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  1. Hi, with my Odroid C2 I experience a strange behaviour regarding Armbian Updates. Initially Armbian_5.38_Odroidc2_Debian_jessie_default_3.14.79 was installed, after installation I did an upgrade to Debian Stretch. Meanwhile a new Armbian version v5.44 / v5.45 with a newer Kernel is available for Odroid C2 devices. If I do "apt update" and "apt upgrade", a newer version isn't visible or would be installed? The system is stuck on v5.38 with Kernel 3.14.79: " Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.38 stable Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 3.14.79-odroidc2 Linux lx 3.14.79-odroidc2 #14 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 25 05:46:07 CET 2018 aarch64 System load: 0.39 0.28 0.30 Up time: 1 day Memory usage: 19 % of 1975MB IP: 172.x.x.x CPU temp: 57°C Usage of /: 51% of 7.0G " When I do "dpkg -l | grep armbian", I see the following: " ii armbian-config 5.45 all Armbian configuration utility ii armbian-firmware-full 5.38 all Linux firmware-full ii armbian-tools-stretch 5.44 arm64 Armbian tools, Cubie bt utils ii hostapd 2:2.6-4~armbian5.38+1 arm64 IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator ii sunxi-tools 1.4.2-2~armbian5.38+1 arm64 tools for working with Allwinner (sunxi) ARM processors " Has anyone an idea, what happens here? Many thanks, Matt
  2. I installed ARMBIAN 5.44 testing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.14.40-odroidc2 on my C2 and it is working fine at this time, but it hangs with the command "shutdown -r now" - I have to power off/on. Now I did get the advice to update to U-Boot V2018.03 On my C2 dpkg does show me as actual installed: linux-u-boot-odroidc2-next 5.44 arm64 Uboot loader 2017.11 Via "apt-cache search" or at http://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-u-boot-odroidc2-next/ I couldnt find nothing newer than the installed version or linux-u-boot-next-odroidc2_5.38_arm64.deb 25-Jan-2018 07:48 206K In /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list I got as the only armbian-source: deb http://apt.armbian.com bionic main bionic-utils bionic-desktop So could please point me anyone the the v2018.03 U-boot as .deb or how could I compile it for myself? As Info I only did find that: https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/913 Thanks in advance
  3. I am having an issue playing 24 bit files on my audio system. I am feeding from an Odroid C2 running Armbian Ubuntu to a Schiit Yggrasil DAC, via USB. The problem is that while all 16 bit files play perfectly, all 24 bit files play with crackles and pops and are unlistenable. I am trying to figure out where the incompatibility lies in the USB interface between the units - is it a Linux issue (I've tried other distributions with the same results) or is it something in the hardware? Any thoughts on the issue would be most appreciated.
  4. HI, I want use armbian on my odroid-c2. But I can't start it: - Ubuntu xenial 5.40, 3.14.79 loop on 'authentification ... token error' - Debian stretch next desktop4.14.30 don't make anything on screen But DietPi v60.0 Jessie work fine. The power supply is Odroid model. I try two sd card, sandisk ultra 64Go and Hc class 10 16Go: - dietpi is ok - 2 distrib of Armbian are Ko. About Debian stretch next, the blue led flash 2 time rapidely, without stop Could you help me? Thanks
  5. Hi guys, after some interesting weeks, I could successfully install eight Odroid C2 together with dedicated FPGA hardware now, and prepare them now for deep sea operation. Just wanted to express a big "THANK YOU" to all here in the forum which were involved in helping me to get the beast working. The boards operate now with patches inside Uboot (serial console 9600 8N1) and several small patches inside the kernel (device tree, PWM, ADCs, 1Wire), and a patch inside the rt8152 driver to switch off the LEDs in the USB ethernet dongle (PMTs don't like such bright light usually). 128GB eMMCs are working fine, thanks to the speed patch The Armbian image does a great job, it's a pleasure to work with. At the moment I run it headless over some DSL connection, with a SSH tunnel and TigerVNC to remotely operate it and test under hard conditions Again, thanks to all persons involved. BTW, I'm open for ideas on how to save power on C2 during operation, as well as how to read CPU temperature remotely - we have 22W max power dissipation inside the Titanium shell... every Watt counts. BTW2, how can I take the kernel image out of updates? I want to use apt-get for normal packages, but hands off the kernel So far, Michael
  6. This was briefly discussed in another topic, but the idea would be to make 4.14 the default kernel for Le Potato and K2, and change next to the newest stable kernel. The reason is, the 4.14 is the vendor kernel for Le Potato, K2 is only supported via it's similarity to C2 and Le Potato, and we currently don't have a "mainline" for Amlogic as everything moves forward. Consequences: Default build it yourself with the 3.14 will no longer be possible. We do not provide images of this build anyway. Next image users will get updated to the newest stable rather than staying on 4.14 This is what needs the discussion. I put a quick post on the Facebook group for Libre Computer I belong to, so far I've gotten half the community having seen the post and nothing but positive feedback on the change proposal. Looking to get any feedback available here. March 30, 2018 Status: Building "Default" image for either Le Potato or K2 will give you 4.14.y with Current BayLibre patches (K2 had other issues due to a board rename some time ago, broke u-boot process and boot script generation) Next still at 4.14.y waiting for 4.16
