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Odroid HC1 - Armbian Bullseye Minimal - Unable to boot

Go to solution Solved by grunlab,

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Posted (edited)


I've several Odroid HC1 boards (forming a kubernetes cluster of 8 nodes) currently running Armbian Buster Minimal image.

I would like to upgrade the cluster (node by node) to Armbian Bullseye Minimal but I faced the following issue when I tried to reinstall the 1st node:

- Used image: https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-dl/odroidxu4/archive/Armbian_23.02.1_Odroidxu4_bullseye_current_5.4.232_minimal.img.xz

- Image flashed on SD card using BalenaEtcher

- SD card plugged into the board + power up --> the OS is not booting (and not answering to ping)

Here are the different tries I did:

- I've tried to flash the image several times even using different SD cards and boards --> same issue, unable to boot

- I've tried a rollback and flash the previous version Armbian Buster minimal --> OK, able to boot (so I don't think the issue is at SD card or board level)

- I've tried to flash the Armbian Bullseye non-minimal image (https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-dl/odroidxu4/archive/Armbian_23.02.1_Odroidxu4_bullseye_current_5.4.232.img.xz) --> with this image, I'm able to boot but after installing the OS on the SATA drive (using armbian-config : System / Install / Boot on SD, system on SATA), the OS is not booting anymore.

Unfortunately, I don't have an USB UART adapter to provide logs.

I'm suspecting an issue at image level as:

After flashing the image on the SD card, I noticed that a file "qemu_fstype_20230226-211008_10215.core" is present at the root of the SD card ... maybe a sign showing that the image build failed or something like this !?
Thank you for your support. I would be happy to provide additional information if needed.

Edited by grunlab
  • Solution
Posted (edited)

There is effectively an issue with this image (containing a qemu core file at the root)https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-dl/odroidxu4/archive/Armbian_23.02.1_Odroidxu4_bullseye_current_5.4.232_minimal.img.xz


I've rebuilt the image myself (https://github.com/armbian/build#getting-started) and the new built image is working like a charm (boot : OK, installing OS on SATA : OK)


Waiting the image to be updated on Armbian website, people facing the same issue can get the image here: https://dl.grunlab.net/armbian/

Edited by grunlab

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