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Armbian for Amlogic S912


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Hello @balbes150

Yesterday I waste 3 hours "fighting" with boot problem with "modprobe wlan" on boot, but not luck

I Try hard with cronjobs and init.d services


1) Cron jobs wont work, even a with a simple test echo like

@reboot echo 123 > /tmp/foobar

2) Init.d Scripts works, when boot I can use sleep, echos and 


modprobe wlan
modprobe wlan -r

I try many diferent combinations, with delays/sleep, after 60 sec and 120sec to execute the simple modprobe wlan that makes the wifi working
but no luck yet, it is strange that It wont work, only if I launch the command in shell, this way it always work!!!!

What is the diference from init.d script to launch manually, can you give some tip/insight?

The strange is that I tail my init.d script log file, watching modprobe load and unload, and it is see in syslog

sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep wlan

I see it load and unload kerner module, with many diferent combinations

but no hope it wont work........

but if I go to the shell and launch the same command has in init.d script t always work

sudo modprobe wlan 

init.d script


#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/wlan
# Provides:          wlan
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Example initscript
# Description:       This file should be used to construct scripts to be....

# Some things that run always
touch /var/lock/wlan

# Carry out specific functions when asked to by the system
case "$1" in
    /bin/echo "Starting script wlan" >> /tmp/wlan.log
    sleep 60
    echo "Starting load wlan" >> /tmp/wlan.log
    /sbin/modprobe wlan
    #/sbin/modprobe wlan -r && sleep 60 && /sbin/modprobe wlan
    echo "finish load module" >> /tmp/wlan.log
    echo "Stopping script wlan"
    /bin/echo $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') >> /tmp/stop.log
    /sbin/modprobe wlan -r
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/wlan {start|stop}"
    exit 1

exit 0


Thanks @balbes150

@balbes150 If you cant help, or dont have time, no problem at all,
just say, and I wont ask for help anymore,
this way Im only post unusefull/unsolved stuff in this post
Its not a easy problem to solve, for me

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20 minutes ago, koakh said:

  2) Init.d Scripts works, when boot I can use sleep, echos and 


modprobe wlan
modprobe wlan -r


Maybe init.d is to early in the boot process?

the /etc/rc.local is - as I know - at the end of the boot process and maybe the devices are ready at this point for modprobe?
You could try in the /etc/rc.local (before the exit 0 - which is needed)

modprobe wlan 2>/dev/null
modprobe wlan -r 2>/dev/null
exit 0


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1 hour ago, guidol said:

Maybe init.d is to early in the boot process?

the /etc/rc.local is - as I know - at the end of the boot process and maybe the devices are ready at this point for modprobe?
You could try in the /etc/rc.local (before the exit 0 - which is needed)

modprobe wlan 2>/dev/null
modprobe wlan -r 2>/dev/null
exit 0



thanks @guidol


trying right now after disable init.d script

sudo cat /etc/rc.local
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.

#/boot/fan.sh &
modprobe wlan 2>/dev/null
exit 0

I leave feed back asap



Same problem, it wont work


$ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
xt_addrtype             2923  2
wlan                 3435325  0
zram                    8953  8
ch341                   5434  0
cfg80211              415017  1 wlan

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 84:5d:d7:4a:32:02
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

sudo nmtui 

No WiFi

+---------------------+              ¦
¦                   ? ¦ <Deactivate> ¦
¦ Bridge (docker0)  ¦ ¦              ¦
¦ * docker0         ¦ ¦              ¦
¦                   ¦ ¦              ¦
¦                   ¦ ¦              ¦          

