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LaFrite not booting after update to 20.11

Go to solution Solved by Werner,

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I fixed the following issue for my own system for now, but wanted to let you know:


After upgrading the LaFrite from Armbian Buster 20.08 to 20.11 using "apt upgrade" it didn't boot anymore. It showed a message "Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid", so I checked /boot/uInitrd and it linked to uInitrd-5.9.6-meson64, which didn't exist.


I fixed it by downloading the latest image and replacing everything in /boot except armbianEnv.txt with what was inside the image. Afterwards it booted again. I replaced everything, because the image apperently still is on linux 5.9.6, while vmlinuz and other files on my system showed 5.9.10.


I also realized that initrd.img was missing, too.


Thanks for sharing how you got it working (and welcome to forums).


I'm curious if you used the instructions found here as those have been somewhat recently updated.


No, I didn't know about that. If I had had no idea what to do and searched for a solution I might have stumbled across it, but I fixed this without searching on the internet.


Hi, I just had the same issue again after updating linux-image-current-meson64 to 20.11.3 and also a while ago, when I updated to 20.11.1 (I guess I missed 20.11.2 or I'd have tried that, too). uInitrd was still linked to an old uInitrd-5.9.12-meson64, while it should have been uInitrd-5.9.14-meson64.


Both times I fixed the issue by running "update-initramfs -c -k 5.9.14-meson64" (or 5.9.12 for 20.11.1 of course).

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