vamzii Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: amazingfate rock-5b.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: rock64.conf Documented: clee Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rockpi-4a.conf Documented: clee Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rockpi-4b.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rockpi-4bplus.csc Documented: Creator: lanefu Most commit: rockpi-4c.conf Documented: clee Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: rockpi-4cplus.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: rockpi-e.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: rockpi-n10.csc Documented: Creator: psztoch Most commit: rockpi-s.conf Documented: brentr Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rockpro64.conf Documented: joekhoobyar Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik roc-rk3399-pc.csc Documented: Creator: piter75 Most commit: piter75 rpi4b.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: star64.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: station-m1.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: 150balbes station-m2.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: 150balbes Most commit: station-m3.conf Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: station-p1.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: station-p2.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: 150balbes Most commit: sunvell-r69.tvb Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: tinkerboard-2.wip Documented: Creator: Tonymac32 Most commit: tinkerboard.conf Documented: Tonymac32 paolosabatino Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik tritium-h3.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik tritium-h5.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik udoo.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: uefi-arm64.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: uefi-riscv64.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: uefi-x86.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: unleashed.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: unmatched.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: virtual-qemu.eos Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: visionfive2.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: visionfive.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: xt-q8l-v10.tvb Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik z28pro.tvb Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik zeropi.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: Here is the list who documented in armbian/documentation but aren't our members. So he/she can't add to .github/CODEOWNERS due to he/she don't have the access to write to the repos. bananapim3.conf: AaronNGray is not our member bananapim64.conf: devdotnetorg is not our member clearfogbase.conf: heisath is not our member clearfogpro.conf: heisath is not our member helios4.conf: heisath is not our member jethubj100.conf: jethome-ru is not our member jethubj80.conf: jethome-ru is not our member khadas-vim3.conf: NicoD-SBC is not our member nanopineo3.conf: lpirl is not our member odroidc2.conf: NicoD-SBC is not our member odroidc4.conf: Technicavolous is not our member odroidhc4.conf: Technicavolous is not our member orangepi3-lts.csc: afaulkner420 is not our member orangepi4-lts.conf: jock is not our member orangepipc.conf: lbmendes is not our member orangepizero2.conf: krachlatte is not our member orangepizeroplus2-h3.csc: agolubchyk is not our member radxa-zero2.wip: monkaBlyat is not our member radxa-zero.conf: engineer-80 is not our member rock-3a.conf: ZazaBr is not our member rock-3a.conf: vamzii is not our member rock64.conf: clee is not our member rockpi-4a.conf: clee is not our member rockpi-4c.conf: clee is not our member How Has This Been Tested? Uncessary. Checklist: [ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [X] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [X] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation [X] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  21. The GPIO pins on the Rock64 are very similar to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO, except the Raspberry pi calls pin #19 GPIO 10, pin #21 GPIO 9 and pin #23 GPIO 11. Where as the Rock64's pin #19 is GPIO3_A1, pin #21 GPIO_A2 and pin #23 GPIO3_A0. The Rock64 documentation does say that it is quasi-Raspberry Pi compatible, but it's hard to find anyone who has actually tested this. Here is the GPIO layout of the Rock64, compared to the Pi 3 I'm currently trying to figure out if a display such as THIS can be connected to the Rock64's GPIO pins without any major issues. User documentation for the display can be found HERE on page 2, in the PDF named 5inch_HDMI_Display_User_Manual. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
