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6 hours ago, fabiobassa said:


Your board is one on which we worked a lot, is well known and totally and well supported in armbian.

It has NAND so pay attention you have to use stePnand for internal installation ;

it has DDR3 upvto 768 MHz so is one of my favourites for his speed

You will be very satisfied of it !!!


Thank you for photos, cheers



Those lovely China producers..

It should be a 3228 with one or two giga of ram. Look at what they say .. 4 GB ram......:rolleyes:


Anyway you can check those infos with the efuse and with " free"  command.


Please read back the forum since there are many useful infos you can grab from the board with some command lines

You Rock !! Thanks for the info

I'll get a linux desktop running ASP so I can complete this.

For teh moment I'm using windows and Once I flash the imagetool , I cant read the SD in order to add the image.

(Unless I'm mistaken something).



13 hours ago, zero48 said:

I'll Try Jock suggestion . I think I'll get a Linux machine since windows wont Show me anything after imagetool is flashed with Balena . 


That's very strange, because the multitool image is made on purpose to work without issues with Windows too: that's the main reason why there is the FAT partition

3 hours ago, megaduo said:

I have got some gpio configuration from offical firmware,perhaps wlan sdio power is controled by gpio-93(gpio2-29)  (wlan_default_wlan_po) or sdio-pwren pin 30 (gpio0-30)?

  Reveal hidden contents

root@rk3228:/sys/kernel/debug # cat gpio
GPIOs 0-31, platform/pinctrl.17, gpio0:
 gpio-1   (bom-gpios2          ) in  lo
 gpio-8   (power_red           ) out lo
 gpio-9   (bom-gpios1          ) in  lo
 gpio-11  (bom-gpios3          ) in  lo
 gpio-12  (bom-gpios0          ) in  lo
 gpio-13  (hw-gpios1           ) in  lo
 gpio-14  (hw-gpios0           ) in  lo

GPIOs 32-63, platform/pinctrl.17, gpio1:
 gpio-35  (spk_ctl             ) out lo

GPIOs 64-95, platform/pinctrl.17, gpio2:
 gpio-72  (net_green           ) out hi
 gpio-78  (net_red             ) out lo
 gpio-93  (wlan_default_wlan_po) out hi

GPIOs 96-127, platform/pinctrl.17, gpio3:
 gpio-96  (ir_red              ) out lo
 gpio-116 (host_drv_gpio       ) out hi
 gpio-117 (power_green         ) out hi
 gpio-118 (otg_drv_gpio        ) out hi

registered pins: 128
pin 0 (gpio0-0)
pin 1 (gpio0-1)
pin 2 (gpio0-2)
pin 3 (gpio0-3)
pin 4 (gpio0-4)
pin 5 (gpio0-5)
pin 6 (gpio0-6)
pin 7 (gpio0-7)
pin 8 (gpio0-8)
pin 9 (gpio0-9)
pin 10 (gpio0-10)
pin 11 (gpio0-11)
pin 12 (gpio0-12)
pin 13 (gpio0-13)
pin 14 (gpio0-14)
pin 15 (gpio0-15)
pin 16 (gpio0-16)
pin 17 (gpio0-17)
pin 18 (gpio0-18)
pin 19 (gpio0-19)
pin 20 (gpio0-20)
pin 21 (gpio0-21)
pin 22 (gpio0-22)
pin 23 (gpio0-23)
pin 24 (gpio0-24)
pin 25 (gpio0-25)
pin 26 (gpio0-26)
pin 27 (gpio0-27)
pin 28 (gpio0-28)
pin 29 (gpio0-29)
pin 30 (gpio0-30)
pin 31 (gpio0-31)
pin 32 (gpio1-0)
pin 33 (gpio1-1)
pin 34 (gpio1-2)
pin 35 (gpio1-3)
pin 36 (gpio1-4)
pin 37 (gpio1-5)
pin 38 (gpio1-6)
pin 39 (gpio1-7)
pin 40 (gpio1-8)
pin 41 (gpio1-9)
pin 42 (gpio1-10)
pin 43 (gpio1-11)
pin 44 (gpio1-12)
pin 45 (gpio1-13)
pin 46 (gpio1-14)
pin 47 (gpio1-15)
pin 48 (gpio1-16)
pin 49 (gpio1-17)
pin 50 (gpio1-18)
pin 51 (gpio1-19)
pin 52 (gpio1-20)
pin 53 (gpio1-21)
pin 54 (gpio1-22)
pin 55 (gpio1-23)
pin 56 (gpio1-24)
pin 57 (gpio1-25)
pin 58 (gpio1-26)
pin 59 (gpio1-27)
pin 60 (gpio1-28)
pin 61 (gpio1-29)
pin 62 (gpio1-30)
pin 63 (gpio1-31)
pin 64 (gpio2-0)
pin 65 (gpio2-1)
pin 66 (gpio2-2)
pin 67 (gpio2-3)
pin 68 (gpio2-4)
pin 69 (gpio2-5)
pin 70 (gpio2-6)
pin 71 (gpio2-7)
pin 72 (gpio2-8)
pin 73 (gpio2-9)
pin 74 (gpio2-10)
pin 75 (gpio2-11)
pin 76 (gpio2-12)
pin 77 (gpio2-13)
pin 78 (gpio2-14)
pin 79 (gpio2-15)
pin 80 (gpio2-16)
pin 81 (gpio2-17)
pin 82 (gpio2-18)
pin 83 (gpio2-19)
pin 84 (gpio2-20)
pin 85 (gpio2-21)
pin 86 (gpio2-22)
pin 87 (gpio2-23)
pin 88 (gpio2-24)
pin 89 (gpio2-25)
pin 90 (gpio2-26)
pin 91 (gpio2-27)
pin 92 (gpio2-28)
pin 93 (gpio2-29)
pin 94 (gpio2-30)
pin 95 (gpio2-31)
pin 96 (gpio3-0)
pin 97 (gpio3-1)
pin 98 (gpio3-2)
pin 99 (gpio3-3)
pin 100 (gpio3-4)
pin 101 (gpio3-5)
pin 102 (gpio3-6)
pin 103 (gpio3-7)
pin 104 (gpio3-8)
pin 105 (gpio3-9)
pin 106 (gpio3-10)
pin 107 (gpio3-11)
pin 108 (gpio3-12)
pin 109 (gpio3-13)
pin 110 (gpio3-14)
pin 111 (gpio3-15)
pin 112 (gpio3-16)
pin 113 (gpio3-17)
pin 114 (gpio3-18)
pin 115 (gpio3-19)
pin 116 (gpio3-20)
pin 117 (gpio3-21)
pin 118 (gpio3-22)
pin 119 (gpio3-23)
pin 120 (gpio3-24)
pin 121 (gpio3-25)
pin 122 (gpio3-26)
pin 123 (gpio3-27)
pin 124 (gpio3-28)
pin 125 (gpio3-29)
pin 126 (gpio3-30)
pin 127 (gpio3-31)

