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Armbian for Amlogic S912


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If you want to use it as a proper desktop, but what about a headless server ?

I still have many things to learn about embedded linux, but I think I should be able to run at least some scripts, and some of my applications.

I ordered my H96 pro + (3GB RAM /32GB RON / S912) today, just to run ssh, and some continuous integration tests.

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5 hours ago, diaamant said:

Unfortunately, everything is very simple.
The library libmali.so is in the folders at: buildroot/package/opengl/src/lib/arm64/r6p1
There are folders:
And there are no folder for T8xx

And assembly buildroot with opengl for S912 is interrupted with the inscription:
cp: cannot stat '/home/buildroot-openlinux-20170310/output/mesongxm_q200/build/opengl/lib/arm64/r6p1//*.so*': No such file or directory


For the active use of Linux, the acquisition of S912 seems so far too early ... IMHO

S905x at the moment is the most ..

You could perhaps attempt to continue assembly by linking, say

ln -s m450/libMali.so /home/buildroot-openlinux-20170310/output/mesongxm_q200/build/opengl/lib/arm64/r6p1

I recall I did something similar for S905x.


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Hi, I want to thank balbes150 and armbian for the opportunity to install linux on s912 devices.
I've installed armbian 5.27, and run it as a complete webserver, with Nextcloud
I've put it on internal memory with an external HDD that serves as Home partition and no issue so far, except I cannot change settings to static ip, right now I'm on dhcp with ip reserved in router.
All and all, you did a great job!

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23 hours ago, kingul said:

Home partition and no issue so far, except I cannot change settings to static ip, right now I'm on dhcp with ip reserved in router.
All and all, you did a great job!

In Networkmanager edit does not work. I opened in the editor (as root) the file /etc/network/interfaces, changed the settings from DHCP to static, restarted. Now a static address. If you need a graphical system settings, You can use WebMin.

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@kingul Just out of curiosity, what device are you using, 2 or 3GB of RAM ?

I was also interested in installing armbian directly on the emmc memory (32GB on the H96 pro+ I should receive in a few days) have you used the builtin tool from ubuntu to do that ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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@gnthibault I have 2GB of ram with 32GB rom. (Yoka TV KB2)
First time I tried with nand-sata-install, but it was a bad move, because bootloader was rewritten, I had to restore official image of my device.
After a little search I found /root/install.sh script and it worked perfectly.


I've tried all possibilities but none worked. Every change that I've made in /etc/network/interfaces for static ip was resulting in no ip at all, eth0 didn't wanna start.
Also tried in webmin, same situation, so I figured that may be a bug related to my hardware. I can live with that though.
I didn't try wifi settings because I use only cable.

P.S. I'm using Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20170323 image

Edited by kingul
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Show your configuration file /etc/network/interfaces

Here is an option that works for me with a static address.


# Wired adapter #1
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
#    hwaddress ether # if you want to set MAC manually
#    pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 3838 # setting MTU for DHCP, static just: mtu 3838

# Wireless adapter #1
# Armbian ships with network-manager installed by default. To save you time
# and hassles consider using 'sudo nmtui' instead of configuring Wi-Fi settings
# manually. The below lines are only meant as an example how configuration could
# be done in an anachronistic way:
#allow-hotplug wlan0
#iface wlan0 inet dhcp
#   wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
# Disable power saving on compatible chipsets (prevents SSH/connection dropouts over WiFi)
#wireless-mode Managed
#wireless-power off

# Local loopback
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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That's my configuration that works. I did some testing again, just to be sure that it wasn't a one time thing.

# Wired adapter #1
#auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
	allow-hotplug eth0
	no-auto-down eth0
#    address
#    netmask
#    gateway
#	hwaddress ether # if you want to set MAC manually
#	pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 3838 # setting MTU for DHCP, static just: mtu 3838

# Wireless adapter #1
# Armbian ships with network-manager installed by default. To save you time
# and hassles consider using 'sudo nmtui' instead of configuring Wi-Fi settings
# manually. The below lines are only meant as an example how configuration could
# be done in an anachronistic way:
#allow-hotplug wlan0
#iface wlan0 inet dhcp
#   wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
# Disable power saving on compatible chipsets (prevents SSH/connection dropouts over WiFi)
#wireless-mode Managed
#wireless-power off

# Local loopback
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

So, after I make changes for static ip, the box starts in almost 3 minutes, but only after I disconnect and reconnect ethernet cable. That's my dmesg output:

