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Recently I borrowed my Orange Pi PC2 to a friend, and he fails to set up SSH connection w/ it.


After debugging w/ HDMI monitor, I found ssh_host_ecdsa_key, ssh_host_ed25519_key and ssh_host_rsa_key are preloaded to the Orange Pi PC2 image, which prevented SSH from working.


Even if it doesn't prevent working of SSHD, it's also a severe security hole -- that means all Armbian installation with the same image will uses the same host key and they're vulnerable to MITM attack.


I think these files should be purged when generating image, and regenerated when first powerup. It's what AOSC OS images do.

1 hour ago, Icenowy said:

Recently I borrowed my Orange Pi PC2 to a friend, and he fails to set up SSH connection w/ it.


After debugging w/ HDMI monitor, I found ssh_host_ecdsa_key, ssh_host_ed25519_key and ssh_host_rsa_key are preloaded to the Orange Pi PC2 image, which prevented SSH from working.


Even if it doesn't prevent working of SSHD, it's also a severe security hole -- that means all Armbian installation with the same image will uses the same host key and they're vulnerable to MITM attack.


I think these files should be purged when generating image, and regenerated when first powerup. It's what AOSC OS images do.

But they are (should be) regenerated. https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/packages/bsp/common/usr/lib/armbian/armbian-firstrun#L61-L67

I'll check if we made some bug ... Thanks.


1 hour ago, Icenowy said:

I think these files should be purged when generating image, and regenerated when first powerup. It's what AOSC OS images do.


1 hour ago, Icenowy said:

Even if it doesn't prevent working of SSHD, it's also a severe security hole

Until you don't login to the system, security hole (root/1234) is wide open, but still better than setting fixed password or automated login.

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