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Single Armbian image for RK + AML + AW (aarch64 ARMv8)


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12 minutes ago, Rajesh said:


@balbes150 I tried this image on Tanix TX6 which has H6 and everything is working great including on board wifi. Added the new u-boot also.


As per the documentation here on Ambian https://docs.armbian.com/Hardware_Allwinner-H6/ the CPU of H6 is set to clock at highest possible speed. Is there a way to use CPU governor on these images? I tried to edit /etc/default/cpufrequtils to limit the freq to 1.5 MHz but could not perceive any visible effect. The CPU gets so hot (above 90 degrees C) that we can prepare coffee on the box at slightest provocation, like play a movie or something. The device is well ventilated and has alluminium heat sink with an additional metal plate on the top.  It is a good device and good Armbian image if the temp can be controlled. Let me know if I can try something to address this.




1810000 -> 1488000

Did you reload cpufrequtils afterwards?

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4 minutes ago, Werner said:

1810000 -> 1488000

Did you reload cpufrequtils afterwards?


I rebooted the device so I assume it must have done this.


There is this post discussing temperature being over reported by 20 degrees...





Need to check if this helps. I wonder if this patch is included in the build.




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On 7/3/2020 at 3:14 PM, dbsharpe said:

I've been considering for some time bootstrapping from sdcard but mounting the internal flash as root.
If the /data partition is big enough, you could rm * everything and copy partition 2 from the sdcard.
I'd assume the init script in /boot/uInitrd would need modifying as the root= argument in /boot/uEnv.txt APPEND= only accepts devices, uuid & labels (AFAIK).
Note putting single in uEnv.txt APPEND boots to a shell at runlevel 1 which may help debugging etc.


After considering, I'm currently running armbian Ubuntu Focal on internal flash (just the android /data partition) but bootstraping a p212 s905x from sdcard by making the following mods:

uInitrd -> initrd:/bin/mount replace with ROOTFS/bin/mount  binary
uInitrd -> initrd:/scripts/local  replace the line
       mount ${roflag} ${FSTYPE:+-t ${FSTYPE} }${ROOTFLAGS} ${ROOT} ${rootmnt}
       /bin/mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk1 ${rootmnt} -o loop,offset=2545942528,sizelimit=5272240128

copy sdcard ROOTFS to mounted flash and edit
/etc/fstab  -> comment out #LABEL=ROOTFS  and add
/dev/mmcblk1  / ext4 loop,offset=2545942528,sizelimit=5272240128

If I return to booting from sdcard and running ROOTFS on sdcard, does anyone have any experience of how my box will behave if I issue these commands:

mke2fs -t ext4  /dev/mmcblk1 ; sync ; reboot   (internal flash is /dev/mmcblk1).

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Hello! I instal aw h6 tv on Sd and boot in my box. My box is sunvell q plus (I think is a clon) and work all hardware (wifi included). 

Can i flash uboot and replace original uboot or is necesary have some changes for suppord my board. Thanks in advance 

Only issue is when use Htop all the cpu frec are 0Mhz, but the temperature is good, +- 65ºC 

Edited by lesgar
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11 hours ago, Rajesh said:


Need to check if this helps. I wonder if this patch is included in the build.

Simply build a kernel package and then extract the created source debian package and check that particular file :)

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@Rajesh - regarding your temperature issue on the tx6: this is a general problem for most (if not all) h6 tv boxes as they do not seem to have any proper voltage control over the cpu (at least none useable with the mainline kernel - they are missing the usual axp805 pmic which is supported by the kernel) so they run at the same (high) voltage for all frequencies which limits the thermal savings by lowering the cpu freq (usually the voltage goes down in parallel too which reduces temperature way more) ... so in the end the only option you have on a h6 tv box if you want to put real load onto it is to cool it properly, i.e. a fan is required or a really huge heat sink (although in my tests a fan is definitely required if you have constant high load as then the heat sink simply warms up over time independent of how big it is as long as its not extremely big)


best wishes - hexdump

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1 hour ago, Werner said:

Simply build a kernel package and then extra the created source debian package and check that particular file :)


I checked the source code and the patch is already applied.