$ sudo dmesg | grep wlan
[    2.342523] Wifi: bcmdhd_init_wlan_mem: bcmdhd_init_wlan_mem: WIFI MEM Allocated
[   23.456330] wlan: loading driver v4.5.20.037
[   24.850381] android_readwrite_file: file /lib/firmware/wlan/wlan_mac.bin filp_open error
[   24.858600] wlan_logging_sock_activate_svc: Initalizing FEConsoleLog = 0 NumBuff = 32
[   24.862698] wlan_logging_sock_activate_svc: Activated wlan_logging svc
[   24.862897] wlan: driver loaded
[   24.982349] ======== dhd_wlan_init_plat_data ========
[   24.982353] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: GPIO(WL_REG_ON) = -1
[   24.982354] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: GPIO(WL_HOST_WAKE) = -1
[   24.982357] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: host_oob_irq: 100
[   24.982360] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: host_oob_irq_flags=0x414
[   40.601407] ======== dhd_wlan_deinit_plat_data ========
[   40.601445] ======== dhd_wlan_init_plat_data ========
[   40.601449] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: GPIO(WL_REG_ON) = -1
[   40.601453] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: GPIO(WL_HOST_WAKE) = -1
[   40.601457] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: host_oob_irq: 100
[   40.601461] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: host_oob_irq_flags=0x414
[   57.242272] ======== dhd_wlan_deinit_plat_data ========
[   57.242310] ======== dhd_wlan_init_plat_data ========
[   57.242314] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: GPIO(WL_REG_ON) = -1
[   57.242317] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: GPIO(WL_HOST_WAKE) = -1
[   57.242321] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: host_oob_irq: 100
[   57.242325] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: host_oob_irq_flags=0x414
[   73.882579] ======== dhd_wlan_deinit_plat_data ========
[   73.882618] ======== dhd_wlan_init_plat_data ========
[   73.882621] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: GPIO(WL_REG_ON) = -1
[   73.882625] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: GPIO(WL_HOST_WAKE) = -1
[   73.882629] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: host_oob_irq: 100
[   73.882633] dhd_wlan_init_gpio: host_oob_irq_flags=0x414
[   90.523027] ======== dhd_wlan_deinit_plat_data ========
[   90.606660] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready

but if I unload/load it starts work

$ sudo modprobe wlan -r && sudo modprobe wlan

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 84:5d:d7:4a:32:02
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::865d:d7ff:fe4a:3202/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:17 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:1972 (1.9 KB)  TX bytes:590 (590.0 B)

+---------------------------+              ¦
¦                         ? ¦ <Deactivate> ¦
¦ Wi-Fi                   ¦ ¦              ¦
¦ * scWF_ZitoHome   ?_?¦  ¦ ¦              ¦
¦   TP-LINK_F90C_5G ?_?¦  ¦ ¦              ¦
¦   scWF_ZonHub     ?_?_  ¦ ¦              ¦
¦   NOS-E550        ?___  ¦ ¦              ¦
¦   NOS_WIFI_Fon    ?___  ? ¦              ¦
¦   ZON-C190        ?___  ¦ ¦              ¦
¦                         ¦ ¦              ¦
¦ Bridge (docker0)        ¦ ¦              ¦
¦ * docker0               ¦ ¦              ¦
¦                         ¦ ¦              ¦

this is a nightmware, and without wifi boot, its almos useless (for wifi dependent solution)

but I never give up, always is a solution for a problem :)

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10 hours ago, balbes150 said:

1. Wi Fi activation can take up to 5-7 minutes after the command is executed.

2. you can use systemd to run your command (this works better on new systems).


Thanks @balbes150 I will try it 

I wait for more than 10minutes, I m working on my job, and sometimes I go to shell and try something.....

I will try systemd too, I report has ASAP

UPDATED: Forget to say that my init.d scripts is a systemd service, but thanks for the tip

Thanks for suports m8s :)

UPDATE : I Disable docker and problem continues, Juts in case its docker delay something, or interfer with modules
I Leave it disabled until problem is solved

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Fix Boot Wifi with some hacks and a Init.d Script

The Problem : Cant boot with Wifi Kernel Module


After many hours of try and fail (almost fail),
I resolve the problem of Boot with Wifi with lots of pacience and despair,
and the precious help of @balbes150 and @guidol, and Armbian Forum :)


The above "solution works" with
AlfaWise H96 Pro+ and
3.14 Kernel Based` image (thank for the tip @balbes150) > Armbian_5.41_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20180225.img.xz,

belive me its not pretty/elegant solution, is more a despair solution........


