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This image works OK, and we now have both a 6.7 kernel AND graphics.


Minor issues:


EzCast stupid windows Wifi adapter does not plug and play.


The vertical USB port does not sense plugging in a device (Wifi)


Good work,




Posted (edited)

It boots fine into a desktop but sadly the USB-C does not yet work.


Although I could plug a keyboard into the top USB 3 port, if I attempted to plug in any USB wireless dongle, for a mouse/keyboard combo, nothing is registered.


I can confirm that the vertical USB port does not work either, although not surprising since it is directly linked to the USB-C.


Definitely a step forward though and I have no doubt that when Rockchip release their 6.1 SDK in the next few weeks, we should see easier OS implementation.


Edited by compent
11 hours ago, compent said:

I have no doubt that when Rockchip release their 6.1 SDK in the next few weeks, we should see easier OS implementation

Rockchip software development is focused to deliver Android / hardware showcase experience, not for real Linux OS implementation. Their upgrade from 5.10 to 6.1 brings very little of what you are hoping for. This has some technical gain, while majority is marketing value to support hardware sales. Real software support is on us, community and various Linux kernel professionals that are operating in this segment. 


Anyhow, we will maintain the tool that helps you implement it. We already implemented mainline based support and that we will maintained in best effort manner. Similar as it works today - all functions of the SoC will never be covered and maintainace will depend on your support or absence of it.


11 hours ago, Владимир Талалаев said:

Orange Pi 5-plus not boot

Our automated testing facility shows no problems (btw. test images, which could be broken, are for developers only)


How to boot Armbian:


How to report problems:


Support us, so we can sponsor people that sold you hardware:




As Android is based upon Linux, I would have thought that a manufacturer bringing a newer kernel would bring things closer to mainline support.


I could no see any release of the kernel so far, so wonder how you can know what the new SDK does and does not bring.


Based on Rockchip's rather chequered history, I can certainly empathise with your views, so little would surprise me with regards to their business practices.


But regardless of the angles of view, things are still clearly headed in the right direction, with your work also clearly being rather pivotal.


Opi5  works fine. To me most significant issue is missing hw acceleration in browsers/players, any eta to add this ?  thanks for your work.  The other problem might be no sound over hdmi at least with default settings

8 hours ago, compent said:

I would have thought

This myth is one of the places this whole business sales departments are targeting. If you and me understands the difference, most don't, even they are hardcore and long time Linux users, those who will buy hardware. "Android kernel" is as hardware support done in as cheap as possible way, presentation quality, its full of hacks and proprietary solutions, often with binary libraries. Often at this point vendor support ends. Most of HW vendors investments goes into sales, not into software development. This is reserved for others, often community slave workforce. Why I used this terrible word? Because force is normal MO. This forum and especially vendors forums are full of angry customers attacking developers to fix things. Those developers nobody ever paid or say thanks. Open source development is fun, but not when force and abuse is main drive.


8 hours ago, compent said:

closer to mainline support


Everyone would like to have that, just the problem is that this costs several millions per SoC to develop and further to keep support stable. If they move money they put into sales rather to R&D, competitors will run them over in no time and they even see and treat us as competitors. Orangepi rather invested money to re-brand our OS and our build tools in order to look professional in front of their customers. It would be better for you and them to deal with hardware level issues, and maintain their stack as some others does. With our well maintained build framework that is mainline / as close to mainline as possible. They don't understand the value. Short term profits and ego are more important. Similar goes to Radxa. They mainly ignore supporting mainline problems but they rush to publish news that their hardware is supported by Armbian, while Armbian team didn't know that, its regular fake news, until yesterday as I stumble upon that. Now imagine their customer coming to Armbian and expecting support we never planned, knows nothing about, never wanted or have budget for. This is how vendors play dirty (with you and FOSS developers) and there is little we can do about. A lot of efforts goes into the clarification that we don't support this and that hardware and that support is best effort anyway ... Which means its possible nobody will ever answer or fix the problem. Anywhere, mainline, or with other Linux distro.


8 hours ago, compent said:

how you can know what the new SDK does and does not bring.


Pragmatic experience working in this world since early days on top of 30 years of with Linux, 10 out of this in embedded Linux. I have no motive to picture things nicer as they are. Rockchip and many vendor recognizes our efforts but they do nothing to help us. Contrary. Some has dirty business practices also toward us, even we helped them a lot.


8 hours ago, compent said:

clearly headed in the right direction


Enlighten me?

27 minutes ago, rix81 said:

Tried, but not working,  there's no Mantic list, also other errors. 


More then expected. There are many warnings for you to read when you boot those images. Why do you think this is written:


Rolling releases are suitable for Linux enthusiasts who want cutting edge packages and have the skills to fix damage that a bad update might cause. If you want stability in a production environment or low headaches as a novice user, skip rolling releases. They are only at, build and ship, Debian testing / Arch / Manjaro / Suse Tumbleweed / Kali / Gentoo support quality level!


Only Armbian standard supported builds usually works well. Download it and enjoy. If you have problems with others, you need to invest your own time to fix, adjust expectations.


Ezcast adapter seems to be RTL8821, so using dkms to compile from morrow sources all is FINE!


Desktop start screen is all black with a password field at left. I guess it means a splash page is missing. Logging on works OK, and I am met by a penguin.


Vertical USB does not show any life.




Now at:


root@orangepi5-2:~# uname -a
Linux orangepi5-2 6.7.0-rc8-edge-rockchip-rk3588 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 31 20:51:25 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

seems fine, but no vertical usb...



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