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zram mount disappeared

Claes-Fredrik Mannby

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I have an Ubuntu 20.04.06 system where my /var/log zram mount ran out of space. I took a few steps to address this (see below), and after rebooting, /var/log is no longer a zram mount. I've tried to find mentions of zram or ramlog in log files, but can't find anything that looks like an error message. /etc/default/armbian-zram-config  and /etc/default/armbian-ramlog both still show they're enabled. Any idea how I can fix ramlog to come back up?


- mv auth.log ../log.hdd/auth.log.240912

- mv mail.log ../log.hdd/mail.log.240912

cd ../log.hdd

gzip auth.log.240912

gzip mail.log.240912

df -h

# df showed /var/log as still full

# it seems the moved and deleted files were still open for writing by apps

cd ../log

touch auth.log

touch mail.log

shutdown -r now


Now /var/log is 17M, and log.hdd is 940K. log.hdd used to be much bigger.


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I found some errors:

./log/syslog:Sep 12 08:56:15 o2 systemd[1]: dev-zram1.device: Job dev-zram1.device/start timed out.
./log/syslog:Sep 12 08:56:15 o2 systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device /dev/zram1.
./log/syslog:Sep 12 08:56:15 o2 systemd[1]: dev-zram1.device: Job dev-zram1.device/start failed with result 'timeout'.


Searching this online, it seems it can be a kernel version mismatch issue (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=278441). Everything in /boot is 6.6.44-current-sunxi, except uInitrd, which is 6.6.31-current-sunxi. Maybe this is the problem. If so, any idea how to fix it?

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12 hours ago, Claes-Fredrik Mannby said:

I found some errors


If you would provide all logs, not just what you think is the problem, armbianmonitor -u (its a part of board support package, armbian-bsp-BOARD-BRANCH), perhaps someone would see something. Approaching this blindly is very expensive for time. Which nobody has. Since it seems you have a very old build, it is recommended to start from scratch anyway. You can try to run this: update-initramfs

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armbianmonitor doesn't exist on the system

o2:~:% armbianmonitor -u
zsh: command not found: armbianmonitor
o2:~:% locate armbianmonitor


Is it safe to run the following?


mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n uInitrd -d /boot/initrd.img-$version /boot/uInitrd-$version


and then link to the generated uInitrd?


I have no idea if

Load Address: 00000000
Entry Point:  00000000

are safe/correct


Which log files should I provide?

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If armbianmonitor script is not present on your OS it is either VERY old or not a genuine Armbian image. Since Focal is just a few years I guess latter or it has been removed.


Anyway grab the script from here, set chmod +x and ./armbianmonitor -u



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