registered pin groups:
group: i2c0-xfer
pin 0 (gpio0-0)
pin 1 (gpio0-1)

group: i2c0-gpio
pin 0 (gpio0-0)
pin 1 (gpio0-1)

group: i2c0-sleep
pin 0 (gpio0-0)
pin 1 (gpio0-1)

group: i2c1-xfer
pin 2 (gpio0-2)
pin 3 (gpio0-3)

group: i2c1-gpio
pin 2 (gpio0-2)
pin 3 (gpio0-3)

group: i2c1-sleep
pin 2 (gpio0-2)
pin 3 (gpio0-3)

group: i2c2-xfer
pin 85 (gpio2-21)
pin 84 (gpio2-20)

group: i2c2-gpio
pin 85 (gpio2-21)
pin 84 (gpio2-20)

group: i2c2-sleep
pin 85 (gpio2-21)
pin 84 (gpio2-20)

group: i2c3-xfer
pin 6 (gpio0-6)
pin 7 (gpio0-7)

group: i2c3-gpio
pin 6 (gpio0-6)
pin 7 (gpio0-7)

group: i2c3-sleep
pin 6 (gpio0-6)
pin 7 (gpio0-7)

group: uart0-xfer
pin 90 (gpio2-26)
pin 91 (gpio2-27)

group: uart0-cts
pin 93 (gpio2-29)

group: uart0-rts
pin 17 (gpio0-17)

group: uart0-rts-gpio
pin 17 (gpio0-17)

group: uart1-xfer
pin 42 (gpio1-10)
pin 41 (gpio1-9)

group: uart1-cts
pin 40 (gpio1-8)

group: uart1-rts
pin 43 (gpio1-11)

group: uart1-rts-gpio
pin 43 (gpio1-11)

group: uart11-xfer
pin 110 (gpio3-14)
pin 109 (gpio3-13)

group: uart11-cts
pin 103 (gpio3-7)

group: uart11-rts
pin 102 (gpio3-6)

group: uart11-rts-gpio
pin 102 (gpio3-6)

group: uart2-xfer
pin 50 (gpio1-18)
pin 51 (gpio1-19)

group: uart2-cts
pin 25 (gpio0-25)

group: uart2-rts
pin 24 (gpio0-24)

group: uart21-xfer
pin 42 (gpio1-10)
pin 41 (gpio1-9)

group: spi0-clk
pin 9 (gpio0-9)

group: spi0-cs0
pin 14 (gpio0-14)

group: spi0-tx
pin 11 (gpio0-11)

group: spi0-rx
pin 13 (gpio0-13)

group: spi0-cs1
pin 44 (gpio1-12)

group: spi1-clk
pin 23 (gpio0-23)

group: spi1-cs0
pin 66 (gpio2-2)

group: spi1-rx
pin 64 (gpio2-0)

group: spi1-tx
pin 65 (gpio2-1)

group: spi1-cs1
pin 67 (gpio2-3)

group: i2s-mclk
pin 8 (gpio0-8)

group: i2s-sclk
pin 9 (gpio0-9)

group: i2s-lrckrx
pin 11 (gpio0-11)

group: i2s-lrcktx
pin 12 (gpio0-12)

group: i2s-sdi
pin 14 (gpio0-14)

group: i2s-sdo0
pin 13 (gpio0-13)

group: i2s-sdo1
pin 34 (gpio1-2)

group: i2s-sdo2
pin 36 (gpio1-4)

group: i2s-sdo3
pin 37 (gpio1-5)

group: i2s-sleep
pin 8 (gpio0-8)
pin 9 (gpio0-9)
pin 11 (gpio0-11)
pin 12 (gpio0-12)
pin 14 (gpio0-14)
pin 13 (gpio0-13)
pin 34 (gpio1-2)
pin 36 (gpio1-4)
pin 37 (gpio1-5)

group: pcm-rx
pin 26 (gpio0-26)

group: pcm-tx
pin 27 (gpio0-27)

group: pcm-clk
pin 107 (gpio3-11)

group: pcm-sync
pin 108 (gpio3-12)

group: pcm-sleep
pin 26 (gpio0-26)
pin 27 (gpio0-27)
pin 107 (gpio3-11)
pin 108 (gpio3-12)

group: spdif0-tx
pin 123 (gpio3-27)

group: spdif1-tx
pin 127 (gpio3-31)

group: sdmmc-clk
pin 48 (gpio1-16)

group: sdmmc-cmd
pin 47 (gpio1-15)

group: sdmmc-dectn
pin 49 (gpio1-17)

group: sdmmc-wrprt
pin 39 (gpio1-7)

group: sdmmc-pwren
pin 46 (gpio1-14)

group: sdmmc-bus1
pin 50 (gpio1-18)

group: sdmmc-bus4
pin 50 (gpio1-18)
pin 51 (gpio1-19)
pin 52 (gpio1-20)
pin 53 (gpio1-21)

group: sdmmc-gpio
pin 48 (gpio1-16)
pin 47 (gpio1-15)
pin 49 (gpio1-17)
pin 39 (gpio1-7)
pin 46 (gpio1-14)
pin 50 (gpio1-18)
pin 51 (gpio1-19)
pin 52 (gpio1-20)
pin 53 (gpio1-21)

group: sdio-bus1
pin 33 (gpio1-1)

group: sdio-bus4
pin 33 (gpio1-1)
pin 34 (gpio1-2)
pin 36 (gpio1-4)
pin 37 (gpio1-5)

group: sdio-cmd
pin 3 (gpio0-3)

group: sdio-clk
pin 32 (gpio1-0)

group: sdio-pwren
pin 30 (gpio0-30)

group: sdio-gpio
pin 3 (gpio0-3)
pin 32 (gpio1-0)
pin 30 (gpio0-30)
pin 33 (gpio1-1)
pin 34 (gpio1-2)
pin 35 (gpio1-3)
pin 36 (gpio1-4)