This is not a good news if the temp displayed is correct.  Or the patch is not working as expected. I wish there was a way to stick a thermometer in there to measure the real temperature and verify :)






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4 minutes ago, Rajesh said:


 I wish there was a way to stick a thermometer in there to measure the real temperature and verify :)

Best chance to get an idea about the temperature is a laser thermometer I guess...

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12 hours ago, Rajesh said:

The device is well ventilated and has alluminium heat sink with an additional metal plate on the top. 

Show a photo of the cooling system.


Now, the vast majority of TV boxes use an idiotic and disgusting version of placing the Board and radiator-upside down (the radiator is facing down). Only a complete asshole and idiot could come up with and use such a scheme for placing the cooling system. I would kill such engineers for such a decision (they are not engineers, they are complete morons and bastards).


To fix it, it is necessary to remove the housing cover and turn the entire structure together with the housing up with the radiator  and add fan.

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6 hours ago, lesgar said:

Can i flash uboot and replace original uboot or is necesary have some changes for suppord my board.

General principles for Allwinner: if the system starts normally from an SD card, then the u-boot used must work from eMMC. But this is only an assumption, there are many hidden nuances that can affect the u-boot operation with your hardware and there is a chance that u-boot will not work on your model.

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7 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

Show a photo of the cooling system.


Now, the vast majority of TV boxes use an idiotic and disgusting version of placing the Board and radiator-upside down (the radiator is facing down). Only a complete asshole and idiot could come up with and use such a scheme for placing the cooling system. I would kill such engineers for such a decision (they are not engineers, they are complete morons and bastards).


To fix it, it is necessary to remove the housing cover and turn the entire structure together with the housing up with the radiator  and add fan.


These are the images:



I forgot to mention that the part with the board is top portion and the metal plate is bottom portion. It is I think upside down as you have mentioned.




Edited by Rajesh
Missed some details
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53 minutes ago, Rajesh said:

I forgot to mention that the part with the board is top portion and the metal plate is bottom portion. It is I think upside down as you have mentioned.

Throw in the trash what is on the right photo (the plastic cover with the plate together). And use the TX6 without a cover and it should stand as on the left photo (so that the radiator was at the top and there was free air access). If the load is heavy, add a fan. If I run a large load (image compilation) on a TX6, I make sure to turn on the USB fan.

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On 7/7/2020 at 1:39 PM, José Javier Domínguez Reina said:

What can I do to make the ignition work with the remote control?

1. Add the necessary support yourself.

2. Hire specialists who will do it for you.

3. Get the manufacturer or seller you bought this model from to do the job.

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On 7/10/2020 at 1:45 PM, balbes150 said:

Throw in the trash what is on the right photo (the plastic cover with the plate together). And use the TX6 without a cover and it should stand as on the left photo (so that the radiator was at the top and there was free air access). If the load is heavy, add a fan. If I run a large load (image compilation) on a TX6, I make sure to turn on the USB fan.


@balbes150 I have tested this with open box and with heat sink and radiator, and the temperature hovers around 80 degrees I have been testing it for just few minutes. I think it is still at the higher side so I think fan is the only option. I am wary of adding moving parts in the box. Sooner or later it will need replacement.


BTW it is interesting in the closed box scenario the temp reaches up to 139 degrees C within 20-25 minutes of running a movie.






As per your earlier quote in this forum you have mentioned you plan to focus on Allwinner and RockChip SOCs only going forward however Amlogic SOCs are quite stable and have decent performance. I have tried your images on Tanix TX3 Mini (S905W), MeCool M8S Pro (S912), Tanix TX5 Mini (S905X), T95U Pro and T95Z Pro both S912. They work great on all these boxes. 