First remove all modules from `/etc/modules` to leave it initialization for `init.d` script clean,
I leave the comments, just has a note of my adventure in /etc/modules file LOL


$ cat /etc/modules

Next Create a `init.d` hacked script, with some magic and optimized sleeps, without that sleep times or with lower times it wont work,
Its very strange, I must load and unload module, and reload again, but its seems the only way to put this working,
I know its too strange, and hard to find, maybe someone has a better ways, I believe with some knowledge its easy,


Why its working only that way? 
don't ask me why, I don't care, for me its not pretty, but its ugly and working,
I'm happy with it, who cares, I don't waste more time for an elegant and pretty solution......


move on.....the `init.d` script


$ sudo nano /etc/init.d/wlan
#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/wlan
# Provides:          wlan
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: AlfaWise H96 Pro+ Wireless Boot Script
# Description:       This file should be used to construct scripts to be
#                    placed in /etc/init.d.  This example start a
#                    single forking daemon capable of writing a pid
#                    file.  To get other behavoirs, implemend
#                    do_start(), do_stop() or other functions to
#                    override the defaults in /lib/init/init-d-script.

# Some things that run always
touch /var/lock/wlan

# Carry out specific functions when asked to by the system
case "$1" in
    echo "Starting Wlan Script"
    echo "modprobe wlan"
    /sbin/modprobe wlan
    echo "modprobe wlan -r in 28sec..."
    sleep 28
    /sbin/modprobe wlan -r
    echo "modprobe lan in 28sec..."
    sleep 28
    echo "modprobe wlan..."
    /sbin/modprobe wlan
    echo "Stopping script wlan"
    /sbin/modprobe wlan -r
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/wlan {start|stop}"
    exit 1

exit 0


After boot inspect unload/load driver with


sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep wlan


Install systemd service


$ sudo systemctl enable wlan


reboot to test if work


$ sudo reboot


in other pc ping the wifi ip and wait it responds without do anything, here it starts respond after 2minutes, not bad since reboot, shutdown and boot


I tested with a lots of combinations, modules, timers, I don't know the things I try,
but for me it only work that way on boot, maybe someone with knowledge can explain why this driver don't boot, or boot in a state that is faulty, and useless, and must be up, down and up again with this sleep times......


some info after login


$ lsmod
Module Size Used by
wlan 3435325 0
zram 8953 8
cfg80211 415017 1 wlan
ch341 5434 0

I anybody has questions, say so

thanks to all 

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57 minutes ago, kingontheroad said:

I want to try archlinux_kodi17.6 img , must i here also copy and rename dtb.img ? or dtbs... ?


Note that KODI will NOT run on S912. This version of KODI works only with MALI-450.

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6 minutes ago, balbes150 said:


Note that KODI will NOT run on S912. This version of KODI works only with MALI-450.

Thnx for your anser , uhm kodi will also not work with your img armbian 5.41 (s912) ??  i try it yesterday and when i start kodi it boots but after a few seconds later it stuck .....

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14 minutes ago, guidol said:

As I do remember right there was also such "problem" (which is to load the module twice) with the armbian image for the Sunvell R69 (H2 CPU TV Box) - and maybe others...

Hello @guidol

The problem you are talking is about my post about load and reload module?


This is problem is a nightmare to fix.....now its very stable even boot only with power connected and nothing more (ethernet cable off) 


Now I can move on with APN and finish my docker/springboot headless server

(That is finished with mongodb Arm64v8 container ;)


If someone have interest in headless server say, I can create a topic from start to finish. 

Or I can upload the finish image version, no problem (AlfaWise H96 Pro+)


Once again thanks to all PPL envolve in Armbian and in Linux too

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8 minutes ago, kingontheroad said:

Thnx for your anser , uhm kodi will also not work with your img armbian 5.41 (s912) ??  i try it yesterday and when i start kodi it boots but after a few seconds later it stuck .....

At the moment s912 full screen video works only in Libreelec (KODI who was going to S912 using libhibris) and in the images of GSTplay.

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Just curiosity

What is the benefits of native Kodi image vs Android version?


Another question if I install my armbian to eMMC its easy to revert to Android simply flashing a oficial firmware?

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12 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

At the moment s912 full screen video works only in Libreelec (KODI who was going to S912 using libhibris) and in the images of GSTplay.

Oke thnx again:) i gonna try libreelec  , and hopely after a time that kodi works in one of yours nice images of linux , so i can use kodi , plex etc :)

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On 3/5/2018 at 9:19 PM, armbi said:

Hi, which image and which dtb file needs for this box


can me send a download link? Thanks!