group: sdio1-bus1
pin 98 (gpio3-2)

group: sdio1-bus4
pin 98 (gpio3-2)
pin 99 (gpio3-3)
pin 100 (gpio3-4)
pin 101 (gpio3-5)

group: sdio1-cmd
pin 97 (gpio3-1)

group: sdio1-clk
pin 96 (gpio3-0)

group: sdio1-gpio
pin 99 (gpio3-3)
pin 96 (gpio3-0)
pin 97 (gpio3-1)
pin 98 (gpio3-2)
pin 99 (gpio3-3)
pin 100 (gpio3-4)

group: emmc-clk
pin 71 (gpio2-7)

group: emmc-cmd
pin 54 (gpio1-22)

group: emmc-pwren
pin 69 (gpio2-5)

group: emmc_rstnout
pin 55 (gpio1-23)

group: emmc-bus1
pin 56 (gpio1-24)

group: emmc-bus4
pin 56 (gpio1-24)
pin 57 (gpio1-25)
pin 58 (gpio1-26)
pin 59 (gpio1-27)

group: emmc-bus8
pin 56 (gpio1-24)
pin 57 (gpio1-25)
pin 58 (gpio1-26)
pin 59 (gpio1-27)
pin 60 (gpio1-28)
pin 61 (gpio1-29)
pin 62 (gpio1-30)
pin 63 (gpio1-31)

group: emmc1-clk
pin 71 (gpio2-7)

group: emmc1-cmd
pin 68 (gpio2-4)

group: emmc1-pwren
pin 69 (gpio2-5)

group: emmc1_rstnout
pin 55 (gpio1-23)

group: emmc1-bus1
pin 56 (gpio1-24)

group: emmc1-bus4
pin 56 (gpio1-24)
pin 57 (gpio1-25)
pin 58 (gpio1-26)
pin 59 (gpio1-27)

group: emmc1-bus8
pin 56 (gpio1-24)
pin 57 (gpio1-25)
pin 58 (gpio1-26)
pin 59 (gpio1-27)
pin 60 (gpio1-28)
pin 61 (gpio1-29)
pin 62 (gpio1-30)
pin 63 (gpio1-31)

group: pwm0-pin
pin 26 (gpio0-26)

group: pwm01-pin
pin 117 (gpio3-21)

group: pwm1-pin
pin 27 (gpio0-27)

group: pwm11-pin
pin 30 (gpio0-30)

group: pwm2-pin
pin 28 (gpio0-28)

group: pwm21-pin
pin 44 (gpio1-12)

group: pwmir-pin
pin 122 (gpio3-26)

group: pwmir1-pin
pin 43 (gpio1-11)

group: rgmii-pins
pin 78 (gpio2-14)
pin 76 (gpio2-12)
pin 89 (gpio2-25)
pin 83 (gpio2-19)
pin 82 (gpio2-18)
pin 86 (gpio2-22)
pin 87 (gpio2-23)
pin 73 (gpio2-9)
pin 77 (gpio2-13)
pin 81 (gpio2-17)
pin 80 (gpio2-16)
pin 85 (gpio2-21)
pin 84 (gpio2-20)
pin 75 (gpio2-11)
pin 72 (gpio2-8)

group: rmii-pins
pin 78 (gpio2-14)
pin 76 (gpio2-12)
pin 89 (gpio2-25)
pin 83 (gpio2-19)
pin 82 (gpio2-18)
pin 77 (gpio2-13)
pin 81 (gpio2-17)
pin 80 (gpio2-16)
pin 72 (gpio2-8)
pin 79 (gpio2-15)

group: phy-pins
pin 78 (gpio2-14)
pin 72 (gpio2-8)

group: tsadc-int
pin 24 (gpio0-24)

group: tsadc-gpio
pin 24 (gpio0-24)

group: hdmi-cec
pin 20 (gpio0-20)

group: hdmi-hpd
pin 15 (gpio0-15)

group: hdmii2c-xfer
pin 6 (gpio0-6)
pin 7 (gpio0-7)

GPIO ranges handled:
0: gpio0 GPIOS [0 - 31] PINS [0 - 31]
1: gpio1 GPIOS [32 - 63] PINS [32 - 63]
2: gpio2 GPIOS [64 - 95] PINS [64 - 95]
3: gpio3 GPIOS [96 - 127] PINS [96 - 127]

