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Hi, all


After several successfull installations, i cannot use nand_sata_install anymore.
Every time : nand_sata_install: command not found

Sudo or root

./install.sh neither doesn't work.


I tried apt-get udate&upgrade and  update-command-not-found

No sucess


It always worked ok with this image so i don't quite understand?


I'm using Armbian_5.37_S9xxx_Debian_stretch_3.14.29_server_20171226.img


Thank you all

14 hours ago, cinquieme said:

It always worked ok with this image so i don't quite understand?


I'm using Armbian_5.37_S9xxx_Debian_stretch_3.14.29_server_20171226.img

You have deleted or corrupted the script /root/install.sh


Hello, very compliments for good work.


Can someone help me? I was very happy finally to install correctly armbian on tx5 pro, but I can't activate wifi


When I get


modprobe dhd --> error could not insert "dhd" no such device


When I get


modprobe wifi_dummy --> OK but nothing happens, after 2 minutes and above

On 30/03/2018 at 8:54 AM, balbes150 said:

You have deleted or corrupted the script /root/install.sh

Thanks Balbes

I went to root folder and ran the script.

Everything's OK

Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Davicom said:

Hello, very compliments for good work.


Can someone help me? I was very happy finally to install correctly armbian on tx5 pro, but I can't activate wifi


When I get


modprobe dhd --> error could not insert "dhd" no such device


When I get


modprobe wifi_dummy --> OK but nothing happens, after 2 minutes and above

Try this, for me its help [flash=425,350]https://youtu.be/2wY0AVxrmHk[/flash]



Edited by markodon
17 hours ago, Davicom said:

Can someone help me? I was very happy finally to install correctly armbian on tx5 pro, but I can't activate wifi


So you don't have a broadcom chip. Perhaps realtek or qca9377. Find the brand of your Wi Fi chip and use the modules for it.


I reinstalled so and everithing is working, i'm so happy. Your job it's amazing! Now i am trying to install spotify but I have not succeeded yet. It seems that architecture isn't compatible. Anyway, i repeate: thanks for your great job




thanks for your hard work.


Here is a feedback of my tries with various versions

i tried various images (from 3.14.29 kernel to 4.9.40 to 4.14.11) on my A95X with S905x.



the only one i could make work was ubuntu 3.14.29 mate using gxl_p212_2g.dtb as dtb.img

4.9 versions didn't displayed anything on screen with gxl_p212_2g.dtb

4.14.11 versions were hanging when showing first prompt with a95x dtb







Good evening,
I have the same problem as you and I found a version that works also at home, but only on SD card (impossible to put in eMMC):
With the same dtb as you: gxl_p212_2g.dtb

On 29/03/2018 at 1:46 PM, balbes150 said:

dtb Vega Telos\Meta\Pro has not been updated in the main branch for a long time. I did to them patches in version of 4.11, but they already are obsolete, need to collect new patches.


Thanks for the quick response. Does that mean 4.11 in your repo will build and run? or do I need to go back to kernel 3.x and attempt to patch the kernel to a later 3.x version?

For the record I did checkout 56c4e8a and attempt a build, however, I coud not get it to boot but did not if it was kernel or dtb related.



hi to all, i have some problems to extract rar archive (with file rev)


davide@amlogic:/media/davide/250gb/rar_rev$ sudo rar rc xxx.part001.rar
/usr/local/bin/rar: 1: /usr/local/bin/rar: cannot create 0@@�: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
/usr/local/bin/rar: 1: /usr/local/bin/rar: ELF: not found
/usr/local/bin/rar: 2: /usr/local/bin/rar: Syntax error: ")" unexpected

could someone give me some tips?


Image update Armbian_5.41.1_20180406 kernel 3.14 (dir mali6/5.41.1-KODI-17.6).


1. In this version it is possible to use additional screen resolutions. For this, you need in file /boot/hdmi.sh instead of the standard value to specify the new value. A list of possible screen resolutions can be found at the end of the file /boot/hdmi.sh. Please note, not all of these values will work.

2. There is the possibility of fast editing of the parameters of the command line that is passed to the kernel at startup (without having to recompile the script s905_autoscript). Now these values are in plain text file uEnv.ini. If necessary, you can add your own values or change existing ones.


Hello together,


I've got a problem, which I couldn't solve by myself in a couple of hours, so now I'm hoping for your help. I've got the X96 TV Box (S905X, 2GB):




The only image, which is working, is Armbian_5.37_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_mate_20171226.img. It's working without a dtb.img file, but also with some others.

Ubuntu is working, but I don't get sound working properly. As sound devices I've only got "AMLOGIC8M Stereo". The Problem is, that I don't have HDMI respectively TOSLINK/SPDIF as additional device. The sound in Kodi crashes always after a few seconds, if i don't limit the bitrate to 48kHz. But the main problem is, that because only a stereo sound device is found, i can't passthrough DD oder DTS via Toslink in Kodi.