I am sure you may have solid reasons for having limited support for Amlogic going forward. If you can share some of your thoughts, it will help with choosing for future.


I have used Allwinner Orange Pi Plus 2e also. It is a good device but Plymouth does not work well on this (ARMv7 32-bit).  Plymouth has issues with 32-bit images I think, based on my experience.


As always thank you great job with these images.




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1 hour ago, dante6913 said:

Hi , dos anyone knows if is possible to set screen resolution 1366X768@60 (my tv resolution).

I always get 1360x768@60. xrand is not a option because I'm in wayland.


I tried to force the 1366x768.bin that is present at my /usr/lib/firmware/edid by adding this line to uEnv.txt extraargs=drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=HDMI-A-1:edid/1366x768.bin video=HDMI-A-1:1366X768@60 but the only resolution that I get is 1360x768@60

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@Rajesh - if you really reach > 130 c celsius then i think either the thermal sensor is not properly calibrated and/or the cpu-throttle-cooling-device is not/not properly defined in the dtb - usually the cpu clock is reduced when the cpu gets too hot to cool down ... on the h6 without proper cpu voltage handling (like in tv boxes) this down clocking might not be aggressive enough ... not sure if something like this: 

is in @balbes150 tree already and if it is it might still be not aggressive enough for h6 tv boxes as they have to be clocked down massively to really get the temperature down a bit as the voltage stays by cheap design the same all the time ...

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1 minute ago, hexdump said:

@Rajesh - if you really reach > 130 c celsius then i think either the thermal sensor is not properly calibrated and/or the cpu-throttle-cooling-device is not/not properly defined in the dtb - usually the cpu clock is reduced when the cpu gets to hot to cool down ... on the h6 without proper cpu voltage handling (like in tv boxes) this down clocking might not be aggressive enough ... not sure if something like this is in @balbes150 tree already and if it is it might still be not aggressive enough for h6 tv boxes as they have to be clocked down massively to really get the temperature down a bit as the voltage stays by cheap design the same all the time ...


I have used this dtb file 'sun50i-h6-tanix-tx6.dtb' which I believe should be the one to be used for this device. I think I will try one of the other H6 boxes available in the market. Will probably need the right dtb for that too!


You sure know the topic in depth. Thank you for these insightful information,




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1 hour ago, dante6913 said:

Hi , dos anyone knows if is possible to set screen resolution 1366X768@60 (my tv resolution).

I always get 1360x768@60. xrand is not a option because I'm in wayland.



You can query all supported resolution on the device using xrandr. I think the command is 'xrandr -q'. But you may want to check the manual for xrandr.




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16 hours ago, Rajesh said:


I have used this dtb file 'sun50i-h6-tanix-tx6.dtb' which I believe should be the one to be used for this device. I think I will try one of the other H6 boxes available in the market. Will probably need the right dtb for that too!


You sure know the topic in depth. Thank you for these insightful information,





@hexdump It looks like the CPUFreq (DVFS) support for H6 will be in kernel 5.8 as per the information available here: https://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort#Status_Matrix


We can hope for some improvement when that happens.



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Are there users with rk3328 models here ? I am currently testing a performance increase for 3328 and I need volunteers to evaluate the results (how stable it is and how much performance increases). When testing on MVR9 (rk3328), after switching to the "overclocked" version, I get a noticeable increase in performance.

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Hello, in the end they sent me the h616 box. It has axp806. I have the bootlogs and I have been able to load an open uboot and uart working. I don't know how to continue from here, could you help me? Would it be very difficult to add support?

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Launched the "overclocked" version on MX10 (rk3328). Installed in eMMC. So far, everything is stable. At first glance, it works faster than with the default u-boot. Full-screen video in the browser from youtube with a resolution of 1080p works almost without brakes (previously I could only play 720p without brakes on this model). There must be a fan, with it the temperature under maximum load does not exceed 55-65 degrees.



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