 pinconf-pins                                                                 <
Pin config settings per pin
Format: pin (name): configs
pin 0 (gpio0-0): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 1 (gpio0-1): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 2 (gpio0-2): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 3 (gpio0-3): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 4 (gpio0-4): input bias pull up output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 5 (gpio0-5): input bias pull up output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 6 (gpio0-6): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 7 (gpio0-7): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 8 (gpio0-8): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 9 (gpio0-9): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 10 (gpio0-10): input bias pull up output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 11 (gpio0-11): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 12 (gpio0-12): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 13 (gpio0-13): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 14 (gpio0-14): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 15 (gpio0-15): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 16 (gpio0-16): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 17 (gpio0-17): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 18 (gpio0-18): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 19 (gpio0-19): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 20 (gpio0-20): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 21 (gpio0-21): input bias pull up output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 22 (gpio0-22): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 23 (gpio0-23): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 24 (gpio0-24): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 25 (gpio0-25): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 26 (gpio0-26): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 27 (gpio0-27): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 28 (gpio0-28): input bias disabled output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 29 (gpio0-29): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 30 (gpio0-30): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 31 (gpio0-31): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 32 (gpio1-0): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 33 (gpio1-1): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 34 (gpio1-2): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 35 (gpio1-3): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 36 (gpio1-4): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 37 (gpio1-5): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 38 (gpio1-6): input bias pull down output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 39 (gpio1-7): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 40 (gpio1-8): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 41 (gpio1-9): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 42 (gpio1-10): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 43 (gpio1-11): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 44 (gpio1-12): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 45 (gpio1-13): input bias pull up output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 46 (gpio1-14): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 47 (gpio1-15): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 48 (gpio1-16): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 49 (gpio1-17): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 50 (gpio1-18): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 51 (gpio1-19): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 52 (gpio1-20): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 53 (gpio1-21): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 54 (gpio1-22): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 55 (gpio1-23): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 56 (gpio1-24): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 57 (gpio1-25): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 58 (gpio1-26): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 59 (gpio1-27): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 60 (gpio1-28): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 61 (gpio1-29): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 62 (gpio1-30): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 63 (gpio1-31): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 64 (gpio2-0): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 65 (gpio2-1): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 66 (gpio2-2): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 67 (gpio2-3): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 68 (gpio2-4): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 69 (gpio2-5): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 70 (gpio2-6): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 71 (gpio2-7): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA)
pin 72 (gpio2-8): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 73 (gpio2-9): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 74 (gpio2-10): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 75 (gpio2-11): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 76 (gpio2-12): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 77 (gpio2-13): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 78 (gpio2-14): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 79 (gpio2-15): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 80 (gpio2-16): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 81 (gpio2-17): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 82 (gpio2-18): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 83 (gpio2-19): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 84 (gpio2-20): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 85 (gpio2-21): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 86 (gpio2-22): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 87 (gpio2-23): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 88 (gpio2-24): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 89 (gpio2-25): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 90 (gpio2-26): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 91 (gpio2-27): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 92 (gpio2-28): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 93 (gpio2-29): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 94 (gpio2-30): input bias pull down output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 95 (gpio2-31): input bias pull down output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 96 (gpio3-0): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 97 (gpio3-1): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 98 (gpio3-2): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 99 (gpio3-3): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 100 (gpio3-4): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 101 (gpio3-5): input bias pull up output drive strength (8 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 102 (gpio3-6): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 103 (gpio3-7): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 104 (gpio3-8): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 105 (gpio3-9): input bias disabled output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 106 (gpio3-10): input bias disabled output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 107 (gpio3-11): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 108 (gpio3-12): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 109 (gpio3-13): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 110 (gpio3-14): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA)
pin 111 (gpio3-15): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 112 (gpio3-16): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 113 (gpio3-17): input bias pull down output drive strength (8 mA) pin output
pin 114 (gpio3-18): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 115 (gpio3-19): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 116 (gpio3-20): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 117 (gpio3-21): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 118 (gpio3-22): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 119 (gpio3-23): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 120 (gpio3-24): input bias disabled output drive strength (2 mA) pin output
pin 121 (gpio3-25): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 122 (gpio3-26): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 123 (gpio3-27): input bias pull up output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 124 (gpio3-28): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output (1 level)
pin 125 (gpio3-29): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 126 (gpio3-30): input bias pull down output drive strength (4 mA) pin output
pin 127 (gpio3-31): input bias disabled output drive strength (4 mA)

function: pcfg-pull-up, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-pull-down, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-pull-none, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-pull-none-drv-8ma, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-pull-none-drv-12ma, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-pull-up-drv-8ma, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-pull-none-drv-4ma, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-pull-up-drv-4ma, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-pull-down-drv-12ma, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-output-high, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-output-low, groups = [ ]
function: pcfg-input-high, groups = [ ]
function: i2c0, groups = [ i2c0-xfer i2c0-gpio i2c0-sleep ]
function: i2c1, groups = [ i2c1-xfer i2c1-gpio i2c1-sleep ]
function: i2c2, groups = [ i2c2-xfer i2c2-gpio i2c2-sleep ]
function: i2c3, groups = [ i2c3-xfer i2c3-gpio i2c3-sleep ]
function: uart0, groups = [ uart0-xfer uart0-cts uart0-rts uart0-rts-gpio ]
function: uart1, groups = [ uart1-xfer uart1-cts uart1-rts uart1-rts-gpio ]
function: uart11, groups = [ uart11-xfer uart11-cts uart11-rts uart11-rts-gpio ]
function: uart2, groups = [ uart2-xfer uart2-cts uart2-rts ]
function: uart21, groups = [ uart21-xfer ]
function: spi0, groups = [ spi0-clk spi0-cs0 spi0-tx spi0-rx spi0-cs1 ]
function: spi1, groups = [ spi1-clk spi1-cs0 spi1-rx spi1-tx spi1-cs1 ]
function: i2s, groups = [ i2s-mclk i2s-sclk i2s-lrckrx i2s-lrcktx i2s-sdi i2s-sdo0 i2s-sdo1 i2s-sdo2 i2s-sdo3 i2s-sleep ]
function: pcm, groups = [ pcm-rx pcm-tx pcm-clk pcm-sync pcm-sleep ]
function: spdif0, groups = [ spdif0-tx ]
function: spdif1, groups = [ spdif1-tx ]
function: sdmmc, groups = [ sdmmc-clk sdmmc-cmd sdmmc-dectn sdmmc-wrprt sdmmc-pwren sdmmc-bus1 sdmmc-bus4 sdmmc-gpio ]
function: sdio, groups = [ sdio-bus1 sdio-bus4 sdio-cmd sdio-clk sdio-pwren sdio-gpio ]
function: sdio1, groups = [ sdio1-bus1 sdio1-bus4 sdio1-cmd sdio1-clk sdio1-gpio ]
function: emmc, groups = [ emmc-clk emmc-cmd emmc-pwren emmc_rstnout emmc-bus1 emmc-bus4 emmc-bus8 ]
function: emmc1, groups = [ emmc1-clk emmc1-cmd emmc1-pwren emmc1_rstnout emmc1-bus1 emmc1-bus4 emmc1-bus8 ]
function: pwm0, groups = [ pwm0-pin ]
function: pwm01, groups = [ pwm01-pin ]
function: pwm1, groups = [ pwm1-pin ]
function: pwm11, groups = [ pwm11-pin ]
function: pwm2, groups = [ pwm2-pin ]
function: pwm21, groups = [ pwm21-pin ]
function: pwmir, groups = [ pwmir-pin ]
function: pwmir1, groups = [ pwmir1-pin ]
function: gmac, groups = [ rgmii-pins rmii-pins phy-pins ]
function: tsadc_pin, groups = [ tsadc-int tsadc-gpio ]
function: hdmi_pin, groups = [ hdmi-cec hdmi-hpd ]
function: hdmi_i2c, groups = [ hdmii2c-xfer ]

