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Chromium useless after last upgrade


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I have an OrangePi +2E with the latest version of armbian.

Yesterday, after a sudo apt-get upgrade, chromium upgraded to 87.0.4280.88 (Build) built on Debian 10.7.

After that chromium has become useless: probably the slowest browser ever.

In case you ask: I've removed all the extensions and uninstalled the browser and then installed again. nothing changed.

The older version worked just "fine" (relative to what an orange pi can offer in terms of performance, of course)


Is this the end of internet browsing on armbian?

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

4 hours ago, linkz said:

Is this the end of internet browsing on armbian?

Armbian never ever touched Chromium nor provided any support for this insane bulky application ... 


4 hours ago, linkz said:

The older version worked just "fine"

Install older version or try other browsers is the only thing what will happen regarding this. Moving to general section since I believe its not related to this particular hardware which we are enabling and keeping alive for you. 

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Can you make me some example of alternative browsers that works half decently with this junk board?

I've tryed firefox (=almost unusable), midori(=wtf is that?), falkon (= are you serious?). The only one that provided decent experience was chromium.


Also, if isn't much can you explain how to downgrade to a previously chromium version?

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53 minutes ago, linkz said:

downgrade to a previously chromium version?

sudo apt -f install chromium=83.0.4103.116-1~deb10u3 chromium-common=83.0.4103.116-1~deb10u3

if you use other distro version most likely need to be adjusted.

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2 hours ago, linkz said:

Can you make me some example of alternative browsers

What you are planning to do with the hardware you have purchased somewhere is your problem. We provide "only" a reason that you don't throw it away due to lack of software support ... If Chromium doesn't work, report the problem to its authors.


2 hours ago, linkz said:

can you explain




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