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ARMBIAN for Amlogic S905 and S905X (ver 5.44 =<)


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3 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Specify which versions of the images on M8S is not working network ? What version of network card in M8S - 100 or 1000 ?

We're talking about a standard Armbian 5.27 Ubuntu image from about a month ago, and yes, Mini M8S has 100M ethernet whereas the others have gigabit.

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25 minutes ago, Shimon said:

We're talking about a standard Armbian 5.27 Ubuntu image from about a month ago, and yes, Mini M8S has 100M ethernet whereas the others have gigabit.

Try to use "gxbb_p200_2g_100m_realekwifi.dtb". Maybe it will stop working WiFi, but the important thing is to check the operation of the wired network.

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3 hours ago, balbes150 said:

What is your image version ?

Thanks for the link, my image version is probably: Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_mate_20170323


edit: Yes, that was the right config, WiFi works too. Thanks @balbes150

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I use normaly Armbian, on micro sd card, (with toothpick), several times, new version, made with wxp, and rufus..

I was try to run Arch Linux, and cant install.

I wait 3 minutes, see yust blue screen.

With, and without same .dtb, that i use for Armbian...

Nexbox, a95x, 2/16, amlogic s905x.

What I do wrong, and why Armbian work, and Arch not?

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1. What version Armbian you start ?

2. What version of ArchLinux are you trying to run ?

3. What the dtb files are you trying to use ?

4. You are trying to install ArchLinux on the internal memory (emcc) or run from external media ?

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B,-dont know, I am deleted, when dont start installation.

C,- dtb, I think, for p212 board, I ill look, i am not at home now.

D,-micro sd card, with reset on button inside av jack.

Thanx for answer.

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3.14.29 work, all other not.

Not, on same art, I yust download, unpack, and with rufus, making bootable sd card.

Arch Linux, i dont know username and pass, and grapic is bad, letters are litlebit broken..Version 4.9.26, yesterday start instalation but letters are broken, not so clear screen, and letters like Ubuntu xenial 3.29.14...

Debian 3.29.14, I am newer have ok..

Same problem with graphic and username/pass..

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1. All versions with kernel 4.x is intended for testing or experimental users (they have a lot not working).

2. ArchLinux from my site is the minimal (console) images for self-fulfillment. They have no graphics.

3. All images Armbian (Ubuntu\Debian) when you first enter the user "root" with password "1234".

In the image of ArchLinux user "root" and password "root".

In the image openSUSE user "root" password is "linux".

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I tried a testing image and it did not boot (tomato x96, 2/16g, s905x)

Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Debian_jessie_3.14.29_xfce_20170525.img.xz could be booted from SD card but i am afraid to install it to internal storage because then HDMI would not work.

So i still keep libreelec on the internal storage but don't use the box as a desktop pc.


I wonder why libreelec works with emmc but not armbian.



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17 hours ago, superman said:

I tried a testing image and it did not boot (tomato x96, 2/16g, s905x)

Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Debian_jessie_3.14.29_xfce_20170525.img.xz could be booted from SD card but i am afraid to install it to internal storage because then HDMI would not work.

So i still keep libreelec on the internal storage but don't use the box as a desktop pc.


I wonder why libreelec works with emmc but not armbian.

1. Test images must be used with the correct dtb (copy them additionally, manually to the media). 2. On X96 no console UART, so if not the right actions, you will not be able to find out what's wrong. There's only one restore option is to look on the chip eMMC contacts that it is blocked at the start, which would start flashing with USB from PC. 3. I have one card with the X96, it normally installs and runs Armbian in eMMC. I don't know what model you have, so no guarantees can not give. Perhaps you have clone and need to pick the correct dtb data.

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I have used this image on mini m8s(Amlogic s905x) with sd card and it is working successfully. I would like to install firmware to emmc flash and i have used nand-sata-install script. But it bricked my device. I reflashed with the original firmware to solve problem. 