Requested pin control handlers their pinmux maps:
device: pinctrl.17 current state: none
device: fiq-debugger.5 current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: uart21-xfer (27) function: uart21 (20)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-10 (42) 00010003
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-9 (41) 00000000
device: 110b0010.pwm current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: pwm1-pin (90) function: pwm1 (34)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-27 (27) 00000000
device: 110b0020.pwm current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: pwm2-pin (92) function: pwm2 (36)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-28 (28) 00000000
device: 200a0000.hdmi current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: hdmi-cec (101) function: hdmi_pin (42)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-20 (20) 00000000
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: hdmii2c-xfer (103) function: hdmi_i2c (43)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-6 (6) 00000000
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-7 (7) 00000000
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: hdmi-hpd (102) function: hdmi_pin (42)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-15 (15) 00010004
  state: gpio
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: i2c3-gpio (10) function: i2c3 (15)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-6 (6) 00000000
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-7 (7) 00000000
device: 11020000.serial current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: uart11-xfer (20) function: uart11 (18)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio3-14 (110) 00010003
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio3-13 (109) 00000000
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: uart11-cts (21) function: uart11 (18)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio3-7 (103) 00000000
device: 110b0030.pwm current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: pwmir1-pin (95) function: pwmir1 (39)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-11 (43) 00000000
device: 11150000.tsadc current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: tsadc-gpio (100) function: tsadc_pin (41)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-24 (24) 00000000
device: 30000000.rksdmmc current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdmmc-clk (55) function: sdmmc (27)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-16 (48) 00040009
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdmmc-cmd (56) function: sdmmc (27)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-15 (47) 00010003 00040009
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdmmc-dectn (57) function: sdmmc (27)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-17 (49) 00010003 00040009
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdmmc-bus4 (61) function: sdmmc (27)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-18 (50) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-19 (51) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-20 (52) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-21 (53) 00010003 00040009
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdmmc-pwren (59) function: sdmmc (27)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-14 (46) 00010003 00040009
  state: idle
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdmmc-gpio (62) function: sdmmc (27)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-16 (48) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-15 (47) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-17 (49) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-7 (39) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-14 (46) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-18 (50) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-19 (51) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-20 (52) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-21 (53) 00010003 00040009
device: 30010000.rksdmmc current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdio-cmd (65) function: sdio (28)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-3 (3) 00010003 00040009
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdio-clk (66) function: sdio (28)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-0 (32) 00040009
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdio-bus4 (64) function: sdio (28)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-1 (33) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-2 (34) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-4 (36) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-5 (37) 00010003 00040009
  state: idle
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: sdio-gpio (68) function: sdio (28)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-3 (3) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-0 (32) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio0-30 (30) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-1 (33) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-2 (34) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-3 (35) 00010003 00040009
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio1-4 (36) 00010003 00040009
device: 100d0000.spdif current state: default
  state: default
    type: MUX_GROUP controller rockchip-pinctrl group: spdif1-tx (54) function: spdif1 (26)
    type: CONFIGS_PIN controller rockchip-pinctrl pin gpio3-31 (127) 00000000

Pinctrl maps:
device fiq-debugger.5
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group uart21-xfer
function uart21

device fiq-debugger.5
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-10
config 00010003

device fiq-debugger.5
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-9
config 00000000

device 110b0010.pwm
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group pwm1-pin
function pwm1

device 110b0010.pwm
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-27
config 00000000

device 110b0020.pwm
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group pwm2-pin
function pwm2

device 110b0020.pwm
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-28
config 00000000

device 200a0000.hdmi
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group hdmi-cec
function hdmi_pin

device 200a0000.hdmi
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-20
config 00000000

device 200a0000.hdmi
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group hdmii2c-xfer
function hdmi_i2c

device 200a0000.hdmi
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-6
config 00000000

device 200a0000.hdmi
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-7
config 00000000

device 200a0000.hdmi
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group hdmi-hpd
function hdmi_pin

device 200a0000.hdmi
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-15
config 00010004

device 200a0000.hdmi
state gpio
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group i2c3-gpio
function i2c3

device 200a0000.hdmi
state gpio
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-6
config 00000000

device 200a0000.hdmi
state gpio
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-7
config 00000000

device 11020000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group uart11-xfer
function uart11

device 11020000.serial
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio3-14
config 00010003

device 11020000.serial
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio3-13
config 00000000

device 11020000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group uart11-cts
function uart11

device 11020000.serial
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio3-7
config 00000000

device 110b0030.pwm
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group pwmir1-pin
function pwmir1

device 110b0030.pwm
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-11
config 00000000

device 11150000.tsadc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group tsadc-gpio
function tsadc_pin

device 11150000.tsadc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-24
config 00000000

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdmmc-clk
function sdmmc

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-16
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdmmc-cmd
function sdmmc

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-15
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdmmc-dectn
function sdmmc

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-17
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdmmc-bus4
function sdmmc

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-18
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-19
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-20
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-21
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdmmc-pwren
function sdmmc

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-14
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdmmc-gpio
function sdmmc

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-16
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-15
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-17
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-7
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-14
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-18
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-19
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-20
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30000000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-21
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdio-cmd
function sdio

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-3
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdio-clk
function sdio

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-0
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdio-bus4
function sdio

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-1
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-2
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-4
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-5
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state idle
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group sdio-gpio
function sdio

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-3
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-0
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio0-30
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-1
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-2
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-3
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 30010000.rksdmmc
state idle
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio1-4
config 00010003
config 00040009

device 100d0000.spdif
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device pinctrl.17
group spdif1-tx
function spdif1

device 100d0000.spdif
state default
type CONFIGS_PIN (3)
controlling device pinctrl.17
pin gpio3-31
config 00000000


Uhm can't really say what is the GPIO enabling power to the chip from that debug info. Often gpios are not registered on those maps and it is difficult to understand what is where.

BTW, it is very likely that gpio2-29 is our subject (I see that in the dmesg of your first post too). On regular boxes it is gpio2-26 and on boards with esp8089 it is gpio2-27, so the "band" is that one.


This is the patch for the device tree overlays, you may create a new device tree overlay on the base of the esp8089 one, compile using dtc and apply it. You may also try to change ACTIVE_LOW with ACTIVE_HIGH due to pin polarity. Maybe later I can provide you a couple of ready made dtbo to test.


1 hour ago, jock said:

That's very strange, because the multitool image is made on purpose to work without issues with Windows too: that's the main reason why there is the FAT partition

Once I flash the imagetool with balena I cant read it anymore, I have tried with 2 other SD (16B and 4GB)  cards and even an USB (16GB) .

In another hands I think the boot process of the box  is affected. 

The only thing I get is this when I press the Hidden button https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Skrgy_xKlxgWpjPLNhPxhz-ZASmFdeli/view?usp=sharing

I got 4 units from a friend all same model , same behavior.

I do thanks you guys for the support , I'll get it eventually.


Any SD formating tool for windows besides the WIN10 format tool ? 