I used kvim2_android.dtb with same box

I try almost all dbts and only a few dont boot


image used: Armbian_5.41_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20180225.img.xz


if you cant boot in armbian press reset on power boot, like 10 sec 

after you will see linux booting:)

I discover this trick the hard way, after flash a firmware and discover my armbian dont boot anymore :(


any question feel free to ask, I have lost a free hours with one of that, maybe I can help. 

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1 hour ago, armbi said:

Hi, i probe this image




Dont work for me.

Can you explain what is "Don't work". Can be many things. What do you mean? It won't boot? If so read above posts, in one of them I mention a tip about boot it for first time....

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On 3/3/2018 at 4:56 AM, koakh said:

Fix Boot Wifi with some hacks and a Init.d Script

The Problem : Cant boot with Wifi Kernel Module








Thanks koakh, works great for my h96 pro+ wifi (qca9377), now it works on bootup.



also if anyone has any ideas on my next problem let me know, I am using Armbian_5.41_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_mate_20180307.img (mali6), and overall it works great, is it possible to get hardware accelerated video to work or  videos to play better fullscreen, I tried several software smplayer, vlc, xine (a little better then others),mpv  and all are pretty laggy (unwatchable), window mode they play ok , kodi crashes the display.



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OK. I found the file. The box boots without dtb.img (I could not found kvim2_android.dtb). Next problems: remote control does not work. I can only switch the box on by cable out and cable in. Ideas???

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On 13.3.2018 at 6:03 PM, armbi said:

OK. I found the file. The box boots without dtb.img (I could not found kvim2_android.dtb). Next problems: remote control does not work. I can only switch the box on by cable out and cable in. Ideas???

Nobody here?

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On 3.3.2018 at 3:33 PM, koakh said:


If someone have interest in headless server say, I can create a topic from start to finish. 

Or I can upload the finish image version, no problem (AlfaWise H96 Pro+)


Hi koakh,

my goal is to replace my raspb3 (webserver and other services)with the same box as you (H96 Pro+)


Could you please post a (if possible) short version what you did to run Armbian on your H96 box? (DTB and Armbian version)

(Wifi is not so important for me)


Did you manage to install armbian on the internal storage?

I think the sd-reader is slower than the raspb3 one. (tested with samsung evo) So I wanted to get armbian running on the internal storage.


thanks for your time

Edited by Jeycop
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3 hours ago, Jeycop said:

Hi koakh,

my goal is to replace my raspb3 (webserver and other services)with the same box as you (H96 Pro+)


Could you please post a (if possible) short version what you did to run Armbian on your H96 box? (DTB and Armbian version)

(Wifi is not so important for me)


Did you manage to install armbian on the internal storage?

I think the sd-reader is slower than the raspb3 one. (tested with samsung evo) So I wanted to get armbian running on the internal storage.


thanks for your time



First I must tell that I stopped at my last requirement step, that is using the eMMC, I started but when I used the scripts it gives problems, like restore the Partitions to a lower size partition (1gb),


I use the sdcard version, until I have spare time or any help, I lost a few hours with this setup now.

Right now I dont have my notes, I'm on phone, but I answear your questions ASAP


About version and dtb I already post here in this topic, please scroll...and how to boot armbian too, use the reset when boot first time. After first armbian boot is not need to use the reset anymore.


If I can help, just ask....no problem its a pleasure ;)

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On 21.3.2018 at 2:19 PM, koakh said:



First I must tell that I stopped at my last requirement step, that is using the eMMC, I started but when I used the scripts it gives problems, like restore the Partitions to a lower size partition (1gb),


I use the sdcard version, until I have spare time or any help, I lost a few hours with this setup now.

Right now I dont have my notes, I'm on phone, but I answear your questions ASAP


About version and dtb I already post here in this topic, please scroll...and how to boot armbian too, use the reset when boot first time. After first armbian boot is not need to use the reset anymore.


If I can help, just ask....no problem its a pleasure ;)


Thank you.

I got it to work on my internal.