When I use nand-sata-install script it is woking up to 100% at last it is giving some errors like ;


1. can't read /mnt/bootfs/boot/boot.cmd No such file or directory

2. can't read /mnt/bootfs/boot/armbianEnv.txt No such file or directory


I guess these files must be under /boot directory. But firmware doesnt have these files. Could you please help me ?   




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On 27.03.2017 at 10:37 AM, mdel said:


i have installed Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20170323.img to my a95x emmc using your install.sh script.


The system boot fine from emmc, i connect through ssh, but has no display on hdmi, black screen, monitor to sleep.

sdcard boot (exact same image) has correct hdmi output.


I won't have much time debugging this so i'm just reporting it for now, i'm using my second a95x box (with serial) to test something else and i can't use it to flash the emmc right now.

But i'll be able to test with serial debug later this week if you need.


I've installed my vpn gateway on that a95x and will use it for a couple of weeks to see how it runs.





Hello How did you install image to emmc with install.sh. Could you please explain in detail. Where is the install.sh file ?

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6 hours ago, balbes150 said:

it normally installs and runs Armbian in eMMC.

Yes, the last time i tried it i could install armbian internally but had no video output. Only ssh worked.

If you say with this image HDMI works then i can give it another try.



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Hello, it's my first time posting here. I have 2 Beelink MX III S905 devices with 2/16. I'm using mainly kszaq's LibreElec on them with his gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb with great success so far.


My elder parents still use an old core2quad desktop pc, my plan is to swap one of my boxes with it, around december.


Last week i tried your "Armbian_5.27_S905_Ubuntu_xenial_4.12.0-next-20170516+_mate.img.xz" image, in first round with the included dtb-s. I booted it up from android update/backup menu with an USB3 flash drive. Some dtb worked, some not, if you're interested i can talk more about it.


The most successul boot was with your "meson-gxbb-p200-lan.dtb" file. Wireless works about half times, wired ethernet works all the times, but it's settings are uneditable by gui. The box boots up in low resolution, in this resolution the second test files play nicely in windowed mode, in fullscreen it does not. After setting 1080p via gui, the test video does not start anymore.


After Installing VLC from Synaptic package manager, i managed to play both files in windowed. I uploaded to the box some h264 coded 1080p 60fps videos, those played surprisingly well too in windowed. Fullscreen does not work so far, instant freezes, but the time counter continues. I monitored it in htop, i've seen full load on all cores, probably the resizing algorithm is at fault.


Browsing works, i tried out chromium, with adblocker it is better than expected. Most videos play, fullscreen freezes videos.


I noticed there is no sound and bluetooth so far, also the highest resolution available is 1080p from MATE gui.


Now this is so far :)

Thank you for your work so far. Let me know if i can help by testing, providing logs, and others. I have no uart acces so far, but i can operate via ssh if there is no screen.




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Updated images Armbian 20170531. 

Changes to scripts activate the multi-boot and run system from external media. In the new version of the scripts allow to start the system from any USB socket (if the is connected other USB media). Back support "nodm", now in the images is used in common with the main branch Armbian authorization system. If you want you can install the package "lightdm" in version Mate-that-be to have a graphical authentication when you log into the system (just don't forget together with the installation of lightdm, remove the nodm package, otherwise they will interfere with each other). Other changes see the description of changes to main branch Armbian (replacement browser on Chromium, etc.).

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gxbb_p200_2G.dtb (only tried this)


Audio works, wifi seems to work (at least lists nearby networks), wired ethernet works, and correctly discovered as gigabit device


Resolution change does not work from mate gui, 720p and 0 Hz freq listed only, (i might try to modify xorg conf)

Bluetooth does not lists adapters, devices.  During boot i saw it mentioned in the console.


Both video test files play nicely and with sound windowed. Fullscreen and resizing video windows cause higher cpu usage. Video plays fluid until cpu reaches 100% on all cores, then video gets choppy, but still plays.

