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I have several usages in mind:


1) Small laboratory, to check different sort of things (much more flexible and cheap than with standard x86 machines, and even virtual machines).

2) Security enabled storage (in the works).

3) Enterprise grade - small distributed system (in the works).

4) Catastrophe management distributed system (by now I am collecting requirements and checking what the machine can do in that environment).


That type of things :-)


I am using OPi Zero as a central controller for IoTs devices ( based in ESP8266 ).


It will communicate with a smartphone ( Android or iPhone ) running MQTT protocol and will distribute commands over the IoTs network.




2x - PiHole DNS servers

1x - Octoprint 3d Printer server, but I'm going to migrate to an orange pi PC as it has more native usb lcd support.

1x - Portable Wifi to Lan Bridge with MAC address cloning or randomizer

1x - Cups print server. 


1. Torrent download (deluged)

2. NAS

3. Backup video for security camera


I use 256MB ram version, but how create swap on my OPZ, i install Debian Jessie and it not have swap partition by default.


root@OrangePizero:~# uname -a
Linux OrangePizero 3.4.39 #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 28 10:12:06 CST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
root@OrangePizero:~# free -h
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          193M       163M        30M        12M       5.5M        41M
-/+ buffers/cache:       116M        77M
Swap:           0B         0B         0B



i think you don't use an armbian image.

Linux OrangePizero 3.4.39

try one of these...  Image


it look's like this...

root@orangepizero:~# free -h
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          494M       300M       194M       9.7M        15M       195M
-/+ buffers/cache:        89M       404M
Swap:         127M         0B       127M




i think you don't use an armbian image.


Of course this is not Armbian. Before we thought about supporting H3 boards with legacy kernel at all Igor wasted one day of his life to patch this insanely insecure and horribly outdated Allwinner 3.4.39 kernel up to 3.4.100 (fixing tons of security issues). In the meantime we're at 3.4.113... and connecting such a Linux installation relying on unpatched 3.4.39 in 2017 to the Internet is almost unbelievable :)


@thkien: Currently Armbian's build system applies 144 partially huge patches to fix countless issues on H2+/H3 boards and to enhance a lot of stuff: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/tree/master/patch/kernel/sun8i-default (when you use 'hardware vendor offerings' you miss all of this!)


Resilio Sync, Samba and access point.  Basically have a 4Tb portable drive syncing media files when it's connected to LAN - files are accessible to tablet/phone in VLC when connected to WiFi.


For my daughter: Generating sounds in a "Ghostbusters" proton pack, two of them in fact.  :)   A Python script reads /dev/ttyS2 to receive instructions from an Arduino connected to buttons/switches, and mixes/plays powerup, powerdown, idle,  and fire sound effects.



Currently using one for...

  • MFRC522 RFID Timeclock and script triggering
  • SMS tirggered IOT server with API hooks.
  • Armbian monitor browser GUI with embedded window of noVNC, plans to add another window for camera.

Will be using one for...

  • A pulse oximeter sensor (MAX30102) that's connected to an infant and the speakers of an electronic rocking chair.
  • Documenting installation instructions of a bunch of sensors/modules for OPiZ on Github

I don't know if the sensor is going to be sensitive enough for a newborn, much less reliable. Plus I still have to get it to work on an OPi but it's, in  any case,  an effort to minimize the risk of SIDS.


Some accept unix files convert them into CSV and make them available to a android app.

Some take in KML / XML / text files and convert them and make them available to a android app.


I've been experimenting with the OP0 for use in a portable gaming device with an inexpensive SPI LCD display. I wrote all of the game emulator code, so it's very efficient between reading input and sending the image to the LCD (without fbtft).

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