1 час назад, zero48 сказал:

Once I flash the imagetool with balena I cant read it anymore, I have tried with 2 other SD (16B and 4GB)  cards and even an USB (16GB) .

In another hands I think the boot process of the box  is affected. 

The only thing I get is this when I press the Hidden button https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Skrgy_xKlxgWpjPLNhPxhz-ZASmFdeli/view?usp=sharing

I got 4 units from a friend all same model , same behavior.

I do thanks you guys for the support , I'll get it eventually.


Any SD formating tool for windows besides the WIN10 format tool ? 




Try Rufus https://rufus.ie/

 I always keep "Rufus", "Win32 Disk Imager" and "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool" handy for recording images.

And you no need press "magic button" for boot with Multitool .



Short status report on my case:


1. The only package - sources + headers - I've been able to obtain was for 5.9.10-rk322x on top of Armbian_20.11.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_buster_current_5.8.12_minimal.img.xz image (your build).


2 Prepared the build environment by:


- copying the /boot/config-5.9.10-rk322x to .config

- copying the Module.symvers to source build folder

- make oldconfig

- make menuconfig

- selecting/enabling (*) the respective PANASONIC MN88472 driver

- make scripts

- make prepare

- make modules_prepare

- make -C . M=drivers/media/dvbfrontends


- make drivers/media/dvb-frontends/mn88472.ko

- copy the built driver module to /lib/modules/5.9.10-rk322x/kernel/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/

- depmod

- modprobe mn88472


dmesg log (excerpt):


[ср ное 25 19:54:50 2020] mn88472: version magic '5.9.10 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 ' should be '5.9.10-rk322x SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 '
[ср ное 25 19:57:39 2020] mn88472: version magic '5.9.10 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 ' should be '5.9.10-rk322x SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 '
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: bad vermagic: kernel tainted.
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel.
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_write (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol i2c_new_dummy_device (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol i2c_unregister_device (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol __regmap_init_i2c (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_read (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_bulk_write (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_bulk_read (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_exit (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_write (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol i2c_new_dummy_device (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol i2c_unregister_device (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol __regmap_init_i2c (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_read (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_bulk_write (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_bulk_read (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_exit (err -2)


modinfo shows:


filename:       /lib/modules/5.9.10-rk322x/kernel/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/mn88472.ko
mn88472.firmware: dvb-demod-mn88472-02.fw
mn88472.file:   drivers/media/dvb-frontends/mn88472
mn88472.description:    Panasonic MN88472 DVB-T/T2/C demodulator driver
mn88472.author: Antti Palosaari <crope@iki.fi>
intree:         Y
name:           mn88472
vermagic:       5.9.10 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8


modprobe mn88472


modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'mn88472': Exec format error


modprobe -f --force-vermagic mn88472:


modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'mn88472': Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)


For example,

the vermagic for dvb_usb.ko module (embedded, pre-built):


vermagic:       5.9.10-rk322x SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8


Any ideas how to proceed further are much appreciated! :beer:

3 hours ago, Anung Un Rama said:


Short status report on my case:


1. The only package - sources + headers - I've been able to obtain was for 5.9.10-rk322x on top of Armbian_20.11.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_buster_current_5.8.12_minimal.img.xz image (your build).


2 Prepared the build environment by:


- copying the /boot/config-5.9.10-rk322x to .config

- copying the Module.symvers to source build folder

- make oldconfig

- make menuconfig

- selecting/enabling (*) the respective PANASONIC MN88472 driver

- make scripts

- make prepare

- make modules_prepare

- make -C . M=drivers/media/dvbfrontends


- make drivers/media/dvb-frontends/mn88472.ko

- copy the built driver module to /lib/modules/5.9.10-rk322x/kernel/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/

- depmod

- modprobe mn88472


dmesg log (excerpt):

  Reveal hidden contents

[ср ное 25 19:54:50 2020] mn88472: version magic '5.9.10 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 ' should be '5.9.10-rk322x SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 '
[ср ное 25 19:57:39 2020] mn88472: version magic '5.9.10 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 ' should be '5.9.10-rk322x SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 '
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: bad vermagic: kernel tainted.
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel.
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_write (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol i2c_new_dummy_device (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol i2c_unregister_device (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol __regmap_init_i2c (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_read (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_bulk_write (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_bulk_read (err -2)
[ср ное 25 19:59:44 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_exit (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_write (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol i2c_new_dummy_device (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol i2c_unregister_device (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol __regmap_init_i2c (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_read (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_bulk_write (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_bulk_read (err -2)
[ср ное 25 20:03:08 2020] mn88472: Unknown symbol regmap_exit (err -2)


modinfo shows:

  Reveal hidden contents

filename:       /lib/modules/5.9.10-rk322x/kernel/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/mn88472.ko
mn88472.firmware: dvb-demod-mn88472-02.fw
mn88472.file:   drivers/media/dvb-frontends/mn88472
mn88472.description:    Panasonic MN88472 DVB-T/T2/C demodulator driver
mn88472.author: Antti Palosaari <crope@iki.fi>
intree:         Y
name:           mn88472
vermagic:       5.9.10 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8


modprobe mn88472

  Reveal hidden contents

modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'mn88472': Exec format error


modprobe -f --force-vermagic mn88472:

  Reveal hidden contents

modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'mn88472': Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)


For example,

the vermagic for dvb_usb.ko module (embedded, pre-built):

  Reveal hidden contents

vermagic:       5.9.10-rk322x SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8


Any ideas how to proceed further are much appreciated! :beer:


Since you used one of my development builds you didn't get all the kernels sources for your specific kernel I guess. Normally the stable versions downloaded from armbian main download page are better if you're going to use the box for some stable usage.

By the way, you just made a half compilation of the 5.9.10 kernel I guess :D


Normally the steps I'm used to do on x86 are these, starting from clean sources:


- copy the config file you find in /boot into the kernel source directory as  .config 

- run make menuconfig to configure the kernel (enable and disable modules)

- run make -j4 to compile the kernel (using 4 threads)

- run make zImage to make a compressed kernel

- run make modules -j4 to compile the kernel modules

- run sudo make modules_install to install the kernel modules

- run sudo make install to install the kernel - I don't know if this install the zImage or uncompressed image. You may want to run cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot/vmlinuz-5.9.10-rockchip and then cd /boot; ln -sf vmlinuz-5.9.10-rockchip zImage to manually install the kernel

- run update-initramfs -c -k 5.9.10 to create the initramfs for kernel 5.9.10


That should do it, but beware that I never tested this on a box directly, so don't blame me if your system does not start back again :D





I don't need the whole kernel, just the mn88472.ko per this kernel.

