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Do we have image for BTT CB2 ?

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I have an extra CB2 laying around and want to set it up with Home Assistant. However, I think I have tried all the google search and am not able to find the answer.  Thus I am wondering if CB2 would be supported by Armbian community? 


I am currently on BTT V3.0.0 Beta 2, and got crashed (no boot) after I tried to install the docker, so I guess the BTT CB2 V3.0.0 does not fully supoort other program except Mainsail for 3D printing.

  • Solution
8 hours ago, dummykid said:

Thus I am wondering if CB2 would be supported by Armbian community? 

By community is already supported for some time

we even discussed option for official support in cooperation with its maker. We do that for their CB1. Which is Allwinner based, thus pretty different. As @Werner proposed, build is best, also there you can enable HA extension and build with preinstalled Home Assistant. We don't make stable pre-build images, but nighties are generating https://github.com/armbian/os/releases/


current (with 6.12 kernel) should work fine for your purposes. There might be issues if you are planning to use low-res HDMI display with it. RK356X clock driver uses a table of predefined rates for configuring PLL, so anything that is not in that table won't work.


edge (with 6.14) is currently broken for cb2, so don't try it unless you are planning to fix it.

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