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I`m trying to set NAS server (OMV) on nanopi M4v2 with sata HAT and eMMC.

I have instaled OMV but it is working realy slow and I want to make another clean install.

I`m using Armbian Buster from here



I`m tryng now for 4 hours to boot from fresh made SD card but I always end up on eMMC module.

If I unplug module I can boot from SD card.


I was trying Recovery key and PWR key combination but with no luck


What can I try next.


Thank you for help!

27 minutes ago, orangepower said:

I`m tryng now for 4 hours to boot from fresh made SD card but I always end up on eMMC module.

Rockchip SoCs always have eMMC as boot priority.

So, to boot from SDCard, you need to stop U-Boot from eMMC by pressing <spacebar> several times during startup.

Then, at U-Boot command line, you can type "setenv devnum 1" followed with "run mmc_boot", it will then boot from SD.


  • Igor pinned this topic

thank you @martinayotte for the tip.


@orangepower : as you, I was in such a trouble: my solution was to remove emmc module from the nanoPi and then from my PC erase emmc's content using an usb2emmc adapter. Kind of brutal solution but really efficient :D


I also bought emmc2microsd but there is a problem with small notch on it. My emmc plug in oposite way and than there is no way you can plug microsd anywhere. After a while I forced it in oposide way and was able to erase emmc with PC. 


There was no chance to stop booting to go to U-boot. It simply does not work..


But I manage to solve this probem..by force.. :) 


I don't know if this is still relevant. But maybe for future reference. If you remove the EMMC chip, power up the board and after 1 or 2 seconds plug the EMMC module in. That way the board boots from the SDcard and the EMMC chip is still recognized. I was able to manually mount the EMMC chip and/or reflash using armbian-config.


Flashing Buster on the emmc with my pc with Balenaetcher has always worked well for me.

I use the SD card only to do offline emmc image backup...SD card has just Armbian server OS on it for doing this.

Running OMV5 + 4xSata-hat on Armbian 22.05.1 Buster with Linux 4.4.213-rk3399

  • Igor unpinned this topic

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