[   28.958652] aml_audio_i2s_mute_flag: flag=0
[   28.958674] aml_audio_set_spdif_mute: flag=0
[   28.958687] aml_snd_card: aml_m8_set_spk: aml_m8_spk_enabled=0
[   32.802936] libphy: stmmac-0:00 - Link is Up - 1000/Full
[   64.801664] libphy: stmmac-0:00 - Link is Down
[   66.801605] libphy: stmmac-0:00 - Link is Up - 1000/Full
[   86.421880] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_get_fw: fail to request firmware brcm/brcmfmac4335-sdio.txt (-2)
[   86.477075] brcmfmac: brcmf_bus_start: brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_init failed -2
[   86.484371] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_probe: dongle is not responding
[   86.507041] sdio: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (2 bytes)
[   86.512346] sdio: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (7 bytes)
[   86.515179] sdio: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (3 bytes)
[   86.619785] sdio: clk 200000000 SDR mode tuning start
[   86.620536] sdio: rx_tuning_result[0] = 10
[   86.621354] sdio: rx_tuning_result[1] = 10
[   86.622086] sdio: rx_tuning_result[2] = 10
[   86.622805] sdio: rx_tuning_result[3] = 10
[   86.622899] sdio: best_win_start =0, best_win_size =4
[   86.622924] sdio: sd_emmc_regs->gclock=0x1000245,sd_emmc_regs->gadjust=0x22000
[   86.622961] sdio: gclock =0x1000245, gdelay=0x0, gadjust=0x22000
[   86.622992] [sdio_reinit] finish
[   87.631238] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail timeout (1000000): clkctl 0x00
[   88.681218] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail timeout (1000000): clkctl 0x00
[  142.006841] brcmfmac: brcmf_ops_sdio_probe: F2 error, probe failed -19...
[  142.064678] usbcore: registered new interface driver brcmfmac
[  142.082690] bcmsdh_register: register client driver
[  142.083365] bcmsdh_sdmmc: bcmsdh_sdmmc_probe Enter
[  142.083430] bus num (host idx)=0, slot num (rca)=1
[  142.083478] found adapter info 'DHD generic adapter'
[  142.083855] sdioh_attach: set sd_f2_blocksize 128
[  142.093954] bcmsdh_sdmmc: Failed to enable F1 Err: 0xffffffc2dhdsdio_probe : no mutex held. set lock
[  144.801212] libphy: stmmac-0:00 - Link is Down
[  146.188723] F1 signature read @0x18000000=0x   5
[  146.188803] dhdsdio_probe: ChipClkCSR access: err 0 wrote 0x28 read 0x00
[  146.188810] dhdsdio_probe: dhdsdio_probe_attach failed
[  146.188819] dhdsdio_probe : the lock is released.
[  146.188824] bcmsdh_probe: device attach failed
[  146.188831] sdioh_probe: bcmsdh_probe failed
[  146.188953] bcmsdh_sdmmc: probe of sdio:0001:2 failed with error -12
[  146.189033] bcmsdh_sdmmc: bcmsdh_sdmmc_probe Enter
[  146.801248] libphy: stmmac-0:00 - Link is Up - 1000/Full
[  149.452227] vout_serve: vmode set to 720p60hz

You can see where I disconnect the ethernet cable. Also, don't know how to disable completely the wifi module, maybe it has something to do with it.

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Here are the contents of the file, which will allow you to have a static address. Change the highlighted value to the desired ip.



# Wired adapter #1

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


# Local loopback
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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I really know how to do this, you will see in my config that static settings are commented out. :)

Don't worry about that, I'm just a particularly case, I can live with that.
Dmesg output is taken after changing to static ip, but man...it takes long to boot.
So, I'll stay with dhcp settings until I'll find out how to completely disable wifi modules without breaking the server.
Thank you again for your work!

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Open the file /etc/module and remove from the run list module Wi-Fi (wifi_dumy). If does not help, additionally insert in the blocking list all the modules that are in the output of the lsmod command is responsible for Wi-Fi.

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@gnthibault I see you're waiting for an H96+ Pro - mind trying a memory benchmark on it? (previous comment)


I've managed to get my hands on this device without having to buy it and I'm about to do some testing, having successfully booted with the following dtb file (q912_otg.dtb):



I'll be posting benchmark results including memory performance soon. 


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Ok, the borrowed Alfa is almost certainly a DDR3 box and it looks like it has some single-threaded and memory performance issues (hopefully due to the dtb file used):




and a most suspicious memory performance result:



It also gets as hot as 80 deg. Celsius during 8-core operation. More results will be added retroactively to this post.








Edited by Shimon
finished adding other links
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@Shimon Thank you for those tests, they look interesting. On the RAM test, the difference between streams benchmark and RAM benchmark however looks weird. I know the former one (streams), and find the result encouraging.

However, the benchmark for computations is clearly disappointing. The 2DFFT algorithm in particular should peform well with multiple cores, maybe your CPU is throttling, do you have a solution for monitoring that possible issue ?

I am now considering buying a set of radiator and a fan. Do you know if I can simply plugin a radiator like this one, originally designed for raspberry Pi, on the H96 pro+ board ?


Thank you for your work.

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It is look like my beelink gt1(last debian) works as slow as bananapi_1(A20 fedora mainline)  on single core tasks...

They both use oracle jdk. Jsp execution gets same time and some other tasks too.


1 core A20 = 1 core S912 ?????


Does anybody know good java benchmark?