  7. Is it possible to get it work, with next kenel?
  8. Hello, i've experienced eMMC Problems with the latest stable Jessie Armbian-Image for Odroid C2. Thats why i installed Debian_jessie_next_desktop_nightly.7z from the nightly builds. After my first experiences it seems that image is working good since i did all of my configurations over serial console and ssh. Now when connecting my display it's not working. Which is 1440x900p60hz and connected over a hdmi<->dvi Adapter to the board. The device is starting with a black screen and not not detecting any display when i try to start the X-Server manually and there are also no /dev/fbdev* devices. Since the boot files between stable and nightly images differ, there might be something that needs to be configured in order to get the framebuffer device alive ??? Any help is appreciated. Best regards, Thomas
  9. Not sure if this belongs here or upstream but I figure I'd post here first. I'm running kubernetes on a bunch of odroid c2s and randomly pairs or sometimes single ones will crash randomly. I was able to capture the logs from the crash, but I can't seem to get a core dump. I was, however, able to determine that the panic occurs when rapidly removing and adding virtual ethernet devices. Some sort of collision seems to occur and the kernel oopsies into oblivion. It happens constantly, so much that I've had to put my project on hold =( This happens with the stock image from hardkernel, the latest stable armbian image for c2, and the latest nightly for c2 on 4.14-28 with beta firmware and all that. I'm wondering if this is a known issue or what's going on. I've searched all the keywords I can think of. I also had to build custom images to switch to btrfs because ext4 kept corrupting itself with all the crashes, even when journaled.
  10. Hi, after doing some last changes (hopefully) to Uboot and the kernel, I have some questions on how to get the new Uboot and kernel on eMMC (I can't reinstall everything on a cleanly etched system). I have normal build environment, with mainline kernel and v2017.11. compile.sh gives me a new image without problems. The target system is running nicely on a 128GB eMMC, but how can I safely install the new Uboot and the new kernel to my eMMC? I would really be happy to have one of the experts telling me how to proceed without killing my system Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated. Michael
  11. Hi, after getting access to GPIO pins now (thnx to Neil ) I wonder that accessing pins be bash scripts gives me quite different access times. For example, I use one pin to switch a connected device on and off by a MOSFET. Setting the pin low is fast, setting it high takes about two seconds. I use the following shell script: #!/bin/bash echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio102/value ("0" for off, "1" for on) Any ideas? The pin seems to switch immediately, while the shell prompt takes about two seconds to return - but ONLY in case of "1". The corresponding pin is set to output, of course, before Best regards, Michael EDIT: problem solved. It was power supply related... the +5V line received a voltage drop when the FPGA was booting up. That drop killed the USB network connection, and the reconnection did cause the long delay.
  12. Hi, maybe someone can give me a hint... I have a running system now on 128GB eMMC card, and wanto to use GPIO. I have /sys/class/gpio/ with export, and unexport files, and two gpiochip0 and gpiochip14 entries. Unfortunately I can't export pins, as export 231 > /sys/class/gpio/export gives me a (as user and root) bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument Any help is appreciated. EDIT: works now. It is somehow a bit complicated, as the "usual" numbers as known from 3.x kernels vanished. Debug output shows two "gpiochips", with a certain number of pins, which you have to correlate to the device tree enums for that "chips" - giving you finally the number you want. Maybe I simply don't get the simplicity of that new concept... So far, Michael
  13. Hello, we are testing set of 50devices and on 20%-30% of them we are detecting errors, which seems as hardware issues with eMMC cards. Issues looks very similar to us. Example of device usage is: 1) device boots operating system (Armbian GNU/Linux kernel 3.14.79-odroidc2), 2) device works as expected for hours/days, 3) system logs starts containing emmc errors, 4) system freezes with console message: Message from syslogd@avast-hkc213254dfea768 at Feb 14 13:49:58 ... kernel:[189164.931207] Disabling IRQ #250 After consultation with Hardkernel we tried theirs ubuntu image and it looks better. After 4 hour test we do not detect broken card (test continues), with Armbian we had first issue after few minutes. Can you help us? Reference to Hardkernel forum post https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=30244 Thank you
  14. Hi, I want to change the resolution to a custom setting. In order to do this I changed the /boot/boot.ini file to custombuilt and include the relevant modeline for my display. When I start the odroid, it crashes. I then tried to just use setenv display_autodetect "true" and no preset selected, it also crashes. Perhaps I misunderstand auto_detect, but when I set the custombuilt option with the right modeline, it still won't work.. any ideas?
