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Read-Only File System on Install of Armbian (Libre Renegade)

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A problem I'm having with my fresh install of Armbian Bionic on my Libre Renegade board is that I cannot use the user login due to read-only file system warnings. Root login does allow more freedom, but comes with its own drawbacks. Prior to writing Armbian to the chip from Windows, I formatted the chip exFAT. I've reinstalled Armbian mutiple times on multiple chips, but even the recommended A1 SD doesn't work. 


I'm not sure where the problem lies. Is this strictly a hardware issue? Is there any non-extensive ways to workaround or fix the problem in the terminal? I'm not too familiar with Linux terminology, but can figure out common terms. I can supply more information if needed. Any and all help is appreciated. 


I think you need to read the links in my signature again.


In particular, Getting Started, where you will see that using Etcher is the only supported way...


With Etcher, there is no need to format anything...

  • TRS-80 changed the title to Read-Only File System on Install of Armbian (Libre Renegade)

I have reviewed relevant pages in the Documentation, but haven't found a solution to changing the filesystem's write-protected status. I wrote to the SDs using Etcher. Despite this I have run into this issue. What specific direction should I turn my attention to?

9 hours ago, Darius said:

Is there any non-extensive ways to workaround

That would be to start with a different SD card. 


9 hours ago, Darius said:

Is this strictly a hardware issue?


It is a combination of pure vendor, messy chip maker and limitation we have to provide support - this is amateur backed project.


AFAIK there are some known problems @TonyMac32 (can't find reference) that affects some(?) SD cards. Try both kernels, stock 4.4.y and 5.4.y and see if there are differences. They should be.


In my experience this is caused by the Alsa for SoC audio support > Codec Drivers: X Rockchip RK3328 Codec

When that is enabled in the kernel config, the sdcard will get read/write errors during boot and throw you into readonly mode.

As a temp solution you could try to blacklist the module or build ur own img and disable it in the kernel config.


This by the way, does not happen when using an eMMC and yes, I believe TonyMac32 is already on the case.



Thank you for your assistance. I haven't had any luck with trying out different SDs. I originally tried an A2 SD by mistake, and it worked just as the A1 I am currently tinkering with works. I just tried Armbian Buster, as you suggested, but it appears that without the desktop environment and only armbian-config to work in, I am unable to connect to my WiFi network for some reason I cannot figure out. I don't have the know-how to boot into desktop from there, if that's a possibility on mainline Buster at all.



Thanks for your input. I am unfamiliar with what Alsa and ASoC are. Building my own img seems sounds like an undertaking a new-comer such as myself is unable to complete. Blacklisting, however, might be within my reach with some help. What more can you tell me about the ASoC module and blacklisting it, (open to anyone)?


If the only solutions to this issue are beyond my grasp, would my best bet lie in switching from a Renegade to a Tritium? Could a new board solve the problem, or is the issue assuredly with the SD? I only need an SBC for use as a desktop that can run basic applications, not much else.




I'm not sure how much more I can tell you about it, but I can try and help you. Using the same server image (or headless? which ever you prefer) start the board and login. Once in, run the following command - sudo lsmod


My Renegade lsmod:

sudo lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
zram                   24576  4
rk_vcodec              65536  0
uio_pdrv_genirq        16384  0
uio                    20480  1 uio_pdrv_genirq
ip_tables              24576  0
x_tables               28672  1 ip_tables
autofs4                40960  2

That should present you with a list of all the loaded modules and "hopefully" something that is not on my list that looks audio related.


Once said module is found, we can then unload it and place it in a blacklist. 



sudo rmmod pesky_rk3328_codec


Now with it unloaded, let us add it to the blacklist.

sudo echo pesky_rk3328_codec > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf


For that to take full effect we will need to reboot, but before we do that lets tackle the Wifi.


As for your Wifi troubles, let us try running - sudo nmtui

That should present you with three options, one being "Activate a connection" and from there you should see your available Wifi. Make your selection, enter your passkey and connect.


If anyone else has some suggestions, thoughts or corrections. Please feel free to interject.


TRS 80 and Cornelius, thanks for your advice, but at the moment I'm waiting for a Tritium H5 board to arrive in the mail. The reason I am banking on a new board solving this is that the SD port on my Renegade would sometimes spit the SD back out, so it was a bit finicky. If this problem continues on a different model board with a different kernel of Armbian, then the fault is in the SD or peripherals. 

On 2/7/2020 at 4:14 PM, Darius said:

I am unable to connect to my WiFi network for some reason I cannot figure out.

Probably this https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/0ca5a8dd29dc71628457cc371ed190a532a3b349


On 2/7/2020 at 4:14 PM, Darius said:

I don't have the know-how to boot into desktop from there, if that's a possibility on mainline Buster at all.

If you install desktop via armbian-config it should work. In case it doesn't you have to write down what you did, that we can follow and debug. Unknown bugs are always possible.

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