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No sound with expansion board Orange PI Zero H2

Go to solution Solved by guidol,

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Good morning all

I have an OPi Zero H2 with the official expansion card.
My goal is to make an Airport module to connect a speaker to it.
The installation of Shairport in APT all is ok I can see the sharing on my iPhone.
But the problem is that I have no sound when I plug a speaker into the 3.5mm jack port on the expansion card.
I have correctly installed the "analog-codecs" and made a reboot.
In Alsamixer I put "Line-Out" and "DAC" to the maximum (red).
But still no sound ...
When in doubt, I did all these operations on Armbian Focal / Buster / Bionic but it didn't change anything.
Can you help me please?
believe me I have tried everything for 4 days but without success.

thank you in advance for your help


Your support topic is lacking of important debugging information. Please edit and fix!


Please describe your setup as best as possible so we know what your operating environment is like.


  • Name of your board with all details, version number, take a picture if you are not sure what you have
  • Name of the image you installed or logs if you can boot the board: armbianmonitor -u (paste URL to your forum post)
  • If your board does not boot, provide a log from serial console (UART) or at least make and attach a picture, where it stops.
  • Describe the problem the best you can and provide all necessary info that we can reproduce the problem.
  • If anything is attached to the board, supply all details




  • use spoiler image.png when adding a long text,
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  • be concise.
  • Solution


create a /etc/asound.conf to get the analog audio card as default.

whats the output of

aplay -l



  ___  ____  _   _____
 / _ \|  _ \(_) |__  /___ _ __ ___
| | | | |_) | |   / // _ \ '__/ _ \
| |_| |  __/| |  / /|  __/ | | (_) |
 \___/|_|   |_| /____\___|_|  \___/

Welcome to Armbian 20.08.9 Buster with Linux 5.9.1-sunxi

root@opi-zero( aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Codec [H3 Audio Codec], device 0: CDC PCM Codec-0 [CDC PCM Codec-0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

root@opi-zero( more /etc/asound.conf
pcm.!default {
    type hw
    card 0
    device 0

ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0

and enable [*] analog-codec
in armbian-config -> system -> hardware


create a /etc/asound.conf to get the analog audio card as default.
whats the output of
aplay -l
  ___  ____  _   _____/ _ \|  _ \(_) |__  /___ _ __ ___| | | | |_) | |   / // _ \ '__/ _ \| |_| |  __/| |  / /|  __/ | | (_) |\___/|_|   |_| /____\___|_|  \___/Welcome to Armbian 20.08.9 Buster with Linux 5.9.1-sunxiroot@opi-zero( aplay -l**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****card 0: Codec [H3 Audio Codec], device 0: CDC PCM Codec-0 [CDC PCM Codec-0] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0root@opi-zero( more /etc/asound.confpcm.!default {   type hw   card 0   device 0}ctl.!default {   type hw   card 0}and enable [*] analog-codecin armbian-config -> system -> hardware


It works great ... THX

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
Posted (edited)

Edit: I reinstalled the system to 21.08 focal and somehow got it to work.




After upgrading the system on my Orange PI Zero board to Armbian 22.02.1 Bullseye I lost sound. I am using an analog jack connected to the board which was working fine. I enabled analog-codec in armbian-config and rebooted the system but that didn't help. I noticed that there are no sound modules in /lib/modules apart from HDMI one, specifically there is no sun4i-codec module. How to get the sound working again?





Edited by huami

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