I gave LibreElec 8.2 a try and passthrough etc. is working as it should. I tried using the dtb.img from LibreElec without any success.


Does anyone has an advice for me to get it working with armbian? I don't want to be limited to the LibreElec OS.


Thanks in advance!



I've got now the solution:

Removing pulseaudio with "apt-get purge pulseaudio*" did the trick




How can I autostart Kodi? I enabled it as a service, but the login screen gets overlayed, and it looks weird. If I login it works great, but this is a little troublesome.


I'd like Kodi to autostart and still have the ability to VNC to a X session to use Ubuntu.


On a similar note, how can I configure a USB keyboard to work with Kodi?

On 3/21/2018 at 2:49 AM, balbes150 said:

To run kernel 4.9 successfully, you need

1. New u-boot (it is used in firmware from Android-7).

2. The correct dtb.

Hi, balbes150,


I have a S905 tv box that came stock with Android 6.x. There does not appear to be an Android 7.x build available from the vendor. This appears to be a common issue for S905 (non-X/W/etc.) boxes.


Is there a way to either build a 4.9 or newer kernel that the existing u-boot can boot, a way to build a chain u-boot, or some other solution to get the newer kernels on these boxes?


My box boots your 3.14 kernel using one of the generic S905 DTBs. Is it possible/likely that we can get to a set of similarly generic S905 dtbs for 4.9 or newer? It looks like there are no S905 dtbs in your build at all.


Many thanks for all of your work getting the S905 series working.


Hi , can anyone tell me which module will be good for wifi chip sv6051p? I have s905w board (x96 mini ). I tried wifi_dummy and modprobe dhd but nothing worked .

On 13.04.2018 at 11:29 PM, viciouslancer said:

How can I autostart Kodi? I enabled it as a service, but the login screen gets overlayed, and it looks weird. If I login it works great, but this is a little troublesome.


I'd like Kodi to autostart and still have the ability to VNC to a X session to use Ubuntu.


On a similar note, how can I configure a USB keyboard to work with Kodi?

Turn on auto-login or remove the lightdm service from startup.


10 hours ago, cmetz said:

Is there a way to either build a 4.9 or newer kernel that the existing u-boot can boot, a way to build a chain u-boot, or some other solution to get the newer kernels on these boxes?


Try out test versions of images with a 4.1x kernel

On 06.04.2018 at 4:39 PM, balbes150 said:

Image update Armbian_5.41.1_20180406 kernel 3.14 (dir mali6/5.41.1-KODI-17.6).


1. In this version it is possible to use additional screen resolutions. For this, you need in file /boot/hdmi.sh instead of the standard value to specify the new value. A list of possible screen resolutions can be found at the end of the file /boot/hdmi.sh. Please note, not all of these values will work.

2. There is the possibility of fast editing of the parameters of the command line that is passed to the kernel at startup (without having to recompile the script s905_autoscript). Now these values are in plain text file uEnv.ini. If necessary, you can add your own values or change existing ones.


Thanks for your work!
Tell me please - why does not change the resolution when changing the file hdmi.sh?
I'm changing
mode = 1080p60hz
# mode = 720p60hz
# mode = 1080p60hz
mode = 720p60hz
but the resolution remains the same after a reboot.

In the previous image (Armbian_5.41_), the resolution was changed.

9 hours ago, unick007 said:


Thanks for your work!
Tell me please - why does not change the resolution when changing the file hdmi.sh?
I'm changing
mode = 1080p60hz
# mode = 720p60hz
# mode = 1080p60hz
mode = 720p60hz
but the resolution remains the same after a reboot.

In the previous image (Armbian_5.41_), the resolution was changed.

Try adding 720 in script like this . It worked for me .





case $mode in
    fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1920 1080 1920 2160 $bpp
    fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
    echo $mode > /sys/class/display/mode
    echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
    echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
    echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
    echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
    echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale
    fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1280 720 1280 1440 $bpp
    fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
    echo $mode > /sys/class/display/mode
    echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
    echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
    echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
    echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
    echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale

# Enable framebuffer device
echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank

# Blank fb1 to prevent static noise
echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank

echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink

#/etc/webmin/start &

#su -c 'hciattach /dev/ttyS1 any'

13 hours ago, unick007 said:

Tell me please - why does not change the resolution when changing the file hdmi.sh?

Now checked on the image 20180406 switching from 1080 to 720. Opened file /boot/hdmi.sh, swapped the comment sign, rebooted, desktop resolution became 720.