  15. Can you fix build/patch/kernel/odroidc2-dev/packaging-4.x-DEV-with-postinstall-scripts.patch so we have working image with mainline kernel now it is missing symlink to zImage ln -sf $(basename $installed_image_path) /boot/zImage > /dev/null 2>&1 || mv /$installed_image_path /boot/zImage rm -f /boot/System.map* /boot/config* /boot/vmlinuz* /boot/zImage /boot/uImage And plz add https://github.com/BayLibre/libretech-image-builder/blob/libretech-cc-xenial-4.14-mali-x11/patches/0001-meson_drm_disable_ARGB8888.patch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/superna9999/LibreELEC.tv/Amlogic_GX/projects/Amlogic_GX/patches/linux/0037-drm-meson-fix-vsync-buffer-update.patch to build/patch/kernel/odroidc2-next thx
  16. Today I installed Armbian_5.35_Odroidc2_Debian_jessie_default_3.14.79 on my Odroid C2 Installation went fine and I got a DHCP-IP But now neither armbian-config will configure me a IP to eth0 (only device lo) nor /etc/network/interfaces would be "read" when I manually edit it to eth0 So I cleared the file. nmtui does let me configure a connection and I could activate this connection. At this time I got a/the right IP. But after a reboot this IP wouldnt reconnected. Every boot I do get an additional connection eth0 generated. Before boot root@odroidc2:~# nmcli con show NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE guido 2b96719d-bbee-4fef-9848-8663cda99dcc 802-3-ethernet eth0 eth0 3888b480-d230-4bf7-a3b3-076f4b61b35b 802-3-ethernet -- After next boot root@odroidc2:~# nmcli con show NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE eth0 569592fe-7704-4054-bb6a-74567526cd72 802-3-ethernet -- guido 2b96719d-bbee-4fef-9848-8663cda99dcc 802-3-ethernet eth0 eth0 3888b480-d230-4bf7-a3b3-076f4b61b35b 802-3-ethernet -- So I named "my" connection guido and did try the following in the /etc/rc.local nmcli con down eth0 nmcli con up guido but on startup the boot-log (not in dmesg) shows me: [FAILED] Failed to start /etc/rc.local Compatibility. [EDIT] as workaround it does work with these 2 nmcli config-lines if I put a "sleep 1" before them in the /etc/rc.local but this shouldnt be the final solution But manually these command does work: Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection2) root@odroidc2:~# armbianmonitor -u System diagnosis information will now be uploaded to http://sprunge.us/ADIU
  17. I want tou share with you my experience with weston with mali wayland drivers https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=28426&start=50#p213474 Wish list: Can you guys add /lib/udev/rules.d/99-mali.rules KERNEL=="mali",SUBSYSTEM=="misc",MODE=="0777" to for all board with mali GPU And also set up directory and library cache for mali userspace drivers so all application will use mali version istead of mesa We still have problem with v-sync with amlogic DRM driver
  18. Hi, I just changed from my 16GB eMMC to a 64GB eMMC (black type, ordered by Pollin, with Android initially on it). I use Etcher on Windows 7, as before, no problems occured so far. If I use the same image (Armbian_5.37_Odroidc2_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.13) as I do on my 16GB eMMC, the C2 boots up normally. I can login in as root, and get prompted for a new password. This image includes Uboot changes for setting serial port baudrate, no other changes to kernel. An here the trouble starts: no matter what password I want to use as new one, I fail. If I use a "too easy one" I get denied (as it should be). If I use a complicated one, I get Debian GNU/Linux 9 odroidc2 ttyAML0 odroidc2 login: root Password: You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced) Changing password for root. (current) UNIX password: Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: Authentication token manipulation error Debian GNU/Linux 9 odroidc2 ttyAML0 odroidc2 login: Passwords do match. I tried by serial console, I tried by network, no matter what I do - I get this authentication token manipulation error. I tried the second 64GB eMMC, too, same problem. I also tried to use a pre-built system (Armbian_5.37.171231_Odroidc2_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.10) from download area with exactly same result. Same image works like a charm on a 16GB uSD (Samsung brand), works also well on 16GB eMMC (red PCB). Using a 32GB uSD (Samsung brand), boot process stalls at [ OK ] Started LSB: Armbian gathering hardware information. with heavily blinking blue LED. After a power cycle, I can login normally as root and set a new password. Problem seems to occur on large eMMCs only (so far, with bad statistics, next week I can try the 128GB eMMC). My best guess so far ist that resizing of the file system fails on bigger cards (just guessing), destroying something in the password area. Are there any known problems with large eMMC / uSD on Odroid C2? Any help is appreciated. Michael
  19. I have a NanoPi-K2 sitting in the dust since awhile. I decided to try some images from @balbes150, such as Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20170820.img.xz or even some other such Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Debian_jessie_4.13.0-next-20170731+_server.img.xz, but none of them is even starting to load u-boot ... It is only producing such output on debug serial : GXBB:BL1:08dafd:0a8993;FEAT:EDFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:800;NAND:81;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:F3;USB:8;LOOP:1;EMMC:800;NAND:81;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:F3;USB:8;LOOP:2;EMMC:800;NAND:81;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:F3;USB:8; I don't know much about Amlogic, what I'm missing ?
