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SPI+USB boot (Orange PI PC2 )


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https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-pc2/ states: "Following features should work:" ... "SPI+USB boot" .


I was trying to load u-boot from the SPI (but without success).

I followed the instructions in  u-boot/board/sunxi/README.sunxi64 :

$ ./sunxi-fel spiflash-write 0 spl/sunxi-spl.bin
$ ./sunxi-fel spiflash-write 32768 u-boot.itb


Booting from SPI ends with an exception:

U-Boot SPL 2017.09-armbian (Sep 13 2017 - 12:23:18)
DRAM: 1024 MiB
Trying to boot from sunxi SPI
"Synchronous Abort" handler, esr 0x02000000
ELR:     4a000000
LR:      125cc
x 0: 000000004a000000 x 1: 0000000000000000
x 2: 0000000000007000 x 3: 0000000077777777


As if SPL could find/execute u-boot or SPI at all.


Does anybody have any success with booting from SPI on OPI PC2?

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It been a while since I've checked/tested SPI-NOR ...

Effectively, it seems broken now, probably since several u-boot versions.

Fortunately, I still had a old u-boot working build in last March, and I've put back this one into SPI_NOR.


EDIT : since I'm keeping a lost of previous images, I found out that another image build back in May was also working, we were still using Apriztel u-boot tree at that time. So the issue come most probably when we switched to Mainline u-boot recently ...


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3 hours ago, martinayotte said:

What do you mean by "new procedure" ?

Previously this year I asked about boot from USB without SD card. Solution was flashing u boot to spi flash. With this new image doesn't work. So I would like to know how to update u boot on SPI so it will boot from USB without SD card.


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The procedure didn't really change, you need to activate the spi-jedec-nor overlay in /boot/armbianEnv.txt :


Then, after reboot, you should get from "cat /proc/mtd", something like that :

dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00200000 00001000 "spi0.0"

This mean you can use "flashcp" to place the u-boot image into the flash.


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Hello, I tried your solution, but I am doing something wrong, flashcp doesn't output nothing. Is that right? When I connect HDD and try to boot, I get error

Trying to boot from sunxi SPI
No matching DT out of these options:
   Configuration to load ATF before U-Boot
No matching DT out of these options:
   Configuration to load ATF before U-Boot
SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###

What am I doing wrong?

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Maybe I don't understand the steps you achieve successfully and the one that maybe failed ...

Using the overlay, did you successfully got "cat /proc/mtd ".

If Yes, then you did the flashcp and got no errors.

Next , you've halted the board, remove the SDCard, and repower the board, and U-Boot from Flash actually executed display the output you've mentioned above. Right ?

This means the USB storage you used isn't discovered. I've got such issue with some USB thumb dongles. Did you tried a real USB-HDD drive ?

You should see something like "USB 1 Storage detected" or similar message ...

If you have placed a copy of /boot into that USB drive,  you should see u-boot loading the DT/uInitrd/Image followed by "Starting kernel"


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Finaly I understood why this procedure with flashcp doesn't work as it did with previous images. U-boot is split between spl.bin and u-boot file. Previously it was one file with all-in-one. So I don't know how to flash to SPI-NOR with two files. Anybody with ideas are welcome.

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Ah ! Ok ! Now I understand ...

Simply concatenate both files into one :

cat /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-next-orangepipc2_5.34_arm64/sunxi-spl.bin /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-next-orangepipc2_5.34_arm64/u-boot.itb > /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-next-orangepipc2_5.34_arm64/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin

Then, you can use normal "flashcp" cmdline :

flashcp /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-next-orangepipc2_5.34_arm64/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin /dev/mtd0


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