  22. rpardini's dirty laundry, late April/'23 uefi/edge: bump to 6.3 bcm2711/grub: add busybox (for initrd grep/sed) so initramfs-growroot works again on Debian bcm2711: bomb early when RELEASE is set and not supported bcm2711/edge: bump to 6.3 (rpi4b, RPi Foundation Kernel) rockchip-rk3588/edge: bump to 6.3, drop 6.2 patches rk3568-odroid/edge: bump to 6.3 (odroidm1) virtual-qemu: move to eos (replaced by qemu-uboot-x86 and qemu-uboot-arm64) qemu-uboot-arm64/qemu-uboot-x86: split more x86/arm64 differences, add some docs, bump to u-boot 23.04 +update-patches; add arm64 bootscript extensions: introduce u-boot-menu extension, for use with extlinux this is using the default Debian/Ubuntu package, we probably should replace that with our own scripts kernel-debs: call linux-update-symlinks in postinst; expected of Debian-compatible kernels this handles /vmlinuz etc symlinks (doesn't know about uInitrd, etc) initramfs post-update 99-uboot: add verbose logging, no actual changes sun50iw9: don't inadvertently override pre-existing hook function name - fixes #5099 imx7d (EOS): codeaurora.org is no more, move to nxp-imx's repos for both kernel and u-boot grub: keep u-boot stuff if UEFI_GRUB=yes git-ref2info: many fixes for nonstandard repos; try a few different dereference and refs/ combinations in a certain order; remove codeaurora repo handling git-ref2info: when resolving SHA1's for 'xxx' tag or branch, try first refs/heads/xxx, then just 'xxx'; validate SHA1 with 40-char regexp this works-around Gerrit-style repositories that have a 'refs/for/xxx' ref that gets in the way case in point: https://github.com/hardkernel/u-boot/tree/odroidc-v2011.03 (has both refs/heads/odroidc-v2011.03 and refs/for/odroidc-v2011.03) git-ref2info: when processing tags for a SHA1, try both dereference and non-dereferenced, in that order, to get a SHA1 this solves old problem reported in #4916: GitHub incorrectly processes dereference requests for tags that are not actually annotated case in point: https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-kernel/releases/tag/4.4.202-1237-rockchip-ayufan codeaurora is no more, https://bye.codeaurora.org/ View the full article
  23. I'm trying to get a Rock64 board working with a wifi USB dongle, sold as RTL8188 and which is in fact a 8188eu. I use the latest armbian-buster as downloaded a few days ago. The dongle appears in dmesg when plugged in, but no module is loaded. I can manually load the 8188eu module and get no errors, but no wifi interface appears. Ifconfig, iwconfig and nmtui don't see anything they could use for wlan. I have installed the firmware-realtek package as well, it made no difference. I can get the module 8188eu autoloaded at boot, but that doesn't change the non-availability of a wlan interface. Any help appreciated. I have posted the armbianmonitor -u output in the required field. ( here it is again: http://ix.io/2Dee )
  24. Description Upgrade vcgencmd without tmp vulnerability and inclusion for bananapim2ultra See also https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/5095#issuecomment-1521626783 How Has This Been Tested? [x] Pine64 [x] Rock64 [x] Banana Pi M2 Ultra Checklist: [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation [x] My changes generate no new warnings [x] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  25. Since this is a different issue I split this topic into a separate one to take care of or check at least somewhen. ------------------------------------------ Oh well. There IS something wrong but not with the toolchain download... rock64 focal current desktop HOSTLD tools/mkimage tools/Makefile:134: recipe for target 'tools/_libfdt.so' failed Makefile:1278: recipe for target 'tools' failed [ error ] ERROR in function compile_uboot [ compilation.sh:220 ] [ error ] U-boot compilation failed [ o.k. ] Process terminated #compilation log: tools/libfdt_wrap.c:149:11: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory # include <Python.h> ^~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1 make[1]: *** [tools/_libfdt.so] Error 1 make: *** [tools] Error 2 Seems to depend on Python2 19 | int ____ilog2_NaN(void); | ^~~ File "./tools/dtoc/dtoc", line 50 print result ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(result)? File "./tools/dtoc/dtoc", line 50 print result ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(result)? make[1]: *** [include/generated/dt-structs-gen.h] Error 1 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make[1]: *** [tpl/dts/dt-platdata.c] Error 1 make: *** [tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin] Error 2 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... Yup. Forcing Python2 works. Not sure if Python2 was still default on Bionic but I guess so. Might become an issue with building on Focal in future. Need to test this somewhen...
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