  20. Hi, maybe someone can give me a hint on this issue. I'm working on U-Boot v2017.11 currently, and just found out that on the Odroid C2 env settings are not changable inside the eMMC, but only at compile time for Uboot. I use an 16GB eMMC, not a sdcard. So my question is: where and to what values have the following CONFIG_* parameters be set to have env settings changeable by setenv and saveenv in Uboot again? #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE (32 * SZ_1K) #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET (720 * SZ_1K) #define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV 1 #define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_PART 0 That's what I tried inside the include/configs/odroid-c2.h file, but it doesn't seem to work. EDIT: the variables are not inside the image, after it has been written to eMMC by etcher. After a first reboot, and inside UBoot, I can "saveenv" the standard values and see them afterwards on the eMMC on the right position. I can also change and save them again. What fails is using fw_printenv inside Linux. With the /etc/fw_env.config file # <device> <offset> <length> /dev/mmcblk0 0xB4000 0x8000 I get an error message like "Environment does not start on (erase) block boundary". Any help / hint is appreciated. Michael
  21. Hi, I'm working on adding baudrate changes to recent Uboot v2017.11 for the Odroid C2. Took some time to understand the way Uboot handles access to hardware... I tried to get some clean solution, and wanted to ask on how I can submit my changes to the main developpers. Would be great if you could give me a hint on that issue. I still need some time for testing the changes, so it is not urgent (we need this feature to have 9600 8N1 access to the C2, as it will be deployed on a place without easy access So far, Michael
  22. Hi armbian team ! I've been running my Odroid C2 for almost 2 years with the only then available distro for my board : odrobian. As that distro is now left without maintainer, I'm turning to other distros and am glad to see my board supported by armbian (which I currently use on various Orange Pi boards). Is there a path to migrate my Odroid C2 installation from odrobian to armbian with minimum downtime ? (it's a server) Or should I consider installing everything from scratch on another board and copy my configuration there ? Thanks !
  23. Hello gents. I cannot seem to be able to find the reason why the image I copy the SD gets some files gets corrupted after the first boot. I tried to force not to resize the rootfs too with no luck. I find out that the /etc/network/interfaces is different from what I edited. On a linux machine I used Etcher to flash the image Armbian_5.35_Odroidc2_Debian_jessie_default_3.14.79.img. Then edit the file /etc/network/interfaces on the SD (an 16GB Samsung EVO) to add the line "auto eth0" which is missing(!), unmount the SD, move it to the Odroid C2 and boot it. the result after the first boot is (at minicom console): root@odroidc2:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* # Wired adapter #1 auto eth0 allow-hotplug eth0 #no-auto-down eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp #address #netmask #gateway #dns-nameservers hwaddress ether da:42:ea:E4:E3:BC # if you want to set MAC manually # pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 3838 # setting MTU for DHCP, static just: mtu 3838 as you can see the line where is "hwaddress" has the # removed and added the MAC "da:42:ea:E4:E3:BC" ! I don't know where that is coming from. Even if I ignore that the other issue is that the apt update fails giving all sort of errors complaining of missing repositories and wrong keys. Could it be the IMG file is somehow broken? md5sum of the file matches. Thanks for amy help!
  24. v-sync is it working or not? I just start up debian xenial x.org with meson drm driver, but it looks like v-sync don't work. Should I change something in x config ? amlogic drivers has always problem problem with v-sync only video decoder pipeline( amlogic magic idea how to do video decoding) is sync-ed properly I opened terminal and I moved it down and can see window from prev. frame so v-sync don't work
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