2 hours ago, unick007 said:

Maybe this is somehow related to the fact that I built the image myself from this repository -

What options did you change in the in build ? What version image of the builds ?

4 hours ago, balbes150 said:

What options did you change in the in build ? What version image of the builds ?

Options did not change - all by default. Version 5.41.1.
When loading from the SD card, the resolution is 720, as indicated in the file hdmi.sh.
But after flashing the image on emmc using the script nand_sata_install and downloading from emmc, the resolution is set to 1080.
In the load log I can see this:

[    8.899017] vout_serve: vmode set to 720p60hz

[    8.907597] fb: current vmode=576cvbs, cmd: 0x50000
[    8.912543] tv_vout: tv_set_current_vmode[919]fps_target_mode=10
[    8.918727] tv_vout: mode is 10,sync_duration_den=1,sync_duration_num=60
[    8.925503] tv_vout: TV mode 720p60hz selected.
[    8.930136] 
               vdac_enable: on:0,module_sel:8
[    8.938371] 
               vdac_enable: on:0,module_sel:8
[    8.946514] tv_vout: new mode =720p60hz set ok
[    8.951054] vout_serve: vinfo mode is: 720p60hz
[    8.955738] vout_serve: new mode 720p60hz
                set ok
[    8.967564] hdmitx: video: get current mode: 720p60hz


But then the resolution changes:

[   17.410835] systemd[1]: Starting HDMI init...
[   17.429780] systemd[1]: Started Set console font and keymap.
[   17.439075] vout_serve: vmode set to 1080p60hz

[   17.439094] vout_serve: disable HDMI PHY as soon as possible
[   17.439099] fb: current vmode=720p60hz, cmd: 0x50000
[   17.439103] tv_vout: tv_set_current_vmode[919]fps_target_mode=16
[   17.439106] tv_vout: mode is 16,sync_duration_den=1,sync_duration_num=60
[   17.439116] tv_vout: TV mode 1080p60hz selected.
[   17.439119] 
               vdac_enable: on:0,module_sel:8
[   17.439125] 
               vdac_enable: on:0,module_sel:8
[   17.439130] tv_vout: new mode =1080p60hz set ok
[   17.439131] vout_serve: vinfo mode is: 1080p60hz
[   17.439133] vout_serve: new mode 1080p60hz
                set ok
[   17.439146] hdmitx: video: get current mode: 1080p60hz
[   17.439147] hdmitx: update rx hdr info 0
[   17.439148] hdmitx: update physcial size: 410 260
[   17.439197] hdmitx: system: already init VIC = 0  Now VIC = 16
[   17.439201] hdmitx: rx no SCDC present indicator
[   17.439319] hdmitx: system: irq 80000001
[   17.439359] Start = 0x10000100   End = 0x100001ff


if comment out this block, then the resolution 720 is set




#for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
#        case ${x} in
#                m_bpp=*) export bpp=${x#*=} ;;
#                hdmimode=*) export mode=${x#*=} ;;
#        esac


13 hours ago, unick007 said:

if comment out this block, then the resolution 720 is set

When started from the eMMC , the system uses the value "hdmimode" from the variable ENV (u-boot). You can change this variable using the "fw_setenv" utility (you can use the "fw_printenv" utility to read the variable), or you can use the UART console.

2 hours ago, balbes150 said:

When started from the eMMC , the system uses the value "hdmimode" from the variable ENV (u-boot). You can change this variable using the "fw_setenv" utility (you can use the "fw_printenv" utility to read the variable), or you can use the UART console.


I'll try


Test image Debian + KODI-18.




To run KODI-18 , you need to perform additional configuration of the system.

1. you need to remove the package “pulseaudio”

2. Switch to the test repository (disable all other repositories and enable "test" in the sourceslist file). Then install a new version of libc6-2.27 from the test repository).
After these steps, you can use KODI-18 as usual.


Add test image Ubuntu + KODI-18.
To run KODI-18 , you need to perform additional configuration of the system.

1. you need to remove the package “pulseaudio”

2. switch to the “bionic” repository (disable all other repositories and enable “bionic” in the sourceslist file). Then install a new version of libc6 from the “bionic” repository).

After these steps, you can use KODI-18 as usual.


Image update Armbian kernel next 4.17-rc1 20180420 (directory “test” on the website). Now in the mainline kernel works HDMI, USB, wired network.


If you as i'm have some problem with arm64 chromium, some hint how get armhf browser in stretch(in stretch chromium:armhf from repo don't work). Before start update you system apt update && apt upgrade. Download deb package chromium-browser:armhf and chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra:armhf from ppa like  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/armhf/chromium-browser/65.0.3325.181-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 then install it with $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb and install dependencies $ sudo apt-get -f install  . If you haven't any armh package before all works fine.

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