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No quota module in Armbian?


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I have tried to setup user quotas on my Orange PI PC2 and realized that there is no quota module in kernel at all.

Switching between all kernel versions with armbian-config utility and all the same - they don't have quota module. Why there is no such necessary module? Is it possible to install this module and how?


P.S. Sorry, maybe i have selected wrong chapter for my question

Edited by oleg_cherkassy
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54 minutes ago, oleg_cherkassy said:

I have tried to setup user quotas on my Orange PI PC2 and realized that there is no quota module in kernel at all.

Switching between all kernel versions with armbian-config utility and all the same - they don't have quota module. Why there is no such necessary module? Is it possible to install this module and how?




Simple way = send PR with changes to (preferably all) kernel config(s) and use next automated nightly build which will have this enabled. Or build + install your own kernel with our tools. In any case send PR with changes that this is fixed also in next release. There are far far far more options, troubles, bugs, tasks, people then people that work on this project in their free time.

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