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I have some HC1 running since last year. Before going into production I did SATA install, NEXT kernel, firmware and stretch update (I need that) and all updates offered through apt since then.


I have read about newer armbian releases that my machines do not load and further HC1 optimization which I can´t find in my armbian-config. I wonder whether my setup will receive proper updates. It would be quite a hassle to reinstall.


Now I have:

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.38 stable Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.9.61-odroidxu4   
Linux HC1 4.9.61-odroidxu4 #2 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 22 16:34:23 CET 2017 armv7l


cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian stretch main contrib non-free
deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian stretch-updates main contrib non-free
deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian stretch-backports main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ stretch/updates main contrib non-free

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list
deb http://apt.armbian.com stretch main stretch-utils stretch-desktop


Yes, your board will receive full updates. Currently, we are at kernel 4.9.y but this NEXT is about to be upgraded to 4.14.y when its time.


You don't need to change anything.


Thanks Igor,


This is one of the greatest boards I read. So many tips right to the point. I am running Java 9 and 10 on top of that and they don´t give a sh*t when receiving ARM-related bug reports, no matter how well documented.

17 hours ago, Igor said:

Yes, your board will receive full updates. Currently, we are at kernel 4.9.y but this NEXT is about to be upgraded to 4.14.y when its time.


You don't need to change anything.


Great news, I think I'm also on an older kernel, 4.9. I guess. I thought of manually switching to a newer kernel.

But I'm confused with debian version. Op says he runs debian stretch, but if I look to the download page I only read armbian xenial or armbian jessie.


I'm unsure which debian version I run...can't look it up atm..


Also on Dl page I read this, which I may have missed upon earlier install or it is just new:


This board is stripped Odroid XU4 and we use the same images, however, we provide a specially optimized config which has to be applied manually. This results in shorter boot time and lower consumption. Run armbian-config utility and go to section system -> DTB and select optimized board configuration for Odroid HC1. The same config is valid for HC2 and MC1.


@jogger Just in case you also didn't know there's an optimised config for our boards.


I just upgraded to armbian-config 5.44 and it does not yet show system -> DTB on my HC1s. Some unmet dependencies?


As I understand 4.14 kernel is not stable yet with stretch. if so it is clear why it is not in the repos. See Igors post.


To upgrade to stretch, install jessie, optionally upgrade firmware and kernel with armbian-config, make changes to apt files as in OP and do apt update && dist-upgrade.

6 hours ago, jogger said:

To upgrade to stretch, install jessie, optionally upgrade firmware and kernel with armbian-config, make changes to apt files as in OP and do apt update && dist-upgrade.

You can also create a stretch image. It is easy, and it will be much more reliable. You only need to prepare a Ubuntu 16.04 x86-64 PC to build it (or a VirtualBox Ubuntu machine), and follow the three-step guide here: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/

6 hours ago, jogger said:

I just upgraded to armbian-config 5.44 and it does not yet show system -> DTB on my HC1s. Some unmet dependencies?

This is the case only on 4.14.y kernel ... on 4.9.y (current NEXT) this is not needed. I will update images and add Stretch and Bionic images to the download section.

23 hours ago, Igor said:

This is the case only on 4.14.y kernel ... on 4.9.y (current NEXT) this is not needed. I will update images and add Stretch and Bionic images to the download section.

Ok, was about to write it's also not visible for me on 4.9. Alright, so I stay at 4.9. and wait until I get 4.14 with apt upgrade.

Good thing we always get spoiled by you guys with optimized configurations for everything by default, also when installing OMV via armbian-config :lol:

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