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12 hours ago, gnthibault said:

maybe your CPU is throttling, do you have a solution for monitoring that possible issue ?

I am now considering buying a set of radiator and a fan. Do you know if I can simply plugin a radiator like this one, originally designed for raspberry Pi, on the H96 pro+ board ?


There could be some throttling at temps close to 80 but the main problem seems to be single-core performance. I didn't expect any difference between those boxes there, and yet, it looks like that H96 could be underclocked. For example 8-core performance scaled as if the frequencies never reached 1.5Ghz. 


 A repeat on a GT1 would be interesting; even my MX3 is palpably heavier (same cooling solution) and runs much cooler at idle.


As for the fan, no idea, have a look at some board photos in the freaktab threads.


9 hours ago, buvaluy said:

Does anybody know good java benchmark?


After installing phoronix-test-suite and php, you can simply do:

$  ./phoronix-test-suite benchmark java

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I've run ramspeed test, and got awfull result as Shimon. Maybe it is the reason of java performance.


Shimon S905                 - 3791

Shimon Alfa S912         - 1467

my beelink gt1 2G 32G - 1162




I don't use any dtd. I tried beellink.dtd and got no lan.


Temp during the test was like 59 *C

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1 hour ago, buvaluy said:


I've run ramspeed test

Temp during the test was like 59 *C


That particular benchmark is fixed at 2 threads by default. Try c-ray, primesieve, n-queens or smallpt to hit much higher temps. 

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C-ray give 114.94 points result ( http://openbenchmarking.org/result/1704125-SANE-CRAYEMP79)

I expected A53 S912 core would be 2 times faster then A7 allwinner A20 core.(according to geekbench)

Shimon, what do you think about low memory test result.

I have Beelink GT1(SN:A912** -> AP6255)
Any idea which dbt I shoult try?



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On 12/3/2016 at 10:37 PM, lvmc said:

Yes. I downloaded respective img from balbes150 link, wrote to sdcard.


To boot you have to insert sdcard, unplug power, hold the key near the capacitor / power plug, plug power and release key after some seconds.


On screen image will take a little bit to turn on.


@balbes150, nand-sata-install is writing upto 100%, but after reboot android is booting again, not the probably written armbian image.


Do you know what else we need to do?


Received my H96 pro+ one hour ago, Antutu benchmark looks pretty good, as reported by others (around 42K, I'll update this post with a picture if I can).

However, my box does not boot on the SDcard, and there does not seem to be a power switch on the box, what can I do ?




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18 minutes ago, buvaluy said:

You need update android to boot from sdcard, as I understand.

Try to use power on remote.

Android says no newer version detected (2017-02-27)

My remote controller has no battery unfortunately...

I tried to boot from both usb as well... nothing happened, may there is a problem with my image, how can I check that ?

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Ok, sorry for my silly question, it appeared that everything was actually working fine, I just forgot to use the toothpick method...

This is actually great, I put the ubuntu server image along with Shimon dtb, and everything seems to work fine. I'll focus on installing software during the next days/week, to finally setup my mini cluster of 4 H96 pro+ ^^

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6 hours ago, buvaluy said:


C-ray give 114.94 points result ( http://openbenchmarking.org/result/1704125-SANE-CRAYEMP79)

I expected A53 S912 core would be 2 times faster then A7 allwinner A20 core.(according to geekbench)

Shimon, what do you think about low memory test result.

I have Beelink GT1(SN:A912** -> AP6255)
Any idea which dbt I shoult try?

Your c-ray result is completely expected, considering you didn't use CFLAGS=-Ofast.

As for your expectations, A53 is roughly 60% faster than Cortex A5 running 32-bit code and we're talking about a more powerful A7.


My guess is the dtb file I linked to (the only one to work with H96 Pro+ at the time) is somehow setting the cpu/memory frequencies too low or otherwise, something is seriously broken. 


Single core performance seems to correspond to about 1230 Mhz which happens to lie halfway between big cores' 1.5Ghz and little cores' 1Ghz.

@balbes150 I can't help noticing the names of the cpufreq governors start with arm-big-little... 


2 hours ago, gnthibault said:

I just forgot to use the toothpick method...

Or to use the Update&Backup app.


2 hours ago, gnthibault said:

to finally setup my mini cluster of 4 H96 pro+ ^^

Can you recommend a single PSU solution? 

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2 hours ago, Shimon said:

Or to use the Update&Backup app.


Can you recommend a single PSU solution? 


I didn't know about this Update and Backup application, could be interesting to make a backup image from my last box this weekend (I insalled xenial on the emmc memory of the three other).

Sorry for the PSU, I thought about that for some time, but finally decided to remain in an ultra low cost /cheap setting, with 4 individual AC/DC adapter, plus the one for the Gigabit switch.


I may take some picture of the setup next week if you are interested anyway.


I will now try to run some homemade benchmark (some are still to develop) for single node GEMM and distributed GEMM, with NEON instructions enabled.

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