That's why I ensure the system has the kernel running, sources an headers for it,

then try to compile the minimum of it, following the dependencies, of course.


vermagic of the pre-compiled modules, which came with the running kernel,

differ from the newly compiled ones (headers & sources obtained via armbian-config)...


And the box is not "in production", but a PoC still,

so I can start from scratch whenever I want... :D


6 hours ago, Maker39 said:

Try Rufus https://rufus.ie/

 I always keep "Rufus", "Win32 Disk Imager" and "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool" handy for recording images.

And you no need press "magic button" for boot with Multitool .

Thanks very much

6 hours ago, fabiobassa said:



as already @Maker39 said you don 't need nothing to start from sd but the sd itself
Mee too I always use win32disk imager so first extract the content of the xz file and burn it with win32imager


19 minutes ago, Anung Un Rama said:


I don't need the whole kernel, just the mn88472.ko per this kernel.

That's why I ensure the system has the kernel running, sources an headers for it,

then try to compile the minimum of it, following the dependencies, of course.


vermagic of the pre-compiled modules, which came with the running kernel,

differ from the newly compiled ones (headers & sources obtained via armbian-config)...


And the box is not "in production", but a PoC still,

so I can start from scratch whenever I want... :D


But I see the version magic error, if you want to install the module for kernel 5.9.10 you must be running kernel 5.9.10, otherwise it will never load.

That's why I was suggesting to download the kernel sources via apt of your very same kernel and use them to build the module, so you could build the module alone without rebuilding the whole kernel and all the modules. But you need a stable armbian image to be sure you find the kernel sources in the apt repository.


note: I found that there is linux-source-5.8.12-current-rk322x package in armbian repositories. You may install it via apt and you will find the xz compressed sources in /usr/src directory. Decompress the file and do the compilation of the module the way you already did. If you're lucky it will compile, install and load·



Rufus Solved my issues with SD card . 

Now I'm trying to get the Unit boot and SD with no joy.

It does do well on Android.

I have tried to shorcut method (7th & 8Th pins of EMMC) no red led intense brightness . I'm pretty sure I'm shorting well ( Hardware is my thing ) 

My whole intention is to RUN a headless server using Armbian . 

I think I'll wait for another Boxes comming in. 

I do want to make these work  unless there is another suggestion . It is strange 4 of them do the same or I'm doing same mistake .

If I understood well :

  1. burn image.tool (using Rufus thanks to Maker39 )
  2. Insert in TVBOX until image.tool do this trick so I can go back to the PC and add the Image I need (meantime doesn't matter if it is Desktop Armbian)
  3. Issue is that Step 2 never Happens

Once again I do thanks all support received here . 



7 hours ago, jock said:

But I see the version magic error, if you want to install the module for kernel 5.9.10 you must be running kernel 5.9.10, otherwise it will never load.

That's why I was suggesting to download the kernel sources via apt of your very same kernel and use them to build the module, so you could build the module alone without rebuilding the whole kernel and all the modules. But you need a stable armbian image to be sure you find the kernel sources in the apt repository.


note: I found that there is linux-source-5.8.12-current-rk322x package in armbian repositories. You may install it via apt and you will find the xz compressed sources in /usr/src directory. Decompress the file and do the compilation of the module the way you already did. If you're lucky it will compile, install and load·

I thought it was pretty clear,

that I'm trying to build the module on the very same box, running the very same kernel version: 5.9.10-rk322x :lol:

And I was left with the impression,

that I need BOTH kernel headers AND sources to build it.

The initial install image is not that important, as long as it's stable enough to boot and operate normally, until I switch to another kernel - one, for which I can find BOTH headers & sources.

I guess I'll have to continue the struggle with other kernels...

Pitiy, because 5.9.10 is tempting as a current "bleeding edge". 5.9.11 is flagged as broken as of now...




I would do like this:

1. through Rufus completely format SD by disabling "Quick format"

2. Write Multitool.img.xz .

After that, in Win, the card should be seen as 2GB FAT32 with some files, such as:








3. Insert "Multitool" SD on box and PowerON.

Should be boot and repartition FAT32 for whole space.


p.s. Is there Android 10 in your box? Maybe there the bootloader somehow works differently?



indeed the procedure that maker is suggesting you is correct and one of the best
And really the booting sequence of those boards allow the box to boot from internal, search if exist a trustos and uboot on the card and then boot from the card if valid things are found.
I guess android is working, or are you  trying to boot with shorten pins and/or android erased ? If yes please revert to ideal cndition of android in place and working
last question : have you sufficient skill to setup a uart converter to debug what is going on ? On that board solder a pl2303 is very easy

And please guys , when you receive support is a costless thing to just put a " like ( heart icon) " , not for vanity having as many likes is possible , but because this helps the reputations and reliability of users trying to help your efforts and also strengthens the sense of community and the purpose of a forum.
ty @Maker39

7 hours ago, zero48 said:


Rufus Solved my issues with SD card . 

Now I'm trying to get the Unit boot and SD with no joy.

It does do well on Android.

I have tried to shorcut method (7th & 8Th pins of EMMC) no red led intense brightness . I'm pretty sure I'm shorting well ( Hardware is my thing ) 

My whole intention is to RUN a headless server using Armbian . 

I think I'll wait for another Boxes comming in. 

I do want to make these work  unless there is another suggestion . It is strange 4 of them do the same or I'm doing same mistake .

If I understood well :

  1. burn image.tool (using Rufus thanks to Maker39 )
  2. Insert in TVBOX until image.tool do this trick so I can go back to the PC and add the Image I need (meantime doesn't matter if it is Desktop Armbian)
  3. Issue is that Step 2 never Happens

Once again I do thanks all support received here . 




I don't understand what's wrong with your setup, but did you decompress the multitool (that's its name), as suggested by @fabiobassa before burning on the sdcard? If you are burning the .xz archive as is it will certainly never work!


Also in Windows you must see the MULTITOOL FAT partition on the sdcard, otherwise you're doing it wrong.


12 минут назад, jock сказал:


I don't understand what's wrong with your setup, but did you decompress the multitool (that's its name), as suggested by @fabiobassa before burning on the sdcard? If you are burning the .xz archive as is it will certainly never work!

Rufus does a great job with img.xz files. Checked more than once.

