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Banana Pi M5: The last images don't boot anymore from SD card

Go to solution Solved by Igor,

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@Igor I tested the XFCE, CLI and Minimal Bullseye images from https://armbian.com/bananapi-m5 (2022-11-30).


I tried to build myself one from master (current and edge  - bullseye/desktop/xfce), same outcome: it shows the Splashscreen and then stops here:




I don't have a USB-to-TTL adapter, so I can't provide more debug informations.


The only images that still boot (reliably!) from the SD card are the ones archived here https://imola.armbian.com/archive/bananapim5/archive/ that still used the Kernel 5.19.16.


The switch to 6.0.x occurred two weeks ago: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/ce61bd7827d42c63bc1f763dad5c7e4717e1f75b


I tried to checkout the previous commit (20d388b) and to build an image from it, but it failed:




So I can't confirm, but I'm under the impression that all the images since the switch to Kernel 6.0.x don't boot anymore from the SD card.

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3 minutes ago, atone said:

I tried to checkout the previous commit (20d388b) and to build an image from it, but it failed:

It is difficult to go back but staying on the same kernel branch. Which patches might not work properly. I could point you what to fix, but its pointless going that way. Lets try to stabilise M5 on K6.1 / latest (best working) u-boot. Which is the cause of this:


5 minutes ago, atone said:

it shows the Splashscreen and then stops here:


SD card / eMMC initialisation is failing. This problem we are fighting with Amlogic for years.

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The big question is how to flush /boot/ kernel and u-boot updates made by debian after apt upgrade on the U-BOOT partition (BPI declares aarch64 whereas debian packages arm64)  ?

root@bananapim5:/usr/src# ls /boot/
armbianEnv.txt			Image
armbian_first_run.txt.template	initrd.img-5.19.16-meson64
boot.bmp			System.map-5.19.16-meson64
boot.cmd			uImage
boot.scr			uInitrd
config-5.19.16-meson64		uInitrd-5.19.16-meson64
dtb				vmlinuz-5.19.16-meson64
root@bananapim5:/usr/src# uname -a
Linux bananapim5 4.9.312-BPI-M5 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 6 13:22:04 HKT 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux


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  • Solution
23 hours ago, SoSie said:

There is simply a regression on armbian latest image

Some people had troubles, indeed. Images were replaced today and they have been tested. Try. (download might be slow / not synced to all servers yet / use torrent or retry if you are going to try within next couple of hours)

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YES, I have tested the archive version on the sdcard directly the xfce image , it rocks,
I wished to have found this working image earlier that uses kernel 5.19.16-meson64 that brings two huge differences:
         1) screen autodetection is perfect (device name is correct and freq is not 0!)
         2) enough lighweight to be able to run kodi debian which is

                         a)very reactive
                         b)saturates no processors , when playing mp4 -1024p, 25fps, H264, 128kbit AAC),,load is  200% and well balanced on the 4 cores  (I have tested with ubuntu 22.10, raspian,... processor were busy at 70-90% EVEN DOING NOTHING!)
SO WELL DONE @Igor and the whole Armbian team !!!

  for the upgrade of the U-BOOT partition, this is no more required
            unless we want multiboot...what about a bananaPINN  with auto-install to sdcard, whith armbian chooser, installer  direct in flash (let's dream for 2023)?

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What @atone obtained , i got it too from Armbian_22.08.7_Bananapim5_bullseye_edge_5.19.16_minimal.img and after upgrading 5.19.16  (22.08.6) to 6.0.10 (22.11.30) with

sudo apt upgrade linux-dtb-edge-meson64
sudo apt upgrade linux-image-edge-meson64
sudo apt upgrade linux-u-boot-bananapim5-edge


as it removes 5.19.6 boot without asking your opinion, there is no way to go back except manually and externaly. the linux-* packages seems to be virtual, there is nothing in /var/cache/apt/archives

What I did to come back in case some are stuck is to mount  the partition armbi_root within the image decompacted

losetup --partscan loop25 Armbian_22.08.7_Bananapim5_bullseye_edge_5.19.16_minimal.img

At this point loop25p1 should be available to be mounted somewhere, ideally in /media/$USER/armbi_root.
Now do (USER matches the current user USER=`whoami`)


cp -a /media/$USER/armbi_root/boot/* <usb_card_root>/boot

IMPORTANT: check the UUID in <usb_card_root>/boot/ArmbianEnv.txt matches  the UUID declared in <usb_card_root>/etc/fstab,
if not fix  modify <usb_card_root>/boot/ArmbianEnv.txt !

don't forget to copy the modules..

cp -a /media/$USER/armbi_root/usr/lib/modules/* <usb_card_root>/usr/lib/modules
umount <usb_card_root>

Now let go back to the past in apt world too..

apt install linux-image-edge-meson64=22.08.6 linux-dtb-edge-meson64=22.08.6 linux-u-boot-bananapim5-edge=22.08.6



PUT & PRAY!!!!


-The nice Armbian logo went away, even after apt going back (sorry i don't know how to restore it) but it boots back with the 5.19.16 kernel

-REALLY HAVING NO FAILSAFE KERNEL IS A MESS! So..Yes multiboot would imho not be an option.


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@atone, @igor and the armbian team thanks for all yours efforts and answers, will check the new release.
UPDATE with 6.1.14:

  -boot works 😃

  -looses video signal on my 7'' screen  after armbian logo  -> console* -> back graphical

              *with error failed to start Access point and authentication for wifi and Ethernet :  this is normal I don't have the wifi module)
 SO DOES NOT PASS THE TESTS, é_è so I stay with version 22.08.6

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@atone, I have just tested Bullseye XFCE desktop  with the Kernel 6.1.14, Release date: Jan 9, 2023.
Maybe it is just an Xorg issue as it boots correctly and display correct on my 23'' but not on 7' (no signal)
so for now I freeezed the packages with apt-mark hold to prevent upgrades

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Well @atone
  the 7" is  1024x600 59.8Hz
  the 23" is 1920x1080 60Hz

the 7" can play 1k videos with not problem so
   ie h264  mp4 1920x1080 ones ONLY reduced to 1024x600.
I tried with lower mp4 it does not work.
I thinks it is a limitation of video decoder, I don't have this with my RPI3B.

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SD card images don’t work flawlessly.

Actually none of them boot at all. I cleared off my emmc my Banana Pi M5 needs to have a real bootable SD image.


At the moment only the Ubuntu images provided by BPI work. 

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Have the same problem! One of my 2 M5 only boots the half-official ArchLinux image. Nothing else boots, and I tried all images I could find (Debian, Ubuntu, Armbian, OpenBSD - nothing). Absolutely no idea whats wrong with my M5. Connecting a serial works and I see, that no boot image was found. But it exists, really.


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