Playing multiple video at once works.


Successfully installed and started a game called Minetest. Default render is OpenGL, apart from extremely low framerates no graphical glitches noticed yet. I forgot to mention this in my previous post, performance is the same.


Browsing in general works, 720p/1080p 30fps videos play well. This time i tried twitch too, 720p@30fps streams work nicely. (youtube and twitch gets choppy of course when put fullscreen)

Speedtest internet connection test shows correct download and upload speeds (120 mbps)



Thanks again


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19 minutes ago, kayman1021 said:

Resolution change does not work from mate gui, 720p and 0 Hz freq listed only, (i might try to modify xorg conf)


In these images yet support HW playback full screen video (it is better to use images of LE).

To change the screen resolution until you need to use manual editing of the file /boot/hdmi.sh (comment out the first line with 720 and remove the comments from line 1080).

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24 minutes ago, mustafayuce66@gmail.com said:

I have at last succesfully installed on emmc. Although emmc has 8gb storage, System (/dev/data) has just 4.5 Gb . How can we expand this. Is there any tool or anything else.

To reallocate space in the eMMC (change partition size and number of them) you need to change the dtb data. If necessary, you can change your dtb file with the necessary parameters dtc utility (from Linux). But I can't give any guarantees about the consequences on your equipment. Manufacturers TV boxes often use the features in the development of the TV box, which can be assessed only by the hardware.

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37 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

To reallocate space in the eMMC (change partition size and number of them) you need to change the dtb data. If necessary, you can change your dtb file with the necessary parameters dtc utility (from Linux). But I can't give any guarantees about the consequences on your equipment. Manufacturers TV boxes often use the features in the development of the TV box, which can be assessed only by the hardware.


Actually I am using different image from you and i gueess it doesnt contain automatic resize process. When i use your image it is really automatically resizing. How do you do this resize process. Could you please help me

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4 hours ago, mustafayuce66@gmail.com said:

Actually I am using different image from you and i gueess it doesnt contain automatic resize process. When i use your image it is really automatically resizing. How do you do this resize process. Could you please help me

Automatic changes to partition on external media ONLY works with external storage (SDMMC and USB). External drives use a standard distribution system locations on the media (MBR partition table). EMMC is used to direct space allocation in the dtb file. In no eMMC partition table and cannot be, as it will be destroyed by a standard boot loader u-boot, which is located in the same place where it should be MBR. Therefore, you cannot use the automatic extension, from the external media on eMMC.

To resize partitions, you need to manually change the dfb.

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So i was able to install Armbian locally but i could not do much with it. The installation of "python" was broken and i could not fix it.

I spent much time to delete all python packages and apps that depend on it but after reinstallation they all claim not to be configured and i always get a core dump when i try to configure them.

I also could not install a samba server to transfer files. It looks for a 64bit version and it seems there is none. Can we use 32bit instead ?



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Update: I think the problem with python was that i used a 4 GB SD card to install the image. 4 GB is probably too small. With a 64GB card i could install armbian and python works now. Also samba could be installed.


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Hello to everyone!
I just tested "Armbian_5.27_S905_Ubuntu_xenial_4.12.0-next-20170516+_mate.img"

Wifi not connecting ( finds networks but dies when i try to connect to my wifi ).
Ethernet seemed OK ( with the second dtb, with the first i didn't check extensively but looked like not connecting ).

Video playback with mpv crashes with segmentation fault ( with the samples on desktop ).

I have many RED messages in "dmesg --ctime"

The board is recognized as another board ( development ) that i have no idea what it is.

I used the dtb's from the dtb directory in /boot partition in the SDCARD ( meson-gxbb-p200 and meson-gxbb-p201 ).

None seemed to work correctly, as none of them is for my box ( i believe ).

Tried dtb's from kszaq but not even booting ( stays in Google TV logo for ever ).

Question: is there any ready made dtb's for my box ( MiniM8S 2G 100M ) ?

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