2 hours ago, Anung Un Rama said:

I thought it was pretty clear,

that I'm trying to build the module on the very same box, running the very same kernel version: 5.9.10-rk322x 

I understand perfectly you're building the kernel on the box, that's what I suggested, but the armbian image you used is using kernel 5.8.12-rk322x


2 hours ago, Anung Un Rama said:

And I was left with the impression,

that I need BOTH kernel headers AND sources to build it.

No, you need the kernel sources to build the whole kernel and the modules.

The kernel headers (which are a part of the kernel sources, of course) are needed only if you want to build external (out-of-tree) modules.

2 hours ago, Anung Un Rama said:

The initial install image is not that important, as long as it's stable enough to boot and operate normally, until I switch to another kernel - one, for which I can find BOTH headers & sources.

The initial image IS important if you want apt repositories with kernel sources of your installed kernel


2 hours ago, Anung Un Rama said:

I guess I'll have to continue the struggle with other kernels...

Pitiy, because 5.9.10 is tempting as a current "bleeding edge". 5.9.11 is flagged as broken as of now...

You need to follow the steps I suggested to you to build the whole kernel and the modules.

Your steps just built the single module you needed but the kernel version mismatch and won't ever work.

13 minutes ago, Maker39 said:

Rufus does a great job with img.xz files. Checked more than once.

Never tried Rufus in the last 6 or 7 years to be honest

2 hours ago, jock said:

You need to follow the steps I suggested to you to build the whole kernel and the modules.

Your steps just built the single module you needed but the kernel version mismatch and won't ever work.

Suspected that it have to be like that,

but hoped that I can avoid compiling the whole kernel...

Well, the struggle continues.

Thank you for the valuable tips! :beer:


@fabiobassaYes,it is.


@jockUnfortunately,both of the overlays was not working,Thanks anyway.I decompress and decompiled the dtb file from the offical firmware.

    wireless-wlan {
        compatible = "wlan-platdata";
        wifi_chip_type = "rtl8189es";
        sdio_vref = <0x708>;
        WIFI,poweren_gpio = <0x7a 0x1d 0x00>;
        WIFI,host_wake_irq = <0x73 0x02 0x00>;

i'm trying to compile the overlay by dtc,but got an error,maybe missing some header?



/ {

    fragment@0 {
        target-path = "/";
        __overlay__ {
            wireless_wlan: wireless-wlan {
                compatible = "wlan-platdata";
                rockchip,grf = <&grf>;
                wifi_chip_type = "rtl8189etv";
                sdio_vref = <0x708>;
                WIFI,poweren_gpio = <0x7a 0x1d 0x00>;
                WIFI,host_wake_irq = <0x73 0x02 0x00>;
                status = "okay";

    fragment@1 {
        target = <&sdio_pwrseq>;
        __overlay__ {
            reset-gpios = <&gpio2 27 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

    fragment@2 {
        target = <&wifi_enable_h>;
        __overlay__ {
            rockchip,pins = <2 27 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;



rk-kernel.dtb rk-kernel.dts


bom dia,  


estou customizando uma distrinuicao pra tvbox. gostaria de uma dica:
preciso de um modelo de tvbox q tenha 4gb de RAM, cortex A53. qual modelo compro.


qual outro modelo?

desde ja agradeço!!


Flavio Lima

6 hours ago, Maker39 said:


I would do like this:

1. through Rufus completely format SD by disabling "Quick format"

2. Write Multitool.img.xz .

After that, in Win, the card should be seen as 2GB FAT32 with some files, such as:








3. Insert "Multitool" SD on box and PowerON.

Should be boot and repartition FAT32 for whole space.


p.s. Is there Android 10 in your box? Maybe there the bootloader somehow works differently?


Yes there is Android 10 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hzrI7SMuoQvoL4EDem782M7Fwfmfd5rQ/view?usp=sharing


I did format as noted by  @Maker39  here is the result https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ITbEydlF4zuthTCqdGCMp8d2EWH3exvp/view?usp=sharing (result same before and after Insert) 


However I did inset it and I dont see the image.tool but "not repartition FAT32 for whole space." 


6 hours ago, fabiobassa said:

I guess android is working, or are you  trying to boot with shorten pins and/or android erased ?

I did try did not work for me . Right now the above test were done using the normal procedure ... Yes Android still in place (ver 10 btw) .


6 hours ago, fabiobassa said:

last question : have you sufficient skill to setup a uart converter to debug what is going on ? On that board solder a pl2303 is very easy

Yes I can do , I been working hardware and Microcontrollers almost all my life. Tell me what to do and I'll get it done ... I do have PL2303, FTDI Putty ...


6 hours ago, fabiobassa said:

And please guys , when you receive support is a costless thing to just put a " like ( heart icon) " , not for vanity having as many likes is possible , but because this helps the reputations and reliability of users trying to help your efforts and also strengthens the sense of community and the purpose of a forum.
ty @Maker39

Thanks for pointing this out , just new to this forum ... 


I hope the info provide help to eliminate some variables from the equation ...

when time is right let me know what to do with the TTL  (3v or 5v) ?


Thansk once again 

1 hour ago, Flávio Lima said:

bom dia,  


estou customizando uma distrinuicao pra tvbox. gostaria de uma dica:
preciso de um modelo de tvbox q tenha 4gb de RAM, cortex A53. qual modelo compro.


qual outro modelo?

desde ja agradeço!!


Flavio Lima


@Flávio Lima,


Forum is in English.  Please use some online translation tool.

Posted (edited)

@Flávio Lima
 Bom Dia Flavio,
yes the forum is in english please be so kind to use that language.

Despite of this I understand a bit portoguese so for your question and as far as I know rk322x board DO NOT HAVE 4 gb ram, almost at actual time
the maximum I have seen is 2 giga
Usually shishion 5G have 2 giga of ram


Edited by fabiobassa
wrong user quoted

perfet is a godness you have electronic skills
I suspect you have one fo the few, but very few hellish boards that use a particular trust os , so before attach any uart to ttl do this little test please:
copy this trust os into your card, you will need linux thought


SYNTAX is : dd if=/wheredoyouhavefile/trust-ddr2.img  of=/dev/thisisyoursdcard/ seek=24576

so if for example your sd is sdc and you have this file in /home/zero48 the whole syntax will be


dd if=/home/zero48/trust-ddr2.img of=/dev/sdc seek=24576  

of course you must unzip first the file
If this little test go wrong, well uart is our salvation :D


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