(H96 Pro+ (Plus) green mainboard with LDDR3 produced in 2017)


I used this version "Armbian_5.41_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20180305.img.xz" LINK

Installed it directly over original Firmware with "./install.sh" -script without any problems.

Important for me was to use Rufus to burn the image to a sdcard and to run it without any dtb-file in main directory on the sdcard.

To start from sdcard I pressed the reset-button for few seconds right after I plugged in the power cable.


I was just wondering about the download, because it's under "5.41_KODI-17.6" but I don't need any kodi on this box.

So do I have to clean it up at first, so no storage and performance waste on these additional installations?

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4 hours ago, Jeycop said:


Thank you.

I got it to work on my internal.

(H96 Pro+ (Plus) green mainboard with LDDR3 produced in 2017)


I used this version "Armbian_5.41_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20180305.img.xz" LINK

Installed it directly over original Firmware with "./install.sh" -script without any problems.

Important for me was to use Rufus to burn the image to a sdcard and to run it without any dtb-file in main directory on the sdcard.

To start from sdcard I pressed the reset-button for few seconds right after I plugged in the power cable.


I was just wondering about the download, because it's under "5.41_KODI-17.6" but I don't need any kodi on this box.

So do I have to clean it up at first, so no storage and performance waste on these additional installations?


Hello @Jeycop


First Sorry I forget that you request something in the past, 
and I forget what is it, 
I think is related with my notes, 
only today I received the mail from forum and I remember that

When I repply I was on phone and far from my laptop/notes


move on....


Note: I Note here your version is 20180305 and mine is 20180225


Glad to know you flashed your eMMC with Armbian, great achievement,

I try it in past but always I have this error 


dd: error writing '/dev/system': No space left on device


it seeems that it requires a 2.0 GiB partion and mine is 1.0 GiB :(

I try to repartition the partition to increase size but without success


Maybe I try with the same image 20180305 and using rufus, 
I use "disks" or "dd" in linux to flash the image not rufus


I belive is more about with that image that you flashed that is diferent
maybe that image has diferent partition sizes or a diferent install.sh script (maybe)

I will try for sure :)
and I will check the size of partitions and install.sh script to check diferences

My Notes from the PAST TRY to use eMMC Using Armbian_5.41_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20180225.img.xz


> Not its diferent from youre like I note in above Notes


$ ./install.sh
Start copy system for DATA partition.
Formatting DATA partition...
umount: /dev/data: not mounted
/dev/data contains a ext4 file system
    last mounted on /data on Thu Jan  1 00:00:14 2015
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
/dev/data: clean, 11/1721760 files, 152081/6883328 blocks
Copying ROOTFS.
Copy BIN
Create DEV
Copy ETC
Copy LIB
Create MEDIA
Create MNT
Copy OPT
Create PROC
Create RUN
Copy SRV
Create SYS
Create TMP
Copy USR
Copy VAR
Copy fstab
Done copy ROOTFS
Writing new kernel image...
65536+0 records in
65536+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB, 32 MiB) copied, 0.621699 s, 54.0 MB/s
writing boot image config in bootimg.cfg
extracting kernel in zImage
extracting ramdisk in initrd.img
reading kernel from /boot/zImage
Writing Boot Image /dev/boot
reading ramdisk from /boot/initrd.img-3.14.29
Writing Boot Image /dev/boot
Writing new dtb ...
Write env bootargs
Complete copy OS to eMMC parted DATA

Used the DD command to create image of `/dev/boot` and `/dev/system`
Create a mount point to house images

$ sudo nano fstab
//      /mnt/koakhserver        cifs    username=${USER},password=${PASSWORD},_netdev,noauto   0 0

sudo mkdir /mnt/koakhserver
sudo mount /mnt/koakhserver 

$ sudo dd if=/dev/boot of=/mnt/koakhserver/mnt/1tbdisk2/devices/microcomputers/boot.img bs=1024k status=progress
65536+0 records in
65536+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB, 32 MiB) copied, 4.60886 s, 7.3 MB/s    

$ sudo dd if=/dev/system of=/mnt/koakhserver/mnt/1tbdisk2/devices/microcomputers/system.img bs=1024k status=progress
2124414976 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 51.0174 s, 41.6 MB/s 
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
2147483648 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 52.4382 s, 41.0 MB/s

