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Armbian Bookworm OMV7 OdroidHC4

Go to solution Solved by fscii,

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I was running Armbian Bullseye for a while with OMV 6.  I happened to see OMV has gone to v7 and Armbian to bookworm.


I went here to get the SBC/IOT bare version of bookworm:  https://www.armbian.com/odroid-hc4/


Problem 1:  is it said: "You are using an automated version meant only for developers..."

Problem 2:  it did not come with Armbian-config which I had to install manually

Problem 3:  Armbian-config 'softy' refused to install OMV saying it can only be installed on Buster (OMV5) or Bullseye (OMV6)


Finally: https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=omv7:armbian_bookworm_install  states specifically not to use any developer versions of the OS.


Is there a stable version of the OS where it comes with Armbian-config and softy will install OMV-7?   (If so, url's please)


How do I proceed?  For now going back to Bullseye OMV6  :(


Much thanks in advance.

8 hours ago, fscii said:

Problem 1:  is it said: "You are using an automated version meant only for developers..."

This board is community maintained, not by the Armbian team. Therefore only untested automated builds are provided. https://docs.armbian.com/Board_Maintainers_Procedures_and_Guidelines/

8 hours ago, fscii said:

Problem 2:  it did not come with Armbian-config which I had to install manually

This is intended for a minimal image. https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_FAQ/#i-cannot-find-armbian-config-on-my-device

8 hours ago, fscii said:

Problem 3:  Armbian-config 'softy' refused to install OMV saying it can only be installed on Buster (OMV5) or Bullseye (OMV6)

armbian-config did not receive much attention since it is undergoing a major rewrite. However at the bottom line it doesn't do much more than calling an official way of installing. https://forum.armbian.com/topic/40598-status-of-armbian-configng/

8 hours ago, fscii said:

Problem 3:  Armbian-config 'softy' refused to install OMV saying it can only be installed on Buster (OMV5) or Bullseye (OMV6)

Most they can do if you ignore this advice is to refuse support if something goes wrong.


topic moved


Try this method:

Not sure if prebuild exists for this target but you can follow instructions and DIY.

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