Restart the system from the SD card and restore the `/dev/boot` and `/dev/system` partitions from the created copies

$ sudo mount /mnt/koakhserver/
$ sudo dd if=/mnt/koakhserver/mnt/1tbdisk2/devices/microcomputers/boot.img of=/dev/boot bs=1024k status=progress

$ dd if=/mnt/koakhserver/mnt/1tbdisk2/devices/microcomputers/system.img of=/dev/system bs=1024k status=progress
$ dd if=/mnt/trekstor/system.img of=/dev/system bs=1024k status=progress
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 112.024 s, 9.6 MB/s 
dd: error writing '/dev/system': No space left on device
1025+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 113.171 s, 9.5 MB/s

Thanks for yout feedback @jeycop


It seems that was "easy" for you, you just

1) Flash image with Rufus
2) Boot and flash eMMC with install.sh 

3) Backup Partitions before reboot

4) Reboot with SdCard

5) Restore Backup Partitions

6) Remove SDCard and it boots from eMMC 


can you confirm the aboves steps :) (thanks in advance)

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44 minutes ago, koakh said:

Thanks for yout feedback @jeycop


It seems that was "easy" for you, you just

1) Flash image with Rufus
2) Boot and flash eMMC with install.sh 

3) Backup Partitions before reboot

4) Reboot with SdCard

5) Restore Backup Partitions

6) Remove SDCard and it boots from eMMC 


can you confirm the aboves steps :) (thanks in advance)

Yes, for me it was very easy ^^


H96Pro+ has 2 different versions. One with LDDR3 and one with DDR4, maybe thats the difference. 

I opened the case and there are 2 USB extra inside but no hole in case. Now I have 4x USB ;P


1.) if you changed something on internal EMMC storage -> flash official Firmware   (mine was from 12-2017) // I think it's important, so Armbian can read the correct DeviceTree?

2.) Burn image "Armbian_5.41_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20180305.img" with Rufus to SDCard (LINK)   (Choose at Rufus the 'DD' image)

3.) Plug SDcard into Box

4.) Plug power cable into Box while holding reset button pressed

5.) See Armbian booting up

6.) Set username and password

7.) reboot

8.) login

9.) start "./install.sh" and wait for finish (5-7 minutes)

10.) shutdown and remove power cable

11.) remove SDcard

12.) plug power cable in Box, now you should see Armbian booting up without SDCard -> finished

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27 minutes ago, Jeycop said:

Yes, for me it was very easy ^^


H96Pro+ has 2 different versions. One with LDDR3 and one with DDR4, maybe thats the difference. 

I opened the case and there are 2 USB extra inside but no hole in case. Now I have 4x USB ;P


1.) if you changed something on internal EMMC storage -> flash official Firmware   (mine was from 12-2017) // I think it's important, so Armbian can read the correct DeviceTree?

2.) Burn image "Armbian_5.41_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20180305.img" with Rufus to SDCard (LINK)

3.) Plug SDcard into Box

4.) Plug power cable into Box while holding reset button pressed

5.) See Armbian booting up

6.) Set username and password

7.) reboot

8.) login

9.) start "./install.sh" and wait for finish (5-7 minutes)

10.) shutdown and remove power cable

11.) remove SDcard

12.) plug power cable in Box, now you should see Armbian booting up without SDCard -> finished


I think the trick is related with the firmware


1.) if you changed something on internal EMMC storage -> flash official Firmware   (mine was from 12-2017) // I think it's important, so Armbian can read the correct DeviceTree?


In the past I lost original my firmware,  and after a few hours try and failling and searching for a firmware/tools that works I found and use this one


New H96 Pro Plus 7.1.2 firmware download By EBox

AlfaWise H96 PRO+ 3 32Gb LPDDR3

MD5: 67D22C782DDCA083F297B98DA406ADE3

This is the version I used NOW, can you confirm that is the same as yours from above pictures...
I post other pics too like boot faillure on boot with half restored /system from eMMC  and my blue board version

It seems your firmware is diferent from mine

Can you confirm please, and the board is the same?

thanks @Jeycop

PS: I only have time to do something tomorrow, currently Im working and dont have alfawise